Custom Paging Using GridView?
Apr 8, 2010
I have followed Custom Pagination article to implement the custom pagination using GridView.
I have also done custom pagination using the DataGrid but i am still confused on following things.
DataGrid which is there in the ASP.NET 1.1 having VirtualItemCount which is set to render the pagination interface [1 2 3 4 5 ... something like this] GridView does not have the above mentioned property then how to generate the pagination UI?
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Similar Messages:
May 19, 2013
I have read your article from about custom paging it really work, but there are a problem that if there are more record in database (2000 to 5000) than number of page index will be goes in large number. like 1 to 200, any way which can divide it like 12345678910...2000.
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Dec 24, 2010
here's a situation and I would appreciate your response.
I have programmatically created the Wizard control:
Page_Load(obj s, evargs e)
Wizard ClaimDetailWizard = new Wizard();
foreach(int item in selectedItems)
//create new step
//added custom control to new step
//add step to wizard
//added wizard to a placeholder on a page
Based on List I get from Session i added new steps to my wizard To each step I had added a custom control
Each custom control in tern contains another custom Gridview Control in it.
So here's the problem when the page loads for example for two steps. All is good Wizard does what it's supposed to do.
But when I try to use sorting or paging in that custom Gridview. Somehow it displays the gridview I should see in the next step of the wizard.
Also what I'm noticing through debugging. Is that when I press next in the wizard I go back to the original page where I do all of the code specified above, and it recreates the wizzard. But it goes to the next step. Is this the way wizard supposed to work? Just doesn't seem very efficient.
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Aug 6, 2010
currently it works if i remove the PagerSetting or remove the PagerTemplate so if have both (PagerSetting & PagerTemplate) then my page number not display.
my qeustion is: how can i display both (PagerTemplate and PagerSetting) togather at the bottom of the Gridview? plese see the below source code.
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Mar 9, 2012
I use gridview in my page and i bound data from sql to my gridview i want use paging
In my grid view i read this article : [URL] ....
But there is dropdown list that we can chang page size i dont want use this drop down . I want use some defult page size for my grid view how i can do it?
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Apr 7, 2010
redirect me to your own blog link or any other link explaining complete tutorial about how to implement gridview custom paging using stored procedure?
My search in google giving me old articles from year 2006. Right now I am using 3.5 and c#.
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Jan 26, 2011
As a part of requirement, I need to bind a table data to the Gridview, but the data content in the table is too large. I need not want to bring in all the data into the dataset, rather I need to bring only the rows that are needed to be displayed(Eg, if the page size is 10, i need only 10 records to be filled in dataset
View 5 Replies
Feb 27, 2010
I want a custom pager something like that;
Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... Next
It needs to hold ten page number and current page index is needed to be highlighted. So how could I do that?
View 4 Replies
Dec 16, 2010
I have a gridview control which contains aproximately 2,040 records of IP addresses. Right now I have setup my gridview control with the following options: AllowPaging="True" PageSize="255".
This has the effect of placing each IP range on its own page. So for instance is on page 1, and is on page 2 and so forth. The issue is that finding the IP range I want in the application is really a pain and I usually have to click page by page through the gridview to find the range I want to edit.
I'd like to have a custom paging and instead having pagination which says 1,2,3,4,5,6 etc had more meaningful labels like "192.168.0.x Range", " Range", "172.22.50.x range" and so forth. So that I can immediately jump to the page that I want. note that in most cases I need to browse the data not search for a specific element so creating a searchbox isn't neccessarily the answer. I just need more efficient paging.
I'm not really sure how to accomplish this. I've tried searching google for custom pagination + gridview etc and I'm not having much luck. Maybe I don't have the right combo of search terms.
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Jan 18, 2011
Im pretty confused on this and would appreciate any suggestions.Im trying to implement custom paging because my database has some 400,000ish records and i want to show 20 at a time in a gridview. I don't want to use a datasource in the html because this gridview gets populated using a dataset in the .cs (c#) because
the user first filters on params. I have two sp (on to get the total record count and one that filters). Both sp work.
Does anyone know how i can tell my gridview (and if i need to implement a datapager) the total number of records, to get the page numbers on the bottom correct and then pass the parameter @PageNum @PageSize@sortExpression?
