Controls :: Disable AutoFilter Option And Formatting Numbers To Text When Export Excel Using OpenXml?

Dec 23, 2015

I was using this UR [URL] for exporting the data to excel. Can I do the following two things while exporting:

1) I want to remove the autofilter options, which are displaying now when you open the excel workbook soon after exporting finishes.

2) Some of the columns which are numerics, are formatted to text by default, and it is displaying a small green rectangular icon at the left top corner of each cell which is very disturbing while viewing the sheet.

Is it possible to fix both the above options.

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Data Controls :: Export Multiple GridView To Multiple Excel Sheets With Formatting Using OpenXml

Mar 26, 2016

i have a page having 12 gridviews which cell background color depend on another cell the requirement of my project is download to these 12 gridviews in single excel file in multiple sheets like gridview 1 in sheet1 gridview2 in sheet2 likewise,,,,,,,,,,,i have seen your article on downloading multiple gridviews on same page but i want in above mention format........

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How To Disable Export MS Excel Option On Right Click In Browser Using Javascript

Jun 14, 2010

Is there any javascript to disable "export to microsoft excel option" on right click in browser. though it can be done using web.config

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C# - Numbers Are Converted As Text When Export Dataset To Excel

Jul 8, 2010

Iam exporting dataset to excel , the numbers on the sheet shown as text when export it to excel. Here is the code:

public class Excel
const int rowLimit = 65000;
private static string getWorkbookTemplate()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(818);
sb.AppendFormat(@"<?xml version=""1.0""?>{0}", Environment.NewLine);
sb.AppendFormat(@"<?mso-application progid=""Excel.Sheet""?>{0}", Environment.NewLine);
sb.AppendFormat(@"<Workbook xmlns=""urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet""{0}", Environment.NewLine);
sb.AppendFormat(@" xmlns:o=""urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office""{0}", Environment.NewLine);
sb.AppendFormat(@" xmlns:x=""urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel""{0}", Environment.NewLine);
sb.AppendFormat(@" xmlns:ss=""urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet""{0}", Environment.NewLine);
sb.AppendFormat(@" xmlns:html=""[URL]
sb.AppendFormat(@" <Styles>{0}", Environment.NewLine);
sb.AppendFormat(@" <Style ss:ID=""Default"" ss:Name=""Normal"">{0}", Environment.NewLine);
sb.AppendFormat(@" <Alignment ss:Vertical=""Bottom""/>{0}", Environment.NewLine);
sb.AppendFormat(@" <Borders/>{0}", Environment.NewLine);
sb.AppendFormat(@" <Font ss:FontName=""Verdana"" x:Family=""Swiss"" ss:Size=""12"" ss:Color=""#0000A0""/>{0}", Environment.NewLine);
sb.AppendFormat(@" <Interior/>{0}", Environment.NewLine);
sb.AppendFormat(@" <NumberFormat/>{0}", Environment.NewLine);
sb.AppendFormat(@" <Protection/>{0}", Environment.NewLine);
sb.AppendFormat(@" </Style>{0}", Environment.NewLine);
sb.AppendFormat(@" <Style ss:ID=""s62"">{0}", Environment.NewLine);
sb.AppendFormat(@" <Font ss:FontName=""Calibri"" x:Family=""Swiss"" ss:Size=""11"" ss:Color=""#000000""{0}", Environment.NewLine);
sb.AppendFormat(@" ss:Bold=""1""/>{0}", Environment.NewLine);
sb.AppendFormat(@" </Style>{0}", Environment.NewLine);
sb.AppendFormat(@" <Style ss:ID=""s63"">{0}", Environment.NewLine);
sb.AppendFormat(@" <NumberFormat ss:Format=""Short Date""/>{0}", Environment.NewLine);
sb.AppendFormat(@" </Style>{0}", Environment.NewLine);
sb.AppendFormat(@" </Styles>{0}", Environment.NewLine);
return sb.ToString();
private static string replaceXmlChar(string input)
input = input.Replace("&", "&");
input = input.Replace("<", "<");
input = input.Replace(">", ">");
input = input.Replace(""", """);
input = input.Replace("'", "&apos;");
return input;
private static string getCell(Type type, object cellData)
Object data = (cellData is DBNull) ? "" : cellData;
if (type.Name.Contains("Int") || type.Name.Contains("Double") || type.Name.Contains("Decimal")) return string.Format("<Cell><Data ss:Type="Number">{0}</Data></Cell>", data);
if (type.Name.Contains("Date") && data.ToString() != string.Empty)
return string.Format("<Cell ss:StyleID="s63"><Data ss:Type="DateTime">{0}</Data></Cell>", Convert.ToDateTime(data).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
return string.Format("<Cell><Data ss:Type="String">{0}</Data></Cell>", replaceXmlChar(data.ToString()));
private static string getWorksheets(DataSet source)
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
if (source == null || source.Tables.Count == 0)
sw.Write("<Worksheet ss:Name="Sheet1">
<Row><Cell><Data ss:Type="String"></Data></Cell></Row>
return sw.ToString();
foreach (DataTable dt in source.Tables)
if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
sw.Write("<Worksheet ss:Name="" + replaceXmlChar(dt.TableName) + "">
<Row><Cell ss:StyleID="s62"><Data ss:Type="String"></Data></Cell></Row>
//write each row data
int sheetCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
if ((i % rowLimit) == 0)
//add close tags for previous sheet of the same data table
if ((i / rowLimit) > sheetCount)
sheetCount = (i / rowLimit);
<Worksheet ss:Name="" + replaceXmlChar(dt.TableName) +
(((i / rowLimit) == 0) ? "" : Convert.ToString(i / rowLimit)) + "">
//write column name row
foreach (DataColumn dc in dt.Columns)
sw.Write(string.Format("<Cell ss:StyleID="s62"><Data ss:Type="String">{0}</Data></Cell>", replaceXmlChar(dc.ColumnName)));
foreach (DataColumn dc in dt.Columns)
sw.Write(getCell(dc.DataType, dt.Rows[i][dc.ColumnName]));
return sw.ToString();
public static string GetExcelXml(DataTable dtInput, string filename)
string excelTemplate = getWorkbookTemplate();
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
string worksheets = getWorksheets(ds);
string excelXml = string.Format(excelTemplate, worksheets);
return excelXml;
public static string GetExcelXml(DataSet dsInput, string filename)
string excelTemplate = getWorkbookTemplate();
string worksheets = getWorksheets(dsInput);
string excelXml = string.Format(excelTemplate, worksheets);
return excelXml;
public static void ToExcel(DataSet dsInput, string filename, HttpResponse response)
string excelXml = GetExcelXml(dsInput, filename);
response.AppendHeader("Content-Type", "application/");
response.AppendHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + filename);
public static void ToExcel(DataTable dtInput, string filename, HttpResponse response)
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
ToExcel(ds, filename, response);

