Data Controls :: Change First And Last PageIndex Style In GridView Paging JQuery

May 7, 2015

I have gridview in my page that use below code for pagination

<asp:GridView ID="GridView2" runat="server"
AutoGenerateColumns = "false" PagerStyle-CssClass = "GridPager" PagerSettings-Mode="NumericFirstLast" PagerSettings-PageButtonