Configuration :: How To Move To The Testbox From Project Build

Mar 10, 2010

I have created a service project in VS 2005 that is ready for test. What files do I need to move to the test box from my project build?

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Configuration :: Move Project To Test Server?

May 3, 2010

I have moved my entire project to my test server, everything went as planned with the exception of a couple of items. The main one that I'm having troubles with deals with subfolders of the website. On my local computer I created a my project then I created a sub folder, Secure, so that I can work with the security on the sub folder via ASP.NET configuration. I wanted only certain users to be able to access the folder, which works on my local computer, but when I try to navigate to it on my test server, I get a 404 error. I create two Roles on my local computer, but don't know if I'm able to make those roles on my test server. Is there a way to make those roles so that the security that I have on the sub folder will allow them to be displayed. Not certain why I get a 404 error.

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Build And Deploy .net Mvc Project Using TFS Configuration?

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I need to build and deploy my mvc project using TFS Configuration

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I need to know how to add a post build event to a Web Deployment Project.

How can it be done?

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Configuration :: Parameter ConfigFileBaseName Is Invalid When Trying To Build A Project

Sep 6, 2010

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Configuration :: Project Build On Web Server / Parse Error : Could Not Load Type 'Namespace.PageName'

Mar 17, 2010

I have an ASP.NET 3.5 website application using C# and SQL 2005 running on a web server. Now the application has the ability to create new aspx pages with content and the relative aspx.cs and design.cs pages needed on the fly and store them in the base directory on the server. Think of it as a crued Visual Studio website on the server for admin to click a few options on a page then the new pages are created for them without the need of a web developer. This all works fine and the code is working 100% (for the moment).

My problem now is the following: When i now navigate to this newly created page i get the following error - Parse Error : Could not load type 'Namespace.PageName'

I've looked into the reasoning and microsoft say "These errors occur if the .aspx page contains a reference to a code-behind module and if the application has not been built." Which now makes sense the application does not realise that these new pages are part of its system even though i can navigate to them.How do i get the system to recognise these new pages and rebuild itself accordingly?Now i cannot rebuild the system localy then reupload to the server, this needs to be accomplished on the server by the system, because the site cannot afford to have down time everytime admin decide to add new pages.

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How To Move An UI Testing For A Website Project To A Web Application Project

Oct 6, 2010

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C# - Move To Mvc From Existing Project?

Feb 3, 2011

I have used .net framework 4.0 to design my web project I want to improve some features on my web site and I decided to use MVC in my project.

I research about mvc I found out System.Web.Routing in .net framework 3.5 is wrapped by System.Web in .net framework 4.0.

In the other side in my host environment I have IIS 7.0 with all necessarily handlers mapped to .aspx and some other extension like .cshtml and support them.

So I think I have all thing for mvc migration. my question is :

Is it possible to move mvc by configure web.config and make some structure for content, view and controller classes but don't change any pages and configuration like appcode and appdata which I had before in my application.

Note, I don't want to change or update my old application to mvc I want to add some mvc controllers class and view to my existing project to use mvc functionality.

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MVC :: Move Controllers/Models Into A New Project/Assembly?

Oct 6, 2010

I have to admit first, that for the last few years, I've been mostly an MVP guy versus MVC. However, how I used to implement MVP is very similar to how MVC 2 is now implemented. I only have one issue with it...When I used to create MVP apps, I could put all my logic (presenters, models) into separate assemblies/projects in the solution and my views into the main web app. This allows me to change the UI (i.e. the web based UI) to something else like a smart client or Silverlight or whatever and still have everything just work. With MVC 2, everything is all in the same project: controllers, views, models. Areas looked like a good start, but ultimately, not what I was looking for.So, here's my question... How do I move the controllers and models out of the web project and into their own projects and still have everything work? A good, simple example would be the default MVC 2 web application template. When you open a new (non-empty) MVC web application, it creates a basic site for you. From there, how could I move the controllers and models in separate projects and still have everything just work? I can't seem to find anything on this anywhere else which has brought me here

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Configuration :: Making Publishing Profiles Dependent On Build Configuration Or Vice Versa?

