How To Link Two Pages In .net

Feb 28, 2011

Say if i have a master page in that i have a button if user clicks on the button he should be redirected to new asp page how can i do that.

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Web Forms :: Use Link Master Pages In Content Pages?

May 11, 2010

My requirement was to share master files among diff projects i read this doc [URL] so i use this technique to share msster pages among my diff projects in a soln but i dnt know how to reference such shared master page as if i use such

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" MasterPageFile="../masterPages/masterInvGen.Master"

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How To Link Layout Pages To Views MVC 3

Apr 4, 2011

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Web Forms :: How To Link Search Textboxes On Different Pages

Mar 25, 2010

I have a search page (Search.aspx) with a search textbox. I would also like to add a search box to my homepage (Default.aspx) so that the viewer can immediately start searching.

I am aware I could do this by adding the search box to the Master template and using a ContentPlaceHolder, however I don't wish to do this for two reasons:

- The width of the Search.aspx textbox is quite wide - too wide for Default.aspx (the location I have for it)

- I am not yet convinced that I want this search box to be present on ALL my pages.

- I am considering using different AJAX Watermark Extender texts for the two search boxes.

How can I link the two textboxes with VB.NET? I want to be able to:

- Type a keyword into the Default.aspx search textbox, press the Return key (there is no Search button on
Default.aspx but there is in Search.aspx) and be taken straight to Search.aspx with the returned search results!

- Have the keywords transferred to the search textbox in Search.aspx so that they are sitting there waiting for me when Default.aspx takes me there.

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Web Forms ::make LOGO As A Link On Some Pages ONLY?

Apr 30, 2010

.net and I love it already,how to make my LOGO (not image just a text) on my website clickable as back to home link but ONLY on some pages? I have the logo text on my Site.master page but as soon as I make the logo as a link then the logo will be clickable even though I am already on the home page which is pointless.

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Edit Page And Link To Master Pages

Jun 30, 2014

I have create a page with out link to master page. I want to edit this page to connect to master page. How do I do that?

again with another explanation

I'm using add content page to add page connected to master pages

If I create pages with out add content page how do i add this page to master pages;

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Action Link To Simple Pages In The Root Directory?

Apr 7, 2010

I've got menu in my ASP MVC project, and can when I use

<li><%= Html.ActionLink("My", "My")%></li>

it redirects me to .../Home/My
and if I got

<li><%= Html.ActionLink("My", "My", "ZZZ")%></li>
it redirects me to .../ZZZ/My

the problem is I've got some pages out of MVC , with simple Inherits and they are in the root so I need to got to /My.aspx

How can I redirect to /My.aspx in my MVC menu ?

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Web Forms :: Master Pages Navigation, Current Link?

Jan 12, 2011

I've been rewriting my page into a master page for a bit now, problem I have is that I want the current page I'm in to be highlighted in the link.If you go to my website now and click on any menu item, it will let you know what current page you're on by staying underlined/highlighted.How can I accomplish this dynamic change in a master page -without having to recreate the menu in every page- with content holders?

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Sep 2, 2010

I'm creating a website where I want people not to be able to create link to certain pages.The site work like this: The user do a serch for a document and click the link to view it, then he can view the document. If the user somehow adds the URL to favorites he should not be able to view the document when he at some time later tries to view the document. In addition if the user sends the URL to other people they should not be able to view the document.

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How To Organized Page Specific CSS Link Tags With Spark View Pages

Mar 12, 2010

I'm currently using ASP.NET MVC 2 and the spark view engine. The main master page (application.spark) contains all of the CSS link tags that need to be present for all pages (global stuff). However, I have some content pages that have page specific CSS tags and currently I'm just sticking the link tag in the body as something like:

<content name="MainContent">
<!-- page specific csss -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/Content/css/page_specific.css" />

My problem is that when the page renders, this tag ends up in the which is not where it needs to be. Is there a solution for this?

I had was to check the controller in the Application.spark page and write out which page specific css file is required for that particular controller, however, that solution doesn't seem to scale well and I would imagine there is some way of creating the link in the child page and having it render where it's supposed to by the browser.

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MVC :: Edit Action (GET And POST) For An Entity That Multiple Pages Link Into (GET EDIT)?

Jan 5, 2010

Consider the following scenario.You have a Edit action (GET and POST) for an entity that multiple pages link into (GET EDIT). What is the best way of getting back to the page that linked to the edit action? Adding a returnTo url in the query?

Example, from MyCart/3 we have a edit product link
/Product/Edit/5?returnTo=MyCart/3 (but url encoded)
And from Producer/45 we have this link

Is there a better way to do this?

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Link In Freetextbox Control/ Make Imagegallery Not Be Including This Link?

Nov 26, 2010

I use freetextbox control to rich text.When I insert an image with imagegalley it creates a link:

<A> "target = _blank> FreeTextBox </ A>.

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Web Forms :: Load A User Control On Link Click Event Of A Link Button During Postback Of Aspx Page?

Mar 2, 2011

Here is my requirement -

1. I need to load a user control on link click event of a link button during postback of aspx page.

2. On button click event of a save button on that aspx page, I need to read the selected values from that user control on further postback.

If I write the loadcontrol code in link_click event, the control is not recognized at all in the button_click event. When I shift it to page_init and execute only during not postback, the user control loads with default values.

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Active Link And Visited Link Always Show The Same Color?

Feb 23, 2011

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Pdf Will Load If Use 'save Link As' But Not If User Clicks On The Link?

Jul 27, 2010

After submitting a form, the user is presented with a link to a pdf document. The link is straight to the document, it is not streamed.

