Controls :: Export RDLC Report (ReportViewer) To PDF Directly From Code Behind?

Nov 25, 2013

how to export the report viewer in pdf and word with out preview.

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Controls :: How To Disable (hide) Specific Export Button From RDLC ReportViewer

May 7, 2015

disable excel export in Reportviewer(rdlc) dropdown menu is page using vb code

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Controls :: Export RDLC Report To PDF And Send As Email Attachment

Nov 22, 2015

I have created a rdlc report in webapplication and i want to send it through email as a pdf or a doc or image what is the procedure for it. 

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SQL Reporting :: Multiple Rdlc Report In One Reportviewer

Sep 8, 2010

I have multiple reports that take the same parameters. Need to create a master report with all the reports merged together. I dont want to copy paste the rdlc files into one large file. found a control by Telerik called ReportBook but it costs money!! [URL] anyone knows something similar? or am i missing something very obvious? using visual studio 2005... will subreports solve my problem? not sure how these work. so say i have a report that lists employers and i create a subreport that lists all employees for a particular empoyer. is it then possible on one rdlc to have the list of employers and a bunch of subreports for each employer's employees?

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SQL Reporting :: PDF Or Print A .rdlc Report Without A Reportviewer

May 6, 2010

I hope that I am posting this in the correct forum and its not a duplicate...

I have the following code that from a click of a button will create a PDF of a .rdlc report. It works great but I have to have a reportviewer setup on the page in order for it to work.

Is there anyway via VB code to PDF the report without having to incorporate a reportviewer on the screen? What happens if I have a report with more than 1 tableadapter configured in it?

Also, how can the code be set to Print the report without a reportviewer?


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How To Use Only One DataSet For The RDLC Report Designer As Well As For The ReportViewer

Jun 28, 2010

When designing an rdlc report using the VS 2010 report designer, report items such as charts demand a dataset. After designing the report, I add a ReportViewer to a webform, and it demands all of its own datasources. How do I hook up the DataSet I have coupled to the report without duplicating the DAL functionality in the viewer page?

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SQL Reporting :: Bind The Dataset And Report Rdlc In The Reportviewer?

Aug 19, 2010

i create a dataset on the form load which contain the reportviewer, i'm doing like this but it did not work : ....

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Crystal Reports :: Add Image To RDLC (ReportViewer) Report Using Parameter

Nov 30, 2013

Binding the image as the report paramater in rdlc. I am using report viewer.

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SQL Reporting :: Error While Creating And Binding Rdlc Report With Reportviewer And Dataset.xsd

Jan 13, 2011

I have tried with the same code as per the link


Attaching dataset (data) to the reportviewer (report) dynamically at run time:


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Web Forms :: Generate Dynamic RDLC Report With Statistical Chart Using ReportViewer

Jul 23, 2012

I need to generate a report by comparing two values in rdlc in

I am having a product with the price Rs 150 in 2010.

In 2011, the product price rises to Rs 200

In 2012, it decrease to Rs. 100

I need to show this in chart.

It should display as Waves.

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SQL Reporting :: How To Export RDLC Report To Excel 2007

Mar 24, 2011

I have designed a report in RDLC. I am using Visual Studio 2008 and C#. Below is my code to export the report in excel. It always export the report to xls format which is Excel 2003. Excel 2003 has limited rows upto 65000. When i get rows more than 65000 for example 90000 then the export fails. Excel 2007 has power to handle more than 1000000 rows. I want to export the RDLC report to Excel 2007 to overcome the issue. how by modifying the following code i can export the report to Excel 2007.

byte[] bytes = null;
bytes = viewer.LocalReport.Render("Excel", null, out mimeType, out encoding, out extension, out streamIds, out warnings);
Response.Buffer = true;
Response.ContentType = mimeType;
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=Rendered Services." + extension);

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Web Forms :: Allow Export Report From Reportviewer 2008 To Word?

Jan 8, 2010

i'm trying to ad custom codes to allow export report from reportviewer 2008 to word since reportviewer 2008 doesn't support export to word


i tend to get the error System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. at this line of code

buffer = rv_att.LocalReport.Render("HTML4.0", Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)

View 5 Replies

SQL Reporting :: Disable Export Options On ReportViewer Using A Server Report

Nov 19, 2010

Is it possible to disable export options on a server report in the ReportViewer control without changing the reportserver.config file?

I have the code to change a Local Report but not a Server Report. We have a group of reports we only want to be able to export to PDF and TIFF while the other server reports should be exportable in all formats.

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SQL Reporting :: Using ReportViewer.LocalReport.Render() Method To Export Single Report Multiple Times?

Oct 21, 2010

I'm using the ReportViewer control on my .aspx page which displays a single report based on various user parameter selections. Dropdown2 is dependent on the DropDown1 selection (i.e. the user selects Unit A from DropDown1 and that results in 10 selections under Dropdown2, or the user selects Unit B from DropDown1 and that results in 15 selections under DropDown2, and so on). The user makes the selections, clicks the "Run Report" button, and the report displays as expected. The user then can export to Excel or PDF

I've received a request to allow users to run the report for all possible selections and export to their desired format rather than having to run the report for each separate DropDown1 and DropDown2 selection. So in other words, they don't even want to see the report on the screen, they just want to be able to click a button that runs the report for all possible parameter selections and export it to a single Excel or PDF document.

