Controls :: How To Type Marathi Word In FCKeditor Without Using Third Party Toolkit

May 7, 2015

How to Type Marathi Word in FCKeditor without using third Party Toolkit.

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I have QuestionTable.

ID Question Answer1 Answer2 Answer3 Answer4

But I want import from MS Word into table. I have question like this:

Question:   @1.The capital of India.

 Answer:$A) Dushanbe;$B) Moscow;$C) Delhi;$D) Kabul;

@2.The capital of Tajikistan.

$A) Dushanbe;$B) Moscow;$C) Delhi;$D) Kabul;

@3.The capital of Afganistan.

$A) Dushanbe;$B) Moscow;$C) Delhi;$D) Kabul;

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1 1.The capital of India. A) Dushanbe; B) Moscow; C) Delhi; D) Kabul;

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CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = null;
dsHeader = objUtility.GetDataSet("ssp_GetBind_PrescriptionReport", Session["ReportID"].ToString(), Session["USER_CMP"].ToString());
if (dsHeader.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0)


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var oEditor = FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance("<%=FCKeditorSelfDocument.ClientID %>");
var oDOM = oEditor.EditorDocument;
oDOM.body.innerText = 'Hello';

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abc = Regex.Replace(FCKeditor.Value, @"<(.|
)*?>", string.Empty);

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