Mar 10, 2011

Is there any way that I can make it so that to use a "Production" publish profile, it would require that the build configuration was set to Release?

I believe you're supposed to be able to customize the profiles with add-ons or something...?

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A Project Build But Not Compile?

Jan 3, 2010

I've noticed that my project builds successfully when I hit F6.But when I run it with F5 the compilation errors in my C# surface.Why is this?Is it because the JIT compilation happens when I debug with F5 but not when I build with F6?

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Converting Web Forms To MVC Project Makes Build Fail

Aug 30, 2010

We are migrating a project from classic Asp.Net web forms to Asp.Net MVC. I have followed the fours steps outlined here [URL] and all is working well. Now I want to get Visual Studio to include MVC item templates in the "add new item" dialog. So I add {F85E285D-A4E0-4152-9332-AB1D724D3325}; to the <projecttypeguids> element in the csproj file. So this succeeds in adding MVC support to the Visual Studio "add new item" dialog, but now the build fails. And it fails in the strangest way. The three projects that make up the solution each complete with "build succeeded" but the process ends with a message

Build: 2 succeeded or up-to-date, 1 failed, 0 skipped

I am able to F5 debug, but I am not able to publish. We are using Visual Studio 2008 SP1 and migrating to MVC 2.0. Anyone have any ideas why the build is failing after adding this project type guid?

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Visual Studio 2008 - Launch Asp.Net Project After Build

Mar 5, 2010

When working with an ASP.Net application, when I rebuild the solution, I would like it to automatically refresh the current version thats running through the integrated server in the browser.

I have looked through post build commands and afterbuild targeting but I have not been successful so far. I would like to do this straight through VS2008 if possible without needing to install anything extra, put if thats not possible then any solution would do!

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C# - Post Build Copy Config File To Another Project?

Feb 13, 2010

I have a solution which contains a website and various class libraries. The exists on the file system like so:

C:Projects MyWebsitedevMyWebsite.sln

I want to move the App.config file from MyClassLibrary1 project to the bin of the MyClassLibrary2. I want to do this on post build in VS or MSBuild using relative paths if possible. This way anybody checking out the projects will not have to modify any paths if they choose to locate the project in a different location.

I have already tried the following approaches but to no avail.

copy /Y "$(ProjectDir)App.config"
$(ProjectDir).. MyClassLibrary2$(OutDir) MyClassLibrary2.dll.config"

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Configuration :: How To Deploy Project And Web Services Project And Make Them Communicating

Mar 21, 2010

I have created 2 projects in a solution. One project contains classes with login page and different other pages.

Another project contains a web service.

When I launch the solution(click F6 in visual studio 2008) the login page can access to the method of the webservice. Both projects are launched.

However when i added this 2 projects into IIS and deploy them (with create command) the login page cannot contact the method of the web service. Even though the web service is running because i can acces it manually. But they cannot communicate each other.

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Visual Studio :: How To Build A Web Application Project From Command Line

Jul 7, 2010

How do I build a web application project from command line using Web Developer Express 2010?

I am using the same command format that I would use with devenv.exe (Visual Studio), so I can evaluate us moving forward to VS2010. However, I am having real trouble building our code. Our solution consists of 4-5 projects, consisting of assemblies. The last assembly is the web site code. The root .sln file is the one which when opening in the IDE can click Rebuild All, and the DLL's of each project are generated and then brought into the website project.

However, when I run vwdexpress.exe from the command line nothing happens and no Dlls are generated. This is not giving me any confidence to run with VS2010.

the command line is like so:

C:inetpubwwwrootmyprojectvwdexpress /build release mysolution.sln

The in folders of each respective project are empty, but it takes 3-4 seconds for the command to finish, which gives me the impression it did something.

