Data Controls :: Bind JQuery Full Calendar Events Database Using JQuery AJAX

Dec 23, 2015

I am using jquery fullcalender..

I want to bind Events to each days of the calender dynamically from the json return by the ajax method..

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cone, pie and bar

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<script src="Scripts/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="Scripts/jquery-ui.js"></script>
<link href="Scripts/jquery-ui.css" rel="stylesheet" />


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how to select items in dropdownlist if i bind it from database.

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Data Controls :: Bind (Populate) CheckBoxList Based On DropDownList Selection Using JQuery AJAX

Jan 24, 2016

I have dynamically popute the data in Dropdownlist(Countries) and the On selected index event of Dropdownlist there is noeed to bind /populate the Checkbox list from database depending on the selections made from the Dropdownlist.

For example If I select Gujrata then all the cities of Gujrat should be visible and bounded to the check box list.

2) Once the checkbox list is bounded with data from the database, We need to select  the checkbox from the checkboxlist  and  pass tyhe selected  text of all the  selected checkboxes  fro the checkbox list  as comma seperated  values to database  and then I need to Display in the Grid.

Below is my code for Dynamically populated/Bind DropDown list and get the States:


<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="MachineCode.aspx.cs" Inherits="SampleApp.MachineCode" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

[Code] .....

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Data Controls :: Populate (Bind) DataList With Images On Client Side Using JQuery AJAX

Oct 21, 2015

How could I bind images and texts to datalist itemtemplate's image control and label by jquery json?

Post I tried [URL] .....

like below but its not working..

/* datalist control with three controls*/

<asp:DataList ID="dlImages" runat="server" RepeatColumns="6">
<a id="imageLink" href='<%# Eval("ImageName","~/images/fabrics/{0}") %>' title='<%#Eval("Descript") %>' rel="lightbox[Brussels]" runat="server" >

[Code] ....

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JQuery :: .Net Custom User Control Buttons (events) Not Firing In Jquery Modal Popup?

Oct 28, 2010

I have a custom control, that has takes some information from user and submit to the database. it is working fine in normal aspx pages. but when i display that custom user control in jQuery modal popup. The events does not fire or lets say the data is not submitted to the database.

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Data Controls :: How To Add New Row To GridView And Database Using JQuery AJAX

May 7, 2015

I am adding textbox value into gridview without using data base using jqury should be work perfectly.

My problem is following area....

I want to add the latest row enter from textbox is show in gridview as a first row.

But  in my code when I add textbox value it should be appear after previous row.

Second I want to add all gridview rows into data base …

jquery function
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
$("[id*=btnAddRow]").click(function () {
var id = $("[id*=txtId]").val();
var name = $("[id*=txtName]").val();


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JQuery :: JQuery Image Rotation On Mouse Events?

Dec 20, 2010

I am having an issue in Jquery rotate below is my HTML code

<div id="frame" style="height:100;width:100;" >
<img alt="" id="Img1" runat="server" src="~/Images/pdfcar.png"

The below code is working fine, J


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Data Controls :: Search GridView Records In Database Using JQuery AJAX

May 7, 2015

Great work found on [URL] ....

but it says only how to search data which is on  <asp:BoundField /> .

How to search data on gridview from a database using jquery.

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C# - Save Selected Dates To Database From JQuery Calendar?

Mar 7, 2011

My goal here is to store a list of dates selected in a calandar to a database. The problem with most calendar controls that exist, for, is I can't get the date that was unselected with multiselect enabled. I can get a list but that is really it. I have decided not to use these because of this.

If I wanted to create my own event using the jQuery calendar below how would I go about doing this? The event would capture the day clicked, if it was unselected or selected, etc. I would use this to add/remove the dates from a collection. It is almost like how the other calendars work except for the remove part. The dates removed would be in it's own list so I know what dates to remove from the database once 'save' is clicked. I hope this is enough information.


Using Visual Studio 2005/.NET 2.0. c#

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AJAX Binds Jquery Events Multiple Times?

Mar 29, 2010

I have a masterpage setup, with a pageLoad in the topmost masterpage, which calls pageLoad2 for nested masterpages which calls pageLoad3 for content pages.

