Configuration :: Setup Debug And Release Builds On The Same IIS?
May 29, 2010
I'm on Windows Server 2008 with IIS 7.5 I have set up two web applications on the web site; one for the debug-build and one for the release-build for our system. I have not been able to figure out how to setup the two web applications so that they do not share the same native module.
When I access the debug-application (http://dev1/debug) it loads "G:workspaces ewreposdebuginRXWeb.dll" and the site works fine. However, when I access the relase-application (http://dev1/release) it also loads the "G:workspacesewreposdebuginRXWeb.dll" which is not want I want. I want it to load the "G:workspacesewreposeleaseinRXWeb.dll". Apart from that the relase-application works fine, loading for example its own database, javascript-files, images and so on.
I have tried many different configuration but obviously there is something I do not understand.
These are the changes I have made to applicationHost.config:
Under the section <globalModules> the following to rows are added at the end:
<add name="RXDebug" image="g:workspaces
ewreposdebuginRXWeb.dll" />
<add name="RXRelease" image="g:workspaces
eleaseinRXWeb.dll" />
The web.config for the debug-application looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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This question looked promising but seems to be answering what's the difference between debug and release builds rather than release mode and debug="true":
However it does link to this article:
"This new compilation model makes the Configuration Manager for a web site obsolete. The only option appearing in a Visual Studio 2005 web site "project" is a Debug configuration. Don't fret - it means nothing. The web.config file now rules the school."
Now that is the closest I've had to an answer and it does seem to imply that release mode has been depreciated in favor of debug="false" but I can't find any confirmation of this on MSDN or any other source.
clarify this is a "Web Application Project" I am referring to.
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<compilation defaultLanguage="c#" debug="false">
What effect (if any) does release and debug mode compile have?
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Mar 19, 2010
I am working on an ASP.NET web app using Visual Studio 2008 and a third-party library.
Things are fine in my development environment. Things are also good if the web app is deployed in Debug configuration. However, when it is deployed in Release mode, SerializationExceptions appear intermittently, breaking other functionality.
In the Windows event log, the following error can be seen:
"An unhandled exception occurred and the process was terminated.
Application ID: DefaultDomain
Process ID: 3972
Exception: System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException
Message: Unable to find assembly 'MyThirdPartyLibrary, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3d67ed1f87d44c89'.
StackTrace: at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryAssemblyInfo.GetAssembly()
at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectReader.GetType(BinaryAssemblyInfo assemblyInfo, String name)
at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectMap..ctor(String objectName, String[] memberNames, BinaryTypeEnum[] binaryTypeEnumA, Object[] typeInformationA, Int32[] memberAssemIds, ObjectReader objectReader, Int32 objectId, BinaryAssemblyInfo assemblyInfo,
SizedArray assemIdToAssemblyTable)
Using FUSLOGVW.exe (i.e., Assembly Binding Log Viewer), I can see the problem is that IIS attempts to find MyThirdPartyLibrary in directory C:windowssystem32inetsrv. It seemingly refuses to look in the bin folder of the web app, where the DLL is actually located.
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2. Why is .pdb needed in release mode.
3. how can i remove .pdb files in release mode.
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Set ScriptMode="Debug"
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[ClientScriptResource("AjaxControlToolkit.HTMLEditor.EditPanel", "AjaxControlToolkit.HTMLEditor.EditPanel.js")]
[ClientScriptResource("AjaxControlToolkit.HTMLEditor.EditPanel", "AjaxControlToolkit.HTMLEditor.EditPanel.debug.js")]
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