View 1 Replies

Data Controls :: Export Single DataTable To Multiple Excel Sheets Using OpenXml?

May 7, 2015

I have 25 collumn, i want export 20 collumn to sheet 1 and 5 collumn to sheet 2.

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Data Controls :: Export Multi-Level Nested GridView To Excel Using OpenXML

May 7, 2015

I have a problem with exporting three gridviews (main and nested gridview and sub nested gridview) to Excel fromat using ClosedXML (XLWorkbook). I read tutorial on aspsnippets and it works fine for main gridview. i refered in link [URL] ....

But its only for two gridview but i need three nested gridviews export to excel ....

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if (!IsPostBack) {
gvCustomers.DataSource = GetData("select top 10 * from Customers");

[Code] .....

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview - Export To Excel And Formatting Excel From Right To Left

Jun 10, 2010

How can I export data from a Gridview to excel and once exported the data should be formatted in right to left (arabic) manner. How can I achieve this?

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Data Controls :: Export Data To Excel With Report Header Using OpenXml

Oct 21, 2015

URL...How to put report Heading before report is generated?

<b>Employee Report</b>
Report Date:<current date>
Generated by: <login user name>

View 1 Replies

Data Controls :: Prevent Default Formatting On Numbers When Exporting GridView To Excel File

Feb 1, 2013

I my exporting data through dataset to excel. But one column say awb no having datatype nvarchar contains long int no say : 123456789012345.

Then instead of displaying this no in numeric format(123456789012345) it is displaying in exponent form(1.23457E+19).

Is there any way to stop this i want data in numeric format (like this 123456789012345).

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Forms Data Controls :: Export 2 Gridview To 2 Worksheets In Single Excel With Formatting?

Jun 16, 2010

want to export 2 gridviews to 2 worksheets in single excel file. and also don't want to use any other dll or utility or Interop assemblies.

View 7 Replies

Export Data To Excel With Formatting?

Jan 25, 2010

I'm using ASP.NET VB. I've to export my data (which is in dataset) into excel. Most important thing is I've to put a Report heading on Excel file with font formating like Bold, font size, I've to make bold a headings of columns and have to change the font of complete report.