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Crystal Reports :: How To Export The Crystal Report To PDF Directly

Aug 3, 2010

I am developing web application using csharp on visual studio 2008.I am able to generate reports, but I want just to export or generate reports in pdf only. How can I achieve this? The code I am using is below. But it is not working.


The code for report


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SQL Reporting :: Custom Code For Rdlc Report?

Feb 4, 2011

In my report I want to display the dollar amoumt in textboxs.

So I set the textbox property Format as currency.

My question is that I want to reports show brackets for negative dollar values. Ex : ($100) but

i want to report only display the negative values -$100

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Visual Studio :: Exporting A .rdlc To Excel / Analagous Export Of That Report To Excel?

Nov 2, 2010

I've got an .rdlc report which I print from my .net app (C# Visual Studio 2005), where I use a RemoteReportPrinter object. I give it as parameters the server name, report name, report parameters, etc. Works fine. My question is, I would live to do an analagous export of that report to Excel. Set it up exactly the same, but have it export to Excel rather than print, probably using some other type of object than RemoteReportPrinter.

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SQL Reporting :: Error In Custom Code Of Rdlc Report

Mar 30, 2010

I am having the binary data in sql table field 'ImgSt' .

I want to show the binay data as a jpg image. Therefore i used the for converting the binay data to image



I have also set in 'DataOutput' Tab

the the ElementName='imgSt' which is my Image's name
For the value field of my 'Image' in report i have set

But i am getting the error as the following

' MemoryStream' is not defined

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SQL Reporting :: .RDLC Report Layout In VS2008 Using SSRS/RDLC Format?

Sep 10, 2010

I'm designing a layout for a report in VS2008 using SSRS/RDLC format. And every time I setup a part of that report i test it on my workstation to see if everything is ok. But, today, i finished the first page of that report and uploaded it to my hosting server (were it's going to be used), and when i press the button to convert the report to .pdf and download it the layout is completely ruined :-/ When i do the same thing in my workstation every thing 'comes out' beautifully, but up on the server it doesn't .

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C# - Hide Image On Report (RDLC) Based Upon Report Render Method?

Mar 21, 2011

We have some reports that are loaded on a webpage via the localreport.render() and a request has come in to hide a logo image if it is displayed inline as html on the page and only show the image if it's rendered as a pdf.

is there any way to determine the render mode in the report so i can create an expression to set the display property to hidden for the logo image if it's not pdf mode?

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SQL Reporting :: ReportViewer Export And Zoom Controls Not Working

Jan 26, 2010

why this javascript error: 'ClientToolbarctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_reportViewer_ctl01' is undefined shows up whenever I click on 'Export' and 'Zoom' controls of my report viewer? Everything else works for my reportviewer.

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SQL Reporting :: Drill Down Report In RDLC Report Viewer?

Jan 31, 2011

Can you please point me to an example of how to implement drill down in RDLC?
I am in a situation where the first report appears perfectly, but when I click on a drill down link , i get an error A data source instance has not been supplied for the data source 'RecuirtmentDataSet_ProfileTracker'.

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Forms Data Controls :: RDLC And Report Viewer?

Jan 12, 2010

I have been trying everything (albiet I am a novice, but I am out of tricks) to get the Report Viewer to simply accept a couple paramters.What I have is a dropdown list, bound to an object datasource from my BLL (Areas)Then I have a report viewer. It is bound to an object datasource from my BLL (FDWelds)The second object datasource is bound to the control, dropdownlist.

In the Method FDWelds objectdatasource has a parameter @Area_AreaID, and the RDLC report has a parameter called @Area_AreaID. If I set the default in the RDLC, I can display a textbox in the report showing the default parameter, but a. It doesn't actually filter the report and b. No matter what I change in the drop down box, I can never change the parameter.I have looked online, and see lots of coding to make this work, but is there just not a simple way to bind these?If you can show me a link to where to code works with a .BLL I would be so grateful ...

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RDLC Report Viewer Drill Through Report?

May 11, 2010

I had posted this question on MSDN Forum[URL]But I am not getting any response. Can you please help me. I am really stuck with this rather simple task.My code seems to be correct but still I get the A data source instance has not been supplied for the data source 'DataSet1_Order_Details'.

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Web Forms :: Fresh Data Update My Reportviewer (.rdlc)?

Aug 24, 2010

I got a gridview in which I'm selecting a specific row.This gives me a string back, which is used to load some data inside a datatable, using DAL The callback works and it's also giving the correct string to retrieve the wanted data.But when I'm trying to use this fresh data update my reportviewer (.rdlc) nothing happens.For now I'm testing the event with a simple button, but even with the button nothing happens.Does anyone know what I'm missing The DAL is working correct and I'm using .NET 3.5



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