View 7 Replies
Mar 17, 2010
I have a GridView that uses custom paging inside an UpdatePanel (so that the paging and sorting of the gridview don't cause postback). The sorting works fine, but the paging doesn't. The PageIndexChanging event is never called. This is the aspx code:
<asp:UpdatePanel runat="server" ID="upSearchResults" ChildrenAsTriggers="true" UpdateMode="Always">
<asp:GridView ID="gvSearchResults" runat="server" AllowSorting="true" AutoGenerateColumns="false" AllowPaging="true" PageSize="10" OnDataBound="gvSearchResults_DataBound"
OnRowDataBound ="gvSearchResults_RowDataBound" OnSorting="gvSearchResults_Sorting" OnPageIndexChanging="gvSearchResults_PageIndexChanging" Width="100%" EnableSortingAndPagingCallbacks="false">
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Select" HeaderStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center">
<asp:HyperLink ID="lnkAdd" runat="server">Add</asp:HyperLink>
<asp:HiddenField ID="hfPersonId" runat="server" Value='<%# Eval("Id") %>'/>
<asp:BoundField HeaderText="First Name" DataField="FirstName" HeaderStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center" ItemStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center" SortExpression="FirstName" />
<asp:BoundField HeaderText="Last Name" DataField="LastName" HeaderStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center" ItemStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center" SortExpression="LastName" />
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Phone Number" HeaderStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center" ItemStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center" >
<asp:Label ID="lblPhone" runat="server" Text="" />
<table width="100%" class="pager">
<div class="btnContainer">
<div class="btn btn-height_small btn-style_dominant">
<asp:LinkButton ID="lbtNewRecord" runat="server" OnClick="lbtNewRecord_Click"><span>Create New Record</span></asp:LinkButton>
<div class="btn btn-height_small btn-style_subtle">
<a onclick="openParticipantModal();"><span>Cancel</span></a>
<asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="gvSearchResults" EventName="PageIndexChanging" />
<asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="gvSearchResults" EventName="Sorting" />
In the code behind I have a SetPaging method that is called on the GridView OnDataBound event:
private void SetPaging(GridView gv)
GridViewRow row = gv.BottomPagerRow;
var place = row.Cells[0];
var first = new LinkButton();
first.CommandName = "Page";
first.CommandArgument = "First";
first.Text = "First";
first.ToolTip = "First Page";
if (place != null) place.Controls.Add(first);
var lbl = new Label();
lbl.Text = " ";
if (place != null) place.Controls.Add(lbl);
var prev = new LinkButton();
prev.CommandName = "Page";
prev.CommandArgument = "Prev";
prev.Text = "Prev";
prev.ToolTip = "Previous Page";
if (place != null) place.Controls.Add(prev);
var lbl2 = new Label();
lbl2.Text = " ";
if (place != null) place.Controls.Add(lbl2);
for (int i = 1; i <= gv.PageCount; i++)
var btn = new LinkButton();
btn.CommandName = "Page";
btn.CommandArgument = i.ToString();
if (i == gv.PageIndex + 1)
btn.BackColor = Color.Gray;
btn.Text = i.ToString();
btn.ToolTip = "Page " + i.ToString();
if (place != null) place.Controls.Add(btn);
var lbl3 = new Label();
lbl3.Text = " ";
if (place != null) place.Controls.Add(lbl3);
var next = new LinkButton();
next.CommandName = "Page";
next.CommandArgument = "Next";
next.Text = "Next";
next.ToolTip = "Next Page";
if (place != null) place.Controls.Add(next);
var lbl4 = new Label();
lbl4.Text = " ";
if (place != null) place.Controls.Add(lbl4);
var last = new LinkButton();
last.CommandName = "Page";
last.CommandArgument = "Last";
last.Text = "Last";
last.ToolTip = "Last Page";
if (place != null) place.Controls.Add(last);
var lbl5 = new Label();
lbl5.Text = " ";
if (place != null) place.Controls.Add(lbl5);
The paging works if I don't use custom paging, but I really need to use the custom paging. I can't figure out why the PageIndexChanging event isn't fired when I'm using the custom paging.
View 3 Replies
Jul 28, 2010
Is there any way to have the gridview page by categories instead of pages. In other words instead of at the bottom having some sort of page numbering scheme there would be categories from a specific column (kind of like a group by in sql) arranged along the bottom and when I would click one it would page to the start of all those matching rows (preferably return all of them rather than just say 10 or 20).
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Jun 3, 2010
I am using ObjectDataSource controll to bind gridview and using custom paging. Everything working fine but the problem arises when last page contains only one record and i try to delete it-- gridview disappear.
Below is ObjectDataSource declaration..It is working fine..only problem is with deleting from last
page which is containing only single record.
