Creating A Link With Corresponding ID?

Mar 25, 2011

In my project I am using a repeater to display articles from a database. I would like to add a link button that calls an asp page and the ID for example the link for article ID "1" would be articles.aspx?id=1

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Creating A Link In A DB Value?

Mar 1, 2010

I have a gridview with some DB values, i want to turn that values into link, so the user can click them and get redirect to another page.

I got this:


this is to write the values from the DB and i want to add asomething like this:


How can i do that? someone can explain that to me?

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Creating An External Link In MVC 2 From Model Properties?

Sep 13, 2010

I'm trying to build a link to an external website using some properties of my model class in my view page, e.g. I want it to render as something like -[URL]where post-id would be pulled from the model (I'm using a strongly typed view model here - I can't use ViewData as there's a list of items being pulled back all of which need seperate links).I tried doing < a href="<% model.PermaLink(); %>">, where PermaLink is just some string, however the value doesn't get picked up.If I try < a href="<%= model.PermaLink %>">, I get an error - CS1502: The best overloaded method match for 'System.IO.TextWriter.Write(char)' has some invalid argumentsIs there any way to do this? I tried adding the runat="server" attribute, however this just linked to my local site and controller/model actions.

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Link In Freetextbox Control/ Make Imagegallery Not Be Including This Link?

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<A> "target = _blank> FreeTextBox </ A>.

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Web Forms :: Load A User Control On Link Click Event Of A Link Button During Postback Of Aspx Page?

Mar 2, 2011

Here is my requirement -

1. I need to load a user control on link click event of a link button during postback of aspx page.

2. On button click event of a save button on that aspx page, I need to read the selected values from that user control on further postback.

If I write the loadcontrol code in link_click event, the control is not recognized at all in the button_click event. When I shift it to page_init and execute only during not postback, the user control loads with default values.

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Active Link And Visited Link Always Show The Same Color?

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Pdf Will Load If Use 'save Link As' But Not If User Clicks On The Link?

Jul 27, 2010

After submitting a form, the user is presented with a link to a pdf document. The link is straight to the document, it is not streamed.

If the user right-clicks and chooses 'save link as,' the document saves and opens fine. However, if the user just clicks on the link, the browser takes a very long time to respond (I'm going to guess it's 3 minutes) and then adobe reader gives the following error:

"the file is damaged and could not be repaired"

This is in Chrome v5, ASP.NET 3.5 and the link is returned inside an UpdatePanel.

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Web Forms :: Why The 1st Link Cant Play Out After I Click The 2nd Link

Dec 28, 2010

For example, i browse the web page in browser, at first, i clink "home", home page is show out, then i click the "Contact us", then the "contact us" web page is showing out, BUT the problem is come out when i try to click the home page again, the home page doesn't come out and still at the contact us page...any1 know WHY?Thank you for helping...

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Change The Title And Link Of The Last Link In Chain?

Jan 3, 2011

I have a SiteMapPath control and instead of default functionality like

Home > Accounts > User Account

where "User Account" refers to ~/UserAccount.aspx

I would like to overwrite the last node to show info about a current user, i.e.:

Home > Accounts > John White and "John White" refers to ~/UserAccount.aspx?id=111 ?

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Variable Value As Link / Return The value As A Clickable Link?

Jan 25, 2010

Created a asp page using vbscript to calculate a value (works fine). I'd like to return the value as a clickable link, which would obviously redirect the user somewhere else.

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WCF / ASMX :: How To Execute WebService Asmx Link From Default.aspx Page Link Using HTTPRequest And HTTPResponse

Nov 3, 2010

I have spent a couple of days on this one. I have an ASP.NET website that has Linkbuttons on

the Default.aspx page.. I added a WebService to the Website because later on the WebService will

subscribe to a Provider(Feed) of News, Sports and Weather and things like that. So when a Linkbutton

on the Default.aspx page is clicked it will connect to the link in the WebService which will load the News,

Sports or Weather onto the Default.aspx web page.

The problem is I can't get the LinkButton to execute the Link in the WebService. The link will call the page up

to where you see all of the Web References. But then if you want to execute one of those references you

have to click its link and the Invoke button that will follow. My questioh is how can the link on my Default.aspx

page execute the link in the WebService. Now I changed the LinkButton into an <a href> but I still can't execute

the link in the WebServices. I always use as the link when testing and I wasn't sure about the return type

so I put "void" for an HTTPRequest, so below is the link from the Default.aspx web page and below that is he asmx file:


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Put Twitter Link On Https Link/not Display Twitter Count Button Perfectly

Apr 2, 2011

I want to put twitter link on https link. it gives me error/not display twitter count button perfectly.