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How To Select All Text With Command Testbox.SelectAll()

Mar 1, 2011

In regular old visual c#, if I wanted to select all the text in a text box I would use testbox.SelectAll(); (or something like that, can't remember if that's the right method name).

In asp I can use focus() to put the typing cursor in the check box, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to select everything in the box so that the user doesn't have to highlight it to start over.

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Configuration :: How To Move A Secure Application To A Production Server

Jul 20, 2010

I am rather new to but I have built a couple of apps that do not require users to login. am having some problems moving my secure .net application from my laptop to a production server, however, and I am hoping someone can help me. On my laptop my application's user authentication functions as it should, but when I move my application to a webserver I get an assortment of errors. Forgive me if these questions are a little basic. My first question is this. In a production environment do I move the ASPNETDB.MDF file in the App_Data folder to my SQL server? Is it OK to rename it to something more descriptive?

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Configuration :: Move Code To Server - Login Failed

Jan 19, 2011

I have a Asp Application built in VS 2010, it works prefectly on my box , when I moved the code to the dev server, it gives error on a particual web page saying cannot open the database requested by the login, login failed, the other web pages in the application are also suing the same database and they are loading perfectly.

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Web Forms :: Onclick And Lost Focus Event For Testbox?

Mar 8, 2011

i put a default value to a text box and as soon as some one clicked on the text box the value dissappers and the the user can type in his on value

and if for some reason the user did not add any value in to it and when the text box looses focus the old value has to come back

I know there is no on click event and it has to be server side because i have to do some checking to do

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Configuration :: Move A Local Development Database To The Production Server?

Jul 28, 2010

Problem: I need to move a local development database to the production server without any of the test data.

I am running SQL Server Express 2008 and SQL Server Management Studio 2008.

To create my ASP.NET Membership 2.0 system I created the DB initialy and ran aspnet_regsql.exe

I then added my own tables manually to store additional information.

I adjusted the web.config file with an application name.

When I ran a sript the application ID name was created and populated in the aspnet_Applications table. My script created a new member created and added to the admin role. Ok so everything go so far.

Now I want to move the local DB to the server. I know the connection string and can change this in the web.config.

My hosting company doesn't provide restore, so I don't think I can backup and restore

Q 1. What would be the best way to move the database across. Bearing in mind I need to clean the database out of test data.

Would it be just generate an SQL Script for the database and run it as a query on the server? And if this is the best way then do I need to set the permissions for the ASPNET user?

Q 2. What is the best way to clear out the data in the local database.?

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamic Create Testbox In Gridview

May 20, 2010

I have a gridview with data. Now I need to create the textbox in gridview on the click event of outside button from gridview. Its working. but in gridview Edit button is not working.

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Configuration :: How To Build The Aplication In Apache

Mar 17, 2010

how can build the aplication in apache?, I upload all the file but appear this error:

Index of /
Apache/2.2.14 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.14 OpenSSL/0.9.8e-fips-rhel5 mod_auth_passthrough/2.1 mod_bwlimited/1.4 FrontPage/ Server at Port 80

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Configuration :: Run/build A Basic With As Code Behind?

Mar 8, 2011

i am trying to run/build a basic with as code behind. I am assuming the code behind for global.asax will be called Global.asax.vb

here is what i have for global.asax

<%@ Application Codebehind="Global.cs"

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C# - How To Get The Current Project Directory Or The Bin Directory And Move A Few Level Up

May 24, 2010

I have an ASP.Net MVC app, and i have some xsl files inside of the Content directory.I've try a few methods to get directory dynamically buy keep on coming short.So how do i get the directory to point to the Content/xsl folder?the closest that i came to was with this:this.GetType().Assembly.CodeBase

which only returns the project DLL, but i can't figure out how to move up a few levels from there or what .net library to use to navigate around the path.there's no ../.. :(Basically i want to navigate to the Content/xsl folder which is at the same level of the Bin directory.

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