<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="ODS1" runat="server"
<asp:Parameter Name="ID" DbType="int" />
View 3 Replies
Mar 10, 2010
i have a gridview with paging[index 10] enabled on my webpage, now i want a simple dropdownlist in footer or below gridview to have list of no 20,30, that when user selects 20 from it the gridview shows 20 records on same page,when 30 is selected the gridview should show 30 records.i cant figure it out that how to do it, whether it requires coding at database(MYSql) or can be done at the page itself.
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Nov 15, 2010
I'm coding a report page.In this page,there are two date fields for user to filter the date and the GridView is filled depending on these dates in the CodeBehind (When user click the button view).Now I want toimplement a paging/sorting feature for this GridView.I've researched and see there are default paging for GridView which is not very efficient (my report table may have thousands of records) and custom paging but this requires using ObjectDataSource (which I don't use).Thus anyone can recommend me some approaches that are best used in this situation?
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May 7, 2015
I used this linked to create my customized paging. [URL] .... when the total number of page is 1000 it displays all 1-1000 in the pagination. Now i want is <<1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 .... >> when click the dots << .. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ... >>
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Feb 9, 2011
I'd like to implement a custom paging template for my formview that displays numeric paging as well as next/previous buttons. The pre-defined templates only appear to have numeric first last as an option. Can anyone recommend a good article that covers this?
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Feb 4, 2010
ObjectDataSource - Custom Gridview Paging and Sorting?
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Sep 20, 2015
I want to export all repeater data in excel file i used following code but it take only first page data means page size 10 it export only 10 record i want to export whole repeater data
Response.Buffer = true;
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=Detail.xls");
Response.Charset = "";
Response.ContentType = "application/";
System.IO.StringWriter stringWrite = new System.IO.StringWriter();
[Code] ....
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Apr 27, 2016
I am going to use this article but I don't know how to add the Search which is the dropdownlist and textbox
The data in dropdownlist is ContactName and CompanyName
Also I would like to know how to sort the gridview in Header
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Jul 18, 2010
Moderators Note: THIS ISSUE IS BIG FOR ME AND EVEN IF POSSIBLE, GET THE REPLY FROM THE DESIGNER OF GRIDVIEW. I have been looking for him for long. I am really fed up with reviewing a good lot of web pages on how we can possibly customize the gridview to enable sorting and paging. So many sites have listed out a lot of information and so many guidances. But the problem is that one works out fine and the other is a burden. I really feel bad about being given the job of customizing this kind of a gridview which has no user friendly approach to it. Also, this control is rendered without the pager links inside the <tfoot> tag. I have tried the Pear Pager in php. It is that good and easy to use and compared to that, the gridview in is the worst ever control i have ever tried so far.
1. i can use the images to indicate the sorting direction
2. I can have the custom pager like
<<Previous 1 2 3 .. 7 Next >>.
When i click the next when i am viewing the page at 3 , the pager links should change as
<<Previous 2 3 4 .. 7 Next >>
Kindly look into this type of requirement and firstly tell me whether this is possible with the gridview control. I would like this request even to be escalated to the designers of the gridview control also, so that Microsoft comes out with a reply THAT WORKS and not the kind of stuff like surfing through a lot of links and pages and finally wasting a lot of days precious time and still breaking the head with this useless control. I have spent a lot of time in searching for a perfect way. Not writing a code that is non-standard. I am really serious b'cos I have spent weeks in customizing this control. If I dont get a solid reply atleast now, I am going to generate all the output by HTML content by custom coding.
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Dec 2, 2010
Header controls like create ,delete are created by using templated user controls (ITemplate) .
The controls are working in all pages except the last page when paging is enabled in grid view.
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Jan 31, 2011
I have implemented Custom data paging in Gridview with dropdowns for pageSize and pageIndex
Now, I require to made changes to convert this into classic pagination bar at the bottom
I want grid with paging bar like: FirstPage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 LastPage
find below is the code:
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlPageSize" runat="server" AutoPostBack = "true" OnSelectedIndexChanged = "BindGrid">
<asp:ListItem Text = "10" Value = "10" />
<asp:ListItem Text = "25" Value = "25" />
<asp:ListItem Text = "50" Value = "50" />.........
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Nov 18, 2010
Is there a way to use the GridView paging and having the links not use JavaScript. So that when you click on the page number 5 (for example) that link is a hyperlink.
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Mar 18, 2010
I want to do custom paging in MVC based application ..
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