Configuration->Security Page Fails To Create AspnetDB.MDF In App_Data Folder On Windows 7

Feb 12, 2010

I am having problems getting the security.aspx to load up on my primary development computer which is using Windows 7 Ultimate and Windows IE 8. Clicking on the ASP.NET Configuration icon from the IDE in the Solution Explorer within Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition loads up default.aspx with no problem. But when I click on the "Security" hyperlink to access "security.aspx" I get a message along the lines of "The configured SQL data source provider is not properly configured". It goes on to state a list of potential reasons for this problem. One that includes not having the proper credentials or permissions. Im almost 100% sure it has something to do with permissions because I can't even get to the "security.aspx" page from opening a new empty project. I have recently installed Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition on my laptop which is running Vista with all latest updates and this issue does "not" exists. I can click the "ASP.NET" icon, load up "default.aspx" and click "Security" and it loads the page with absolutely no issues.

I have discovered a weird workaround but I don't like having to do this. If I add the following lines to my "web.config" file from any given project I can get to the "security.aspx" page without getting any SQL messages about improper configuration or permissions.

<<remove "LocalSqlServer">
source=.SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=SSPI;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|aspnetdb.mdf;User Instance=true"

Basically, what I have to do to get to the security page to load without error is add a remove statement and then I just cut'n'paste almost the exact same connectionString from machine.config in the Microsoft.netFrameWorkV2.0.5027config directory. This does away with the "Improperly configured SQL datasource message" and gets me a new error message along the lines of "Could not create a SQL instance". My memory is fuzzy on exact error messages since Im not at development computer right now. However, when I change the User Instance attribute from true to false, then I have success at last.

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