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Link Button And JavaScript / Change A Standard HTML Input Button To A Link Button

Mar 1, 2011

I need to change a standard HTML Input button to a Link button but am running into problems because the existing

code calls a javascript function. The function basically does the same as the browser back button. When I add the code and

set the property runat="server" I get a "CS1026: ) expected".

Quite new to ASP,net (VS2010) so could be going about this the wrong way.



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Web Forms :: How To Use Link Button And Get Link Of A Page And Make The Button To Redirect To That Page

Mar 12, 2011

In my gridview i am returning values from database in which 'filelocation' is containing location of pages over my server and i want to use coustom linkbutton in templete field to raise a event and set session variable and then redirect to that page .

My question is how to get value fron 'filelocation' coloum in gried view when a linkbutton in clicked and onclick is fired and also set session value at taht point.

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How To Link Two Pages In .net

Feb 28, 2011

Say if i have a master page in that i have a button if user clicks on the button he should be redirected to new asp page how can i do that.

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Link JS And CS When Rewrite Url

Jan 29, 2010

I use Intelligencia.UrlRewriter.dll My link CSS or JS is:

<link href="/css/theme.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

it good on the internet,but on localhost the link is error ( i test on IIS and IIS ASP.NET ). so i have

<link href="my_domain/css/theme.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

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MVC :: How To Add A Logout Link

Feb 18, 2010

I am trying to create in a partial view a Logout link. What i have now:


and my Html Action link from the partial view


When i press the logout link, it redirects me to [URL], where i have no view, so i get a "page not found" error. How can i make the logout link to redirect to home page?

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MVC :: Link To Htm File?

Aug 15, 2010

I want a view to contain an <a> link to an .htm file stored in another View folder. When I try this I get a "resource not found" error:


Where should I place .htm files in the ASP MVC project. And what does the URL string that references those pages look like?

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MVC :: What's The Best Way To Link Images

Feb 16, 2010

I was wondering what the best way is to link images. I've put it like this at the moment:


I've found something like Html.Image, but this is old? Doesn't work anymore?

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MVC :: Put A Link On An Image?

Apr 16, 2010

I am creating a web application using ASP.NET MVC 2 using the C# language. I have programmed in HTML, CSS, and PHP for several years and i am very new to ASP.NET. The part that i am having trouble with is the image gallery.The setup: i have a link on the navigation bar that goes to a "Galleries" page. This page will show a list of galleries. Each gallery has a title, an image, and a description. All of this information is pulled from an XML file. I'm using the XML file like a database. I wanted to use this method so that i could easily update the list of galleries and have the updated XML file automatically be reflected by the website. Now, the galleries should link to an "Images" page. This page will display a list of images within the gallery based on what gallery was selected. This page will also pull from an XML file.The problem: I cannot seem to attach a dynamic link to the image? I am also stuck and not sure how i get the correct View to display? I know i need to do something with the controllers and models, right? I have some code if needed?

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How To Link To A Location On The Same Page

Apr 27, 2010

how to link to the location on the same page on the server side with LinkButton

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Link To A Page Using The Querystring?

Feb 13, 2011

The homepage of an ASP.NET Web site that I am servicing contains a link to an ApplicationsGroupList, listing all of its applications. Clicking this link takes the user to an Application Group page, where specific applications reside under this particular group.

In C#, how can I create the ability for an enduser to link directly to an application group page by passing the Application Group name in the querystring?

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How To Link Two Tables With Same Fields In Different DB

Mar 25, 2011

I need to link two tables have the same fields but in different DB using visual studio 2010 and ASP.NET application? I'm using a grid view to show the details of each table.

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How To Execute When A Different Link Is Clicked

Jan 27, 2010

I have an embedded video file that I want to execute when a different link is clicked, but I am not sure how to do that.

Here is my html:


<asp: panel id="Panel1" style="display:none" runat="server">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><noscript>Watch the latest news video at <a href=""></a></noscript>
<asp: panel id="Panel2" style="display:inherit" runat="server">
<a onclick="nVidSwitch"><img src="/Images/mAmerNew0126.jpg"></a></asp: panel>

my code behind in c#


protected void nVidSwitch()
Panel2.Style.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Display, "none");
Panel1.Style.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Display, "inherit");

So when panel2 is clicked i want to hide it, display panel1, and have the video start playing. I know how to hide/display the panels, but I dont know how to program a "click".

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