If the user right-clicks and chooses 'save link as,' the document saves and opens fine. However, if the user just clicks on the link, the browser takes a very long time to respond (I'm going to guess it's 3 minutes) and then adobe reader gives the following error:

"the file is damaged and could not be repaired"

This is in Chrome v5, ASP.NET 3.5 and the link is returned inside an UpdatePanel.

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Apr 9, 2010

I want to create link thumbnails and get link contents like facebook in, but i couldn't find any resource.

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Web Forms :: Why The 1st Link Cant Play Out After I Click The 2nd Link

Dec 28, 2010

For example, i browse the web page in browser, at first, i clink "home", home page is show out, then i click the "Contact us", then the "contact us" web page is showing out, BUT the problem is come out when i try to click the home page again, the home page doesn't come out and still at the contact us page...any1 know WHY?Thank you for helping...

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Change The Title And Link Of The Last Link In Chain?

Jan 3, 2011

I have a SiteMapPath control and instead of default functionality like

Home > Accounts > User Account

where "User Account" refers to ~/UserAccount.aspx

I would like to overwrite the last node to show info about a current user, i.e.:

Home > Accounts > John White and "John White" refers to ~/UserAccount.aspx?id=111 ?

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Variable Value As Link / Return Thevalue As A Clickable Link?

Jan 25, 2010

Created a asp page using vbscript to calculate a value (works fine). I'd like to return the value as a clickable link, which would obviously redirect the user somewhere else.

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Web Forms :: VS2010 Master Pages / Everything Shows On The New Pages Except The Jpeg Image Logo?

Sep 5, 2010

i'm developing a site using VS2010 and with my windows vista busniness OS. i used the default VS2010 wizard for new web application to create it. included a folder in the root directory and created new aspx pages to derive from the master page in the root directory of my site. everything shows on the new pages except the jpeg image logo in the master page. But other aspx pages i created in the root directory shows every thing fine.

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Configuration :: Finding Best Practice For Making Sure That Slow Pages Don't Affect Other Pages?

Aug 31, 2010

Page B - loads slowly and needs to do some CPU-intensive operations on the web server.

I noticed that when someone is loading Page B, then Page A also loads slowly. This is even worse if multiple users are loading Page B at the same time. Page A won't finish loading until Page B is done.

Is there a best practice for making sure that Page A can still load quickly? Maybe a config setting or IIS setting that I need to change from its default? With 2 users loading Page B at the same time, the web server CPU usage only gets to 30% so I suspect it might be something I can tweak with the settings.

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Web Forms :: Master Pages - All My Pages Inherit From The Base Page Class

Jun 21, 2010

Currently I'm doing common functionality required throughout my site inside of my masterpage. What I want to do is move this functionality to a BaseClass so All my pages inherit from the Base Class. However, I'm not sure how to set this up interms of c# code with regards to Using a Base Class and then having a masterpage applied to my aspx pages that i create.

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State Management :: Maintain Query String Parameter In All Pages - It Gets Lost In Subsequent Pages

Aug 9, 2010

In my Application_BeginRequest I have code that gets query string value ?c=FR or ?c=US and store it in cookies.Based on query string value I have either US or FR,locale is selected from locale table.If ?c=FR then locale will be fr-FR and if it is US then locale will be en-US.My code is below.

void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
LocalizationInfo loc = GetLocalizationInfo();
if (Request.Cookies["Localization"] == null)
Response.Cookies.Add(new HttpCookie("Localization"));
Response.Cookies["Localization"]["Country"] = loc.Country;
CultureInfo objCI = new CultureInfo(loc.Locale);
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = objCI;
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = objCI;
public static LocalizationInfo GetLocalizationInfo()
string countryCode = "";
string sLocale = "";
if (HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies["Localization"]["Country"] != null)
countryCode = HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies["Localization"]["Country"];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["c"]))
countryCode = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["c"];
if (countryCode == "")
countryCode = "US";
sLocale = HertzRent2Buy.DataProvider.ListData.GetLocale(countryCode);
LocalizationInfo ret = new LocalizationInfo();
ret.Country = countryCode;
ret.Locale = sLocale;
return ret;
public struct LocalizationInfo
public string Country;
public string Locale;

Now when I run the project and in query string I set [URL] then for the very first page(home page itself) it shows me French translation,but on subsequent page,that query string parameter ?c=FR is lost and hence it shows be English translation not French translation since it does not pickup French resx file.If I manually append ?c=FR in subsequent page then it shows the French translation.Is there is way how I can make that query stringparameter available in all pages.Structure is there to hold Country and locale variables. In all pages I am calling GetLocalizationInfo() method as follow

LocalizationInfo info = some.DataProvider.Globalization.GetLocalizationInfo();

And I create instance info to pass locale and country as parameter. GetProductDetails(id,info.Country,info.locale). why my query string parameters get lost on subsequent pages.

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Configuration :: Dev Server Doesn't Turns On Pages Automatically When Debug Or View Pages Of Site In Browser

Sep 13, 2010

When i'm trying to debug or view pages of my site in browser dev server doesn't turns on pages automatically and when im trying to go by url it throws me an error See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************
System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): Не удается найти указанный файл
at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithShellExecuteEx(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start()
at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.WebServer.WebServerForm_DAL.DoLaunch()
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.WebServer.WebServerForm_DAL.OnLinkClickedHyperlinkLinkLabel(Object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel.OnLinkClicked(LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)............................

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Caching - How To Turn Pages Into Static Pages As Part Of The Build

Dec 29, 2010

I have a few pages that are completely static. They only change at build time. But they are expensive to create. For the ones that are kind of expensive to create, I cache them for very long times using the ASP.NET output caching. But for one page, I really want it cached forever and ever or until the the next build.

What is the most expedient way to make this happen? Is there a build in feature that achieves this or a 3rd party tool?

(yeah, for the moment I plan to do the "view source" and copy paste thing, which isn't a very elegant build step)

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