Data Controls :: Cascading DropDownList Using SQL DataSource

Apr 19, 2012

I have 5 dropdown list (sector-country-year-project code-project title) so what i need is when i select specific sector for example education , the rest of the label should show me the only data related to the sector education in dropdown list. the same with other if i select year 2011 should show me in other dropdown list just the data related to year 2011.

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Similar Messages:

DataSource Controls :: Cascading DropDownList With LINQ?

Sep 8, 2010

My application includes a gridview control with and Edit mode which allows users to do selections using cascading dropdownlist. My code is based on tutorial by Brian Orrell (link below). I am able to statically populate the dropdownlist but in my case I need to populate it dynamically based on a previous selection of a dropdownlist, I would like to do it programatically so I can manipulate data.


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Data Controls :: Clear Cascading DropDownList Selection When Parent DropDownList Is Changed

Jan 8, 2013

I am having two dropdownlist in my project,one dropdownlist for empid, another dropdownlist for month, if the user select the empid, the values are retrieved in the textbox.

In the second dropdownlist, if the user select the month in the dropdownlist it will display the leave details, its all working fine, if the user again select the first dropdownlist that means empid, I want to show the second dropdownlist as select month, how can do this.....

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Data Controls :: Cascading DropDownList Not Working When DateValueField Is Set

Jan 5, 2013

I have 2 dropdownlist in my page


and 2 table in database

1-Trade table

ID Tname
1 Industry
2 Cloth


ID Class Tname
1 Electronic Industry
2 Car Industry
3 Scarf Cloth
4 Pants Cloth

I bind ddlTrade from Tradetable and I want when users click on Item from ddlTrade it bind data from ddlTradeclass that TNAME=ddlTrade.selectedItem in ddltradeClass for this I used below code

for binding ddltrade

BindDropDownList(DDLtrade, "tradename", "Name", "id");
protected void BindDropDownList(DropDownList DDL, string spname, string dataTextfield, string dataValuefield) {
SqlCommand _cmd = new SqlCommand(spname, _cn);
_cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
SqlDataReader _dr = _cmd.ExecuteReader();

[Code] ....

NOW my problem is that when I select Item from ddlTrade it didn't show any thing in ddlTradeClass but when I delete this code


from BindDropDownList Metod and change like below:

protected void BindDropDownList(DropDownList DDL, string spname, string dataTextfield)
SqlCommand _cmd = new SqlCommand(spname, _cn);
_cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

[Code] ....

It worked correctly I mean when I click Item from ddlTrade in ddlTradeClass show data from TradeClass Table

so here what should I do ? I need DataValueField in ddlbinding ... Why this problem happen?

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Forms Data Controls :: Cascading Dropdownlist / Codes Not Working

Mar 16, 2011

I have 2 dropdownlists and on change 1st dropdownlist (ddlPlant), the 2nd dropdownlist (ddlCategoryName) refreshes its data based on 1st dropdownlist value. However, the codes does not worked.

My codes:


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Forms Data Controls :: Detailsview Edit For Cascading Dropdownlist

Mar 2, 2010

I have created two dropdown lists. The 2nd DDL depends for values on the 1st DDL. I have written code on the SelectedIndexChanged event of 1st DDL to change values of 2nd DDL. also i have used detailsview. In the template field i have used 2 DDL mentioned above. they are having SelectedValue='<%# Bind("") %>' property. Everything works fine but when i tried to edit record in detailsview & select value from 1st DDL then it gives me following error.

Server Error in '/' Application. Databinding methods such as Eval(), XPath(), and Bind() can only be used in the context of a databound control. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.InvalidOperationException: Databinding methods such as Eval(), XPath(), and Bind() can only be used in the context of a databound control.

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Forms Data Controls :: Cascading DropDownList In DetailsView Field?

Feb 9, 2011

I have an ASP.NET/C# web project that uses an Entity Data Model and Entity Framework to interact with my database. I also have a DetailsView control that will serve as the control used to insert a new record. The user will need to be able to select from multiple,
cascading dropdownlist controls to determine what parent record this new record will belong to. Here is an example.Say we have an online ordering system with the following hierarchy.

Customers -> Orders -> OrderParts -> Parts

We're going to add a new part to an order, under a customer. Ultimately the orderparts table won't have a reference to a customer, just an order. The order will have the reference to the customer. In the DetailsView for the new orderparts record we will need two cascading dropdownlist controls. One for customer and one for order, since we won't want to view some crazy amount of orders all in one dropdownlist.

However, the customer dropdownlist should not be bound to the detailsview control since there is no field for it. I also don't want to use the AJAX control since I don't want to create a separate web service to provide all of this information to the dropdownlist controls.