In my content page I have a jquery click event and in my nested masterpage I have a web user control.

Whenever I use the user control in the nested masterpage, it rebinds the click event in the content page (undoubtedly because the pageLoad3 is called again), but this makes the click event fire twice on a single click. The problem gets worse the higher up masterpages you go (eg. fires 3 times if user control from topmost masterpage is called).

how to make sure it only binds the jquery events once?

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Data Controls :: Populate Pie Chart From Database JSON Data Using JQuery AJAX?

Jan 21, 2014

I need to display the data as pie chart,bar charts(2D,3D) here data is JSON data. any nice articles using jquery or java script free plugins ?

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Data Controls :: Display Data From Database Using HTML Table And JQuery / AJAX?

Aug 18, 2015

How to do this with database?


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Data Controls :: Save Repeater Data To Database Using JQuery AJAX

Dec 6, 2012

I have two repeaters where i'am moving rows from one to another by jquery drag and drop.

My question is, I want to achieve the first and second columns (they are the parameters) of each repeater (table) so that could call a webservice to make the update on database. So, how I achieve this and how can i call a webservice passing to the method the parameters for each change on both tables.

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Data Controls :: Display ToolTop With Data From Database On GridView Row MouseOver Using JQuery AJAX

May 7, 2015

I have a grdiview with tooltip, my question is on how can I view the tooltip in another SELECT

The tooltip in the gridview is not what I want, so the tooltip should be the result of

LEAVE TYPE          Total
Vacation Leave       7
Sick Leave             1


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Data Controls :: Save (Insert) Data To Database When TextBox Looses Focus Using JQuery AJAX

May 7, 2015

I'm referring in this question [URL] ....

and now what I want is without using the submit button and save to database

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Data Controls :: Pass Multiple GridView Row Data To Web Method / Save To Database Using JQuery AJAX

May 7, 2015

I want to add  gridview row data into to data base I am doing it perfectly.My problem is that want all gridview row data save and then web method should be called but in my cause one  gridview  data save in array then call webmethod,then other row data save in array then call webmethod called this process should be so on.But I want it webmethod should be called when all gridview row save in array.

Follwing code

<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
$("[id*=btnSubmit]").bind("click", function () {
var Customer = {};


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May 7, 2015

need to save autonatically after 10 am.

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Data Controls :: Attach Single And Double Click Events To GridView Row Using JavaScript And JQuery

May 7, 2015

I want to determine Sigle click and Double click on any particular row (anywhere in the row) using javascript.Let's say I have some records in griview and when I click on any row it display the data of that row, and when I double click on any row it display the data of that row with "Hello" word.

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Bind Dropdown To Local (browser) Database With HTML5/jQuery?

Oct 11, 2010

So I know how to store and retrieve data in a local database (Chrome). My function to retrieve data is

function SelectHandler(transaction, results) {
for (var i = 0; i < results.rows.length; i++) {
var row = results.rows.item(i);


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Data Controls :: GridView Using JQuery Json XML Bind To Grid

Aug 10, 2013

I've been following tutorials. I got a problem while attempting to try your sample,

Here is the sql syntax that i emulated from one of your tutorials

USE [arrestedpersonsdb]GO/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[stnencodedtodisplay]
Script Date: 08/10/2013 15:57:50 ******/SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGO-- =============================================--
Author: <Author,,Name>-- Create date: <Create Date,,>--
Description: <Description,,>-- =============================================
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[stnencodedtodisplay]
( @PageIndex INT = 1 ,@PageSize INT = 10 ,@RecordCount INT OUTPUT ,@id int ,

[Code] ....

If I use the first two parameter namely stnid and type it returns as expexted but when i try to add another parameter sample below:

USE [arrestedpersonsdb]GO
DECLARE @return_value int, @RecordCount int
EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[stnencodedtodisplay] @PageIndex = 1, @PageSize = 10, @RecordCount = @RecordCount OUTPUT, @id = 1599, @fname = 'ALDRIN', @lname = ''
SELECT @RecordCount as N'@RecordCount'
SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_value

it doesn't return anything is it because the data being returned is a single row or this type of query doesn't allow multiple parameters...

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