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Data Controls :: GridView Export To Excel - Round Decimal Numbers To Two Decimal Places

May 7, 2015

I was read your post: "Export GridView to Excel in ASP.Net with Formatting using C#" and is very useful. That code works perfect. But I need create a new format for a specific column in my sheet before to export it. For example:My DataTable have a column with decimal numbers and I'm trying reduce the tenths for each number.I want this: 2,874444 ----> 2,87 for a specific range. In this case I need it for all numbers in the column 13 or well said for the Column called N in Excel. Only reduce two tenths.

I used:

xlWorkSheet.Range["N"+h,"N"+h].NumberFormat = "0.00";

And no works (h is for rows, N is the column. Into a foreach).

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Generated Excel Spreadsheet: Numbers Received As Text?

Jan 5, 2011

I am generating, using a ASP routine, Visual Basic, a HTML table in a file to be read by MS Excel.

After Excel reads the file, some of the numbers (in some cells) are shown as "text", not numbers: they cannot be operated upon, like decimal numbers. (added, subtracted...)

If I click in a "number" stored as "text" cell, I can "edit" the cell and remove an invisible "apostrofe" to the left of the number; after that, the "text" becomes "number" again.

Seems like Excel is inserting a non-visible character before the number, so that it is stored as "text"

It happens to some lines and not to others...

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Crystal Reports :: Give The Manul Expot Option For Export The Crystal Report To Excel?

Sep 8, 2010

I want to give the manul expot option for export the crystal report to excel .

View 1 Replies

Controls :: Add Update Text In Template Word Document Using OpenXml

May 7, 2015

I try with write to template file word but dont write in file. 

public void createdoc1() {
var oWordApplication = new Application();
object missing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
//object fileName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DocxPath"];@"C:DocXExample.docx";
string fileName = @"D:120";
object newTemplate = false;
object docType = 0;
object isVisible = true;


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Web Forms :: Exporting Excel File Using DocumentFormat.OpenXml?

Mar 18, 2010

I have created an Excel 2007 spreadsheet using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet. This file is supposed to be used as an attachment to an email message. However, I get errors when opening it stating that this file cannot be opened by using Microsoft Excel. "Do you want to search... online..?" I want to save this file in Excel 2003 format so I won't get that message. What do I do? I don't want users having trouble reading the attached Excel doc.

View 8 Replies

Data Controls :: Export GridView To Excel And Save Excel File To Folder?

Apr 6, 2014

i use this code to export data into word.

Protected Sub Export(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn_printexcel.Click
Response.Buffer = True


but the export docs will be downloaded into the user computer.

what should i do so that the exported docs is save into the server?

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Forms Data Controls :: Export Datagrid To Excel Without Excel Component?

Sep 22, 2010

We have the requirement to export the data from the grid excel. We can't install the Excel on the server. The excel generated need to be in the printable format. The excel generated needs to have custom headers, footers, repeatble rows, columns and landscape / portrait orientation style.

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Forms Data Controls :: Export Gridview To Ms Excel - Set Excel Page Orientation As Landscape

Jan 22, 2010

I am exporting a gridview in MS Excel as mentioned in the following link:


I want to set orientation of excel pages as landscape. Is there any way to do that? Any header information to be added for file being exported to set orientation of pages as landscape?

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Forms Data Controls :: Export To Excel - Desing And Build Big Html Table Into Excel?

Feb 25, 2011

i have table something like this on click of export to excel i need to save that or export that to excel file .can u plz help me how i can do more thing how i can desing and build that big html table into excel is there any simple way i can do the same

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Web Forms :: Looking For An Option To Print A Page With All The Formatting?

Sep 7, 2010

I'm looking for an option to print a web page along with all the formatting of the page, like background color, images etc.. The regular javascript window.print() does print only the text in the page and the formatting is missing. - either in javascript or C#.

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Forms Data Controls :: Disable Edit Option In Gridview?

Feb 1, 2011

I want to disable the edit option if the value binded to that coulmn is 0.

Else it should allow user to edit.

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Forms Data Controls :: Remove Formatting From Gridview Before Exporting To Excel?

Jun 22, 2010

I finally managed to export a gridview to an excel sheet.

Next, how can I remove the column width and alternatingrowstyle color (or all formatting if it is easier) "programatically" before exporting it to excel?

Demonstration of what I am trying to accomplish:


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Forms Data Controls :: Export Data To Excel And Set Excel File Column Format?

Sep 1, 2010

i have try to export data to excel using gridview.

I have export it successfully but some data is missing which is due to the column format in the exported excel file is not TEXT .


I need to set the exported excel file column format to TEXT but find no solution on this.

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When Export Grid View Export In Excel It That String Shows In Single Line?

Jul 24, 2010

i have in grid view that grid view have very long string. when i export grid view export in excel it that string shows in single line

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