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Data Controls :: Implement Cascading DropDownList In Edit Row Of GridView

Jun 16, 2015

I have question how can make cascading dropdownlist in gridview edit mode

the first dropdown is for departments and second is for classes

the primary table to be updated is employees table

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Data Controls :: Populate Country State City Cascading DropDownList

Nov 21, 2012

is there any easy way to add city names,state names,and country names in dropdownlist..

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Data Controls :: Implement Cascading DropDownList Inside Repeater Control?

May 7, 2015

I have two dropdownlists inside a repeater. And based on the value I pick in the first dropdownlist the second needs to get populated (both need to be populated from the DB via stored proc). I am adding the code I have so far but it's not complete

<asp:Repeater ID="rpt" runat="server" OnItemDataBound="rpt_ItemDataBound">


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Data Controls :: Implement Dependent Cascading DropDownList In GridView TemplateField

Dec 23, 2013

How do I fill ProductNameID on selection of ProductCategoryID dropdown by passing

ProductCategoryID .SelectedValue...

aspx Code

<asp:GridView ID="gridPosition" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" ShowFooter="True" OnRowDataBound="gridPosition_onRowDataBound"
DataKeyNames="SaleDetailID" OnRowEditing="gridPosition_RowEditing"
OnRowCancelingEdit="gridPosition_RowCancelingEdit" OnRowUpdating="gridPosition_RowUpdating"
OnRowDeleting="gridPosition_RowDeleting" ShowHeaderWhenEmpty="True" CssClass="manage-admin"
Width="500px" GridLines="None">

[Code] .....

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Data Controls :: Populate Country State City Pincode Cascading DropDownList

Sep 20, 2012

Using four dropdown lists (country, state, city, pincode) in one table. i want to select one after other like based upon the country, states has to be displayed and based upon the states, cities has to be displayed and based upon the cities , pincode has to display. 

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Data Controls :: Bind Cascading Dropdownlist To Show State And City Which Is Stored In Table

Apr 27, 2016

Into my application there is EditAds.aspx page where the user get a link on his email after he add an Ad into my application. My inquiry is can i bind the cascading ddl to show the value of State column into Ad/product row as well if the user want to update the rest of state will be also reachable. It maybe hard to get what i am looking for exactly so i make a short screen record ...

Rebinding values of Ad/product depending on AdsID which is  a query string in the page called: QADNUM

[URL] ....

if (!IsPostBack)
if (cookie["Location"] == null)
DataTable rEfilterstathpBizDT = new DataTable();
using (SqlConnection REGGfilterstathpBizCon = new SqlConnection(sc))

[Code] ......

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Data Controls :: Dropdownlist Cascading Data Controls

Oct 5, 2013

I have created three DropDownLists which are cascading, the DropDownList are DDLCountry, DDLState and DDLCity, the DropDownLists retrieve the data from three tables, Country, State and City. The cascading code works but it not posting the Country Name, State Name or City Name to results table. It is instead posting the primary key of each of these tables that is being selected to the results table.

I am trying to have the Country Name, State Name and City Name, inserted into the Results table instead of primary key being inserted in the results table.

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Web Forms :: Populate Multiple Cascading DropDownList On Selection On Main DropDownList

Aug 12, 2012

i have 3 drop down list in my page


this is  ddlzone1 code

protected void DDLzone1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
DDLstore1.Items.Add(new ListItem("select center", ""));
DDLstore1.AppendDataBoundItems = true;
SqlCommand _cmd = new SqlCommand("selectcenter", _cn);


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C# - Populating Dropdownlist Using MVC2 Based On Another Dropdownlist (Cascading)

Sep 18, 2010

I am making an application that deals with vehicles. I need two DropDownLists:

Makes: All Vehicle Makes
Models: Models that belong to the selected value of the Make DropDownList

How is this done in MVC2? My Idea: Do I use an ajax call when my first list is selected and then pull back the Models to bind to the Model DDL? How would model binding come into play that way? UPDATE I posted what I ended up doing as an answer. It is super simple and works great. You can use a get too if you feel so inclined, but you have to specify that you want to like so... return Json(citiesList, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

View 4 Replies

State Management :: Cascading Dropdownlist Will Not Reload With Updated Database Data Unless End And Restart

May 19, 2010

I have a cascading dropdownlist. The first drop down is for Departments and is databound on PageLoad from the database. The user then selects a department and the second dropdown is populated with the appropriate sub departments via JQuery/JSON which calls an httphandler. The problem is as follows: I select a department and the subdepartments are filled.

I finish what I'm doing on that screen and everything is fine. But then if I go to a different screen and add an additional subdepartment then come back to original screen, the new sub department won't appear in the cascading dropdown. I have to close the browser and restart the session in order for any new sub departments to appear even though they are in the database. I put a breakpoint in the httphandler and noticed that it is only called once per session per each department in the first dropdown. I don't know why this is happening. I want it to call the httphander EVERY time the index of the department dropdown is changed.


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AJAX :: Dynamic Data - DropDownList Field Template With Cascading DropDown Extension?

Sep 10, 2010

Have spent hours trying to create a Dynamic Data Field Template holding a DropDownList which is extended by the AJAX Cascading DropDown extension.Final form holds multiple cascading dropdown boxes. User selects Country (Land) then Postcodes, Counties (Provincie) are populated. Once postcode is selected then towns (Plaats) are populated. The problem I am now facing is that the viewstate for the dropdown lists is not being saved/restored after an insert action or custom validation error. So basically the dropdown lists are being reset to their default values.Some code (if missing parts, just ask and I will post them) - Don't mind the code structures etc... needs some refactoring :)Attribute I created:


KlantMetaData (=> Klant is Dutch for Customer ):


DynamicDropDownList Control I created:

Dynamic FieldTemplate created for inserts:

EntityTemplate I created:

Webservice methods created:

Code in masterpage:

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Cascading Dropdownlist Not Working

Sep 23, 2010

i tried to change an cascading dropdownlist example

But i get always the message "Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object expected"

<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="contentplaceholderHEAD" runat="Server">
</script src="~/_scripts/jQuery-1.4.2.js" type="text/javascript">
<script language="javascript">[code]...

Can't tag all my code as "Sourceode" because its not working corectly..

<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="maincontent" runat="Server">
<div> [code]...

View 2 Replies

C# - Cascading Dropdownlist Without Postback?

Aug 10, 2010

I have a .aspx page having two dropdowns, the data to be loaded in them is usually static(but may change everyday), the first dropdown always displays the main categories and the second dropdown is initially empty.

Now, the requirement is:

As the user selects a category from the first dropdownlist, the second dropdownlist should populate based on the selection just made.

The road-block:

This should be done without a postback. My boss wants something like the drop downs on this page.

So what I gather is, I'd have to retrieve the data from the database on page load event, store it in the cache(or somewhere else?), then use javascript to handle the selectedindexchanged event of the 1st dropdown, use the data from database stored at pageload and populate the second dropdown according to the selected value of first dropdown.

P.S.- I'm a beginner ASP.Net C# programmer and have no knowledge of Javascript.

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Custom Server Controls :: Cascading DropDownList Custom Control - Design

Jun 14, 2010

I seriously want to learn how to create a custom server control, for that I made a requirement for myself, but lost on how to accomplish it.
Requirement -I want to create a cascading dropdownlist control - which should have following properties -1) ConnectionString - used to get data for the 1st dropdown from database, and also it is used by 2nd DropDown to get data.2) 1stSelectCommand - Used by the 1st DropDown to get data from the database.3) 2ndWhereCommand - used by the 2nd DropDown - uses the selected value from the 1st DropDown in the where clause to get data.
Methods - 1) DropDown1_SelectedIndexChanged()2) DropDown2_SelectedIndexChanged(3) CustomCascading_Changed() - this happens when any of the DropDowns index changed.
PS - This is a random requirement, of course it got nothing to do with any project or real time.I want to learn, so i incorporated basic concepts like Data Access, Custom Methods, Properties etc.PPS - I know how to create basic custom server control, so plz dont forward me links to how to create basic custom server controls. But in case with extrordinary links.

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How To Implement Cascading Static Dropdownlist

Jul 6, 2010

implementing cascading static dropdownlist in

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Cascading Dropdownlist In Mvc 2 Without Jquery Or Json?

Feb 11, 2011

I am new to ASP.NET MVC 2. In my project, there are two selects: one that contains a list of countries and another that should contain the states/provinces/etc for the country selected in the previous select.

Is there any possibility to create a cascading select without using any client scripting?

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Cascading Dropdownlist With Mvc And JQuery Not Working?

Dec 6, 2010

I am trying to use a solution for a cascading dropdownlist (the selection in one dropdownlist determines the options in the second one) found here:



how to get a default value for the dropdownlists. Since otherwise the customer dropdownlist will have a value when you first get to the page, but the task list won't...

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AJAX :: Cascading Dropdownlist Using JQuery

Aug 31, 2013

I am referring to following line from this link [URL] ....

data 'continentId ' 'ddlContinents.ClientID'.val ''

In your code. i tried using this code and facing a tiny problem. In above mentioned code 'ddlContinents.ClientID'.val stores integer value in contentId for obvious reasons but the requirement of my code is different. i want to pass text which is selected instead of id no.for example if mumbai is listed as second option and i select mumbai it should store mumbai in contentId instead of 2 i.e. integer value.

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