Create Csv With And Open In Excel?

Sep 20, 2010

I'm using to create a csv file that the user can open directly in excel.I want to make it possible to show the download popup and for the user to choose "Open with Excel" and that will open the file in excel.The code to create the csv:


As I said what I need is to create a spreadsheet (it doesn't need to be csv),it should just be easy for the user to open in excel or whatever they are using to start working with it.

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The ContentType is being set to Excel, but that doesn't seem to have any effect. I am guessing the txt file extension is causing it to be picked up by notepad or the like instead. I have tried just renaming it to a xls extension, which works but Excel complains that I am trying to trick it or it might be a corrupted file.

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From new page:


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Below is the page and file is in local drive.

<asp:GridView runat="server" ID="gvDetails" AutoGenerateColumns="false">
<asp:BoundField DataField="Id" HeaderText="Id" />


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Getting Appending Html In Csv File (open In Excel) After Download From Server To Local Machine

Dec 9, 2010

I have created a CSV file on the server and want to send it to the user using the following code:

Dim strPhysicalPath As String
strPhysicalPath = Server.MapPath( "CSV/" & PathVirtual)
Dim objFileInfo As System.IO.FileInfo = New System.IO.FileInfo(strPhysicalPath)
Response.ContentType = "application/"
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" & objFileInfo.Name)
Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", objFileInfo.Length.ToString())

This seems to work fine except when the downloaded file is viewed in Excell the html code behind the page from which it came is also appended to the file. Does anyone have any idea why it does this?

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Forms Data Controls :: Error When Exporting To Excel - File Trying To Open, '[1].xls, Is In A Different Format

Oct 21, 2010

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"The file you are trying to open, 'someFileName[1].xls, is in a different format than specified by the file extension. Verify that file is not corrupted and is from a trusted source before opening the file. Do you want to open the file now?"

Clicking Yes opens the file. I would like to avoid showing the above error to the users.

Following code is used from the click event. I've left the commented code here to show what I've tried based on results from internet search. I have Microsoft Office Excel 2007 on local PC.


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<a href=""Exports/" & fileName & """></a>

how to open it in a button click, using / as codebehind.

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The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file ''.  It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data"

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Create Excel Spreadsheet In Website

Nov 14, 2011

On an .aspx page in a web site I need to retrieve some data from a sql server database and, instead of displaying it in a Gridview, I need to put the data in a spreadsheet and present the user with a Save As dialog.

I'd prefer to do it without using the Office / Excel / Interop com object - so, from what I've read so far, I can do this by returning XML data from SQL Server?

Normally I get data from SQL Server and populate a dataset or datareader with it - and then use this as the Datasource of a GridView.

If I run this in SQL Server ...

SELECT UserID, UserName FROM tblUsers FOR XML Auto, Root('Users')

It produces this ...

<tblUsers UserID="1" UserName="Steve" />
<tblUsers UserID="2" UserName="Andrea" />
<tblUsers UserID="3" UserName="Zebedee" />

So, first question - how do I get the data from SQL Server into my .aspx page? (All data access is done with stored procedures - so, from my data access class normally I create, for example, a SQLDataReader and populate it by calling a stored procedure. What object would I populate with the results of a stored procedure that contains a select statement with 'FOR XML Auto'

Then, assuming I get the XML into the .aspx page - how do I get it into a spreadsheet so that there are two columns called UserID and UserName and 3 rows with 1, 2 and 3 in the first cell and Steve, Andrea and Zebedee in teh second cell?

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Web Forms :: How To Create Excel File

Sep 12, 2012

I want to create an Excelfile on the click of a button in C# and when i click the button again it Creates another file with the same name(can add name changed from like Files to Files1) but i dont want to override the previous file.Like if i click button twice there should be two files with small change in the name.

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Oct 9, 2010

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here's my code.

aspx page.

<asp:Button ID="previewbtn" runat="server" Text="PREVIEW " OnClick="previewbtn_Click" />

code behind:

Response.Redirect("newpage.aspx?bg=" + Session["user"].ToString() + "&dc=" + Session["dcode"].ToString());

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Open A Single Worksheet (single Tab) From A Huge Excel File On A Web Browser Using C#

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