Configuration :: Display Of Data-driven Elements Of A Website Corrupt?

Mar 26, 2010

I have a website using .Net framework 2 on a dedicated server who's display periodically corrupts - typically after heavy traffic numbers to the server. I can correct the problem simply by uploading a batch of user-controls to the server, or recycling the memory pool.

Has anyone else seen this type of effect before, where the display of data-driven elements of a website corrupt?

Corrupt image first.

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To learn ASP.NET MVC, I am thinking of creating a community forum like SO where people can rate posts, users etc. and the user can thereby gain points. I just can't figure out if the points should be added to the user profile whenever an action is done (post rated up/down, user created new post etc.) or if it should be calculated from the different activities the user has done.

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Configuration :: Website Can't Display Page?

Jul 11, 2010

I was trying to get a webservice to display the content of a table, but keep getting HTTP 500 message. Here is my code: (The code builds OK, the problem comes when I Invoke the webservice)

DataSet ServiceRequestStatus()
int? customerid =
string username
= User.Identity.Name;
GOBdataContext dc =
dc.GetCustomerID(username,ref customerid); //Stored Procedure
if(customerid == null) {
Exception("Error: Invalid username!");
var servicerequest = from cust
in dc.ServiceRequestMasters
where cust.CustomerID == customerid
select cust;
return (DataSet)servicerequest;

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How can I import the existing wen site into Visual Studio and recreate the development enviroment.

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Mar 25, 2011

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C# - Nesting Configuration Elements In Web.config?

Feb 26, 2010

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<pagegroup name="outer_group">
<page name="page1" url="page1.htm" />
<page name="page2" url="page2.htm" />
<pagegroup name="middle_group">
<page name="page3" url="page3.htm" />
<pagegroup name="inner_group">
...and so on...

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When I print



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Is there a way I can hide all these elements (they are DetailsViews and GridViews, plus the MultiView and Menu) if the SQLDataSource is blank? So if the search returned nor esults, or no query has been executed yet.

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Aug 27, 2010

I'm using an autocomplete contol of ajax toolkit. Yesterday a user found that it had stopped working (it wasn't generating the list as you type letters in the textbox). After hours of troubleshooting, I found that in web.config <httpHandlers>, this line

<remove verb="*" path="*.asmx" /> was placed after the <add> line like this:
<add verb="*" path="*.asmx" validate="false" type="System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptHandlerFactory, System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35"/>

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How do I prevent that from happening?

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Is there a way to write the code inline, so when the page loads the timer intervals dont reload the page?

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Oct 1, 2010

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Data Driven Web Application Using MVC

Nov 25, 2010

Sample web application code where content(like forms) is generated based on user role like admin,priority1 user,priority2 user.

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Load Dynamic List Of Elements AFTER FINISHED Loading Of Several Form Elements?

Mar 1, 2010

I have...a dynamic populated select box several input boxes a submit button form fields are loaded initially using cookies several dynamic populated divs

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Sample code:


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HttpHandlers / Modules :: Download Files Are Corrupt

Dec 20, 2010

IE and Firefox (but not Chrome and Opera) not downloading the whole installer sometimes. File should be about 10 MB but is about 5-7 MB after download.I had written source code to download file as diffrent name than name in filesystem which may be the source of trouble. This is my code:


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How To Make A Data Driven Web Application

May 24, 2010

So, after all and after all these projects that have been done. What is the best way and I should consider as standard in the furute to start any further ASP.NET Projects that are database driven.

I have done many using

1. Store procedures and classes

2. One class to handle all the add,delete,update ...etc functions


4. Using sql statements directly on the code (I know not recommended, it was my first project) :))

..and so on

What method you recommend in the future that will save me code and errors and optimize my application speed as well.

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Display Data In Website On Basis Of Other Website Data?

Jul 27, 2010

I have been asigned task of creating website which display data in Website on basis of other Website's data.

For e.g. I need to display BSE Sensex data from its website into my customized website.

I searched online and found that by HttpWebRequest and HTTPWebResponse it is possible but not upto level which I need.

I just want some particular pieces of data from tables and much more. And then I need to display those data in website.

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