Custom Server Controls :: Create Server Control (dll File) From Scratch, To Added In ToolsBox?

May 11, 2010

DI want ask about how to create server control (dll file).

From Scratch, to added in ToolsBox

for example :

create TextBox,Button and Label ; when press on Button the Label show text inside TextBox

Please I need Detailed description

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C# - Create A Custom File Upload Control From Scratch

Apr 1, 2011

I have tried using the FileUpload control in and found some strange problems. I have decided to scrap this control and create a custom control. Is it possible to create a file upload control from scratch?

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Custom Server Controls :: Creating A User Control From Scratch?

Aug 11, 2010

I want to create a completely new control instead of extending an existing one. I have found a few articles on the net, but it's not exactly what I'm looking for. I've created Custom User controls in Win Forms before and thought it would be somewhat the same in ASP.NET, but it does not seem so. Many articles talk about a Web Control Library template which doesn't seem to be available when creating a New Project, but is available when adding a New item to an existing ASP.NET forms project in VS2008.

I have extended control by using the ASP.NET Server Control template. But all you get with is a .cs file. How do design a brand new control with that?What I want is to create a control from scratch, with postback functionality, and that compiles to a DLL. Am I going about this all wrong? Should I rather be looking at the ASP.NET Server Control Project Template? If so, How do I create a brand new control with the ASP.NET Server Control?I'm working with VS2008 SP1, .net 3.5, and C#.

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Custom Server Controls :: How To Create A Server Control With A Listbox And Dynamic Control Using Server Control

Oct 12, 2010

I need to create a reusable custom control,which is like a form containing a listbox and some fields.The fields can be either textbox or combobox as needed for different applications,which can be selected on the property of the form onwhich page that i am using it,also i needed to specify the number of fields in that property.And also need place 3 buttons below for edit and delete the selected item in the listbox and a button to save.Data will be binded from the database as needed for different applications.

tell me with code how to create it using server control in C#.

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Custom Server Controls :: Embedded Javascript File In Custom Server Control?

Oct 19, 2010

I am creating a custom server control, and I am wanting to include a JavaScript file in the dll file when the control is built. I have tried suggestions from the following websites:[URL] But after following the directions, If I use firebug to see what errors show up, the JavaScript functions that are being called all say "goNext is not defined" which leads me to believe the JavaScript file is not being added correctly.

Some information on what my control looks like

I have the JavaScript File in a folder called Script. The namespace of the project is CustomControl, and the Name of the project is MaskedDateTextbox.

In my AssemblyInfo I have the following:

<Assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")>

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Custom Server Controls :: Composite User Control Cannot Be Added To TableRow Dynamically

Jan 21, 2011

I have a composite user control consisting of three standard table cells (a legend, an image with a tool tip, and a text field control). If I add these to a TableRow in my aspx page it works fine and produces legal HTML in my source. The below works fine ...


However when I try to do the same programmatically (C#) the TableRow won't accept anything in its Controls collection that isn't a TableCell. I could make my control a nested table in its own right but I lose the alignment of my form items on the page with multiple controls, as each table aligns itself according to its contents. Is there anyway I can make the TableRow accept my control as collection of cells or do I need to do some casting or making my user control inherit some kind of TableCell attributes? I can also dynamically add my controls to a TableCell item which actually displays OK in IE but creates illegal HTML (<td><td></td><td> ... </td></td> - I assume this is illegal) in my resulting source. The code below DOES NOT work ...


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Custom Server Controls :: Custom Server Control - Not Found In .cs File?

May 27, 2010

I'm having a dumb problem that is killing me. I have created the simpelest custom server control in VS 2008 c# called MyMsgBox. On the ASP page I put it in and register it. But, in the .cs file, when I try to call one of its functions I get the compile error that it is not found. The funny thing is that intellesense has it in the list and all of the functions with their given arguements. At the top of the .cs file I am using the namespace. The code for the custom server control is in the App_Code folder.
Also when I remove all refrences to its functions, the code compiles and when debugging the constructor for the class MyMsgBox gets hit.

<%@ Register TagPrefix="cc1" Namespace="CustomServerControls" %>
<cc1:MyMsgBox ID="msgBox1" runat="server" />
Using CustomServerControls;

this.msgBox1.confirm("Would You Like to add a new Task for this PO/Contract? ", "hid_f"); Error Message: 'Tasks' does not contain a definition for 'msgBox1' and no extension method 'msgBox1' accepting a first argument of type 'Tasks' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

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Custom Server Controls :: Create A Server Control With A Checkboxlist And A Div?

Oct 10, 2010

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Custom Server Controls :: Can Create Server Control Without Span

Mar 6, 2010

when i create a server control by default

my controls place in a span this span give server control id

can i create a server control that when campile to html not have a span

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Custom Server Controls :: Create A Custom Control From Currently Have Within A Modal Popup?

Feb 24, 2011

I have currently on multiple pages a modal popup that displays the information below, we are getting to the point where we need to call this popup from multiple locations, currently i have duplicate setups on each page that i want to use it on, but its becoming a mess to manage when a change is needed.. so im looking to see if what i have within the modal popup can be turned into a control that i can call anywhere thru out the site and have just 1 setup to maintain going forward..If its possible to create a control that can then be placed within the modal popup and server the same purpose that would be great any links here is what i have within the modal popup that i have on atleast 3 pages currently..


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Custom Server Controls :: Create A Web Custom Control?

Feb 15, 2010

I am trying to create a web custom control but I am unable to find the templete that should be in my projects window. I am using Visual Studio Pro and it should be there. Doc's say standard version doesn't have it but thats all I can find.

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Custom Server Controls :: Custom Tag Not Found For Control / Error: Unknown Server Tag 'custom:AjaxValidator'

Jan 3, 2011

Hope this is the correct forum for this question. I am using VWD 2010 an have a web project and get the following error upon execution:

Parser Error Message: Unknown server tag 'custom:AjaxValidator'.

My code is as follows in the .cs file:


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Custom Server Controls :: How To Create A CustomControl With A Template File

Apr 18, 2010

I saw some CustomControls using a separated ascx file, it rendered the ascx file (the template) but all the code was in a dll (the control).How can I do that? Can someone post a Hello World example?

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Custom Server Controls :: Require Video Tutorial For Composite Server Control And Rendered Server Control?

Aug 20, 2010

according to what i read from web there 3 types of custom server controls

1. composite



i found video tutorial to create and use superclass custom control in your project (extending dropdown control functionality)

i am trying to search video tutorial for other 2 types .

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Custom Server Controls :: Want To Create User Control

Oct 30, 2010

I want to create user control that can be added on other site.

here is the scenario.In my web site reservations can be done for restaurants. I want to provide user interface for reservation in restaurant owner's web site. When user goes to restauarants site he can reserve the slot through my site.

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Custom Server Controls :: Create A Simple Control Provides From DLL?

Jan 4, 2010

I'm begginer and I would like an example how create a simple custom control that only needs DLL reference like this:

<%@ Register Assembly="myControl" Namespace="myControl" TagPrefix="cc1" %>
<cc1:myControl ID="myControl1" runat="server" name="" size=""..... />

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Custom Server Controls :: Create C# Controls On Server Side For Posted Data That Had No Runat=server

Feb 4, 2010

HOWTO create ASP.NET C# controls on server side for posted data that had no runat=server on the client.

I have processes needing to post files to a ASP.NET application. These processes must post without runat=server as such:

<form ~~~~ to some ASP.NET/C#/aspx page>
<input type=file name=MY_FILE ~~~>

On the ASP.NET page, in the Page_Load I would code somethign like this:


Here is the trick, the control "fileLIST_FILE" does not exist because the HTML does not have runat=server on it.

If the client did have runat=server the designer.cs would have somethign liek this:

System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlInputFile fileLIST_FILE;

With all that said, I want to make "fileLIST_FILE" on the fly inside Page_Load fromt he posted name of "MY_FILE".

do not focus on the fact that this is a file upload. I would like to know how to do this for any posted FORM data.

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Custom Server Controls :: How To Get The Value Of Readonly Properties Of Server Controls Inside A Custom Server Control

Apr 4, 2010

I have a custom server control inheriting from CompositeControl. It consists of two RadioButtonlist controls that are rendered side by side in an html table. The number of ListItems in each RadioButtonList is not known until runtime. Depending on how many items each list contains, the RepeatColumns property of each list is set differently. To do this in the handler for the ItemDataBound event I need to get the count of ListItems in each RadioButtonList. How do I expose the Items.Count property of each internal RadioButtonList as a top-level property? I tried using a getter to return the count but this generates a compile-time error to the effect that the count cannot be assigned to--even though I have not created a setter.

Similarly, in the handler for the Submit event, I need to get the ClientID of each internal RadioButtonList to pass to a method that checks for data changes. How do I expose the ClientID of each component RadioButtonList as a top-level property?

I can of course index the Controls collection of the composite control to access the child control and read its properties--but that defeats the whole point of making a complex, independent custom server control.

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Custom Server Controls :: How To Create A Multicolumn Treeview Control

May 18, 2010

I want to create a multicolumn treeview control.I searched for it and found many of them but none of them free. So decided to build one of my own.Need guuidance for proceeding.

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Custom Server Controls :: Video Tutorial Link For Composite And Rendered Custom Server Control?

Aug 20, 2010

i am new to technology so go easy on this post according to what i read from web there are 3 type of custom server controls 1 superclass2 composite 3 renderedi found video tutorial for superclass custom server control but couldnt find video tutials for other forward me link for composite and rendered custom server controls video tutorial

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Custom Server Controls :: Create A User Control Which Takes XML As Input?

Mar 6, 2010

I'd like to create a user control which takes XML as input, applies an XSL transform on it, and displays the results of the transform in the web form or windows form in place of the user control. The transform should happen automagically when the windows form or web form is first loaded. I'd think this would be pretty easy to do. I just don't know how. point to a guide/tutorial on how to do this?

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Custom Server Controls :: Custom Server Control Rendering Method In Multiple Class?

May 17, 2010

I am creating custom server control. I have two classes in project. One is main class that render control and another will be used to render content based on condition.I just want to know how to render content from other classes in main class.For example. This isjust an example.My main class code


My TopLeftPane class


My page code on page load event


When I run the page, Header title always getting null. This is a just sample code. I will have more than 20 classes so I dont want to write a code in main class to render whole control.I hope all of you understand my problem.

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Custom Server Controls :: TemplateField [TextBox] Binded To DataSource (Custom Server Control)?

Jul 28, 2010

Case : a templatefield Text Box created by class TemplateHandler and added to the composite

control Grid .how to bind it to the DataSource Object of the Grid Class ?

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Custom Server Controls :: How To Use A Custom Server Control That Is Defined In Inline Code In The Same Page

Oct 22, 2010

I have to use inline code for an aspx page and I need to use a custom server control that is defined in the same aspx page but the control does not get processed as a server control. it gets returned as is as static html tag.

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Custom Server Controls :: How To Add A Dropdownlist Of Available Values For A Custom Server Control Property

Sep 13, 2010

How would I add a (dropdown) list of available values for a custom server control property?

(Just like 'Visible' property of most controls has valid values of 'True/False' and nothing else can be entered or selected)

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