Controls :: How To Remove Default Messages From Log4Net DLL
May 7, 2015i want to print only web service start in log file instead of this message in log4net
FATAL - System.Object Web service start
i want to print only web service start in log file instead of this message in log4net
FATAL - System.Object Web service start
I'm adding now e-mail sending to my application and I have one problem. When user gave a bad e-mail address (that doesn't exist) and I'll send email to that address, that email message will go back to my email account. So for 100 users it will be 100 unwanted messages. In this situations my email account will be full of messages. So: how to avoid that situations and remove automatically incoming messages?
View 3 RepliesI am new to ASP.NET MVC and using ASP.NET MVC 2 with XVal. I am not using DataAnnotationsModelValidatorProvider and instead using NHibernateValidatorNHibernateValidator attributes. I would like to know that, when failing to provide a value for a non nullable type, how can i override the vanilla messages.There are actually two scenarios for non nullable type with model binding failure
1) when the data the user entered isn't compatible with the data type (for example, typing in "abc" for an integer field). The default message for this is: "The value [AttemptedValue] is not valid for [Property]."
2) when the user did not enter any data for a field which is not nullable (for example, an integer field). The default message for this is: "A value is required."
I know that the [Required] validator from DataAnnotationsModelValidatorProvider is treated specially during model binding failures on non-nullable types, so that you're not stuck with the vanilla message 'A value is required.'.
Also The DefaultModelBinder uses [Required] attribute for the second scenario only.Since I am not using DataAnnotationsModelValidatorProvider, I can not use [Required].Bearing in mind that I am already doing all the attribute validation and other business rules validation in my domain layer using XVal , What are my options here?
- Allow the model binding validation errors to occur, and then ignore and remove them from ModelState in my action method and refill it with my custom validation errors?
- Derive a custom model binder from and defaultmodel binder and override the onModeUpdated method ignoring all the validation?
am stuck in a very simple problem but couldn't find a way to get rid of it.May be I clicked somewhere in my web application that is now a cause of underline every label, cell of table or whatever typing in to remove default underline,
View 5 Repliesated strongly typed view baes on the Model. When I run the view It show default value for each field.
View 4 RepliesHow to manage user messages to avoid hardcoding messages accross the web application.
View 17 RepliesFor error messages, validation faults etc you have
But, where do you put success responses like "You successfully transfered alot of money to your ex." + "Your balance is now zero". I still want to set it at the controller level and preferably in key-value way, the same way as errormessages but without invalidating the modelstate.
i am trying to remove default.aspx from any request that might have it.
protected void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current;
string url = context.Request.Url.ToString();
// remove default.aspx
if (url.EndsWith("/default.aspx", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
We have a custom set of custom control tags, eg:<ourTag:OurControl runat="server" />Throughout our project we have discovered Visual Studio's marvelous(sarcasm) helper which automatically pastes an ID with the tags name followed by a counter number. I am now trying to remove them globally.
View 1 Repliesi dont know how to set the field to blank field instead of null
if i insert record, and don't input some field, then the field will display null
how to remove null value by default in mysql db.
how to remove the default day displaying in the calander option and instead of that can we put any text inside the calander box as "Select the Date". there is any calander property make this text as default display text.
View 3 RepliesI've uppgraded to version 4 of framework and notice that menucontrol is now able to render as <ul><li>, witch is perfect. But I notice that it adds a style element and set class for each node.
renderd page html
Is there a way to remove this so I can set my own style?
I have remove default.aspx page from remote server then the site is also running.
View 4 RepliesHow can i remove the default space between two pages in Crosstab report
View 1 RepliesIs there a way to add/delete/update the default classes (for instance AspNet-Menu-WithChildren,AspNet-Menu-NonLink ) of the html generated by the menu or treeview control? I am using CSSAdapters so the menu control renders in a list format instead of table format.
View 1 RepliesMany WebSites where we asked in textbox to enter text for search, such as above you see "Search Entire Site" in this Microsoft website page. Once we click inside the textbox the default message vanishes. So tell me how can i do this?
View 4 Replieswe are currently implementing logging functionality with Log4net into our ASP.NET web-services. Therefore we have installed Log4net into the GAC (global assembly cache) on every machine. On our Windows 2003 servers this works just fine.Funny thing is, when developing on our local clients, logging with Log4net doesn't work unless we copy the log4net.dll into the Bin folder of the ASP.NET website even though it is already installed in the GAC. This behaviour is for my colleague's machine and me and we just can't find the reason why. The application is identically like on the server and we installed Log4net the same way into the GAC but it behaves differently.We've tested it with the VS2008 integrated web-server as well as with IIS (WinXP).
View 1 RepliesWhat is the best logging pattern for mvc 2 using log4net? When should I initialize logger how should I access logger instance?
View 1 RepliesI want to Implement Logging future using log4net for my mvc application..
Can any body has the Sample project so that I can take a look? and where do i need to find out the dll's for log4net?
I Used this link to implement Loging for my application [URL]
How do I need to log this error to my database table? what do I need to write in my Class? to store the values in the table
We have an application that logs using log4net. But we would like to delete the logfiles every 4 weeks (automatically). Is there an option in log4net to do this or do we need to have a work arround?
this is my configuration
<appender name="RollingFileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender">
<file value="Logs/Log4Net/"/>
<appendToFile value="true"/>
<rollingStyle value="Date"/>
<staticLogFileName value="false" />
<lockingModel type="log4net.Appender.FileAppender+MinimalLock" />
<datePattern value="yyyy-MM-dd-HH.log" />
<maxSizeRollBackups value="10" />
<maximumFileSize value="1MB" />
<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
<conversionPattern value="%date [%thread] %-5level %logger - %message%newline"/>
<level value="ALL"/>
<appender-ref ref="RollingFileAppender"/>
I currently write all log4net events to a database, and it seems to work just fine. To capture the logged in user account I use this piece of code:
HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current;
if (context != null && context.User != null && context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
MDC.Set("user", HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name);
The code seems ok, except for events that have no user context associated with them (ie. a user on our public web page). In that case the log4net capture seems to sometime write the last logged in user account (bad) and sometime write a null (good). Anyone got this feature to work reliably in all cases? I believe I saw a note that MDC is no longer a recommended feature to use, but I wasn't able to find any alternatives that are recommended.
Note: I find it odd that MDC is set with an account name, but never cleared if no user is active. That could be part of the problem. However, I didn't find any MDC code extracts that also clear the username.
I'm using log4net to log my web app's progress, using Log4PostSharp to AOP-injectify all methods. This has the desired effect of logging (almost) everything and is fine.I now have a requirement to log JUST Page_Load methods to a file / console. I can obviously hamstring the log4postsharp class to do that, but then I'd be losing all the other logging.I've been looking at filters in log4net, starting with the StringMatch filter, but that only looks at the message being logged, and I'm after the method name. This put me onto the PropertyFilter, but still with no joy. My log4net.config snippet is thus:
How to log MethodName when wrapping Log4net?
I have tons of requests in log4net that show up manually as ": activity". The requests are all manually built and somewhat clumsy. Is there any way for Log4Net to pick up the source function and record that automatically?
I am currently following instructions in a book to develop an application. It asks me to download StructureMap and then move the StructureMap.Dll file and the Log4Net.dll into the bin files. The problem is there doesnt seem to be a Log4Net.dll file in the StructureMap files, the only other dll apart from the StructureMap.dll is the Rhino.Mock.dll.
View 2 RepliesI just came across the two sections in log4net configiurations:
<logger name="File">
<level value="All" />
<level value="INFO" />
May I know what is the differnce of specifying levels at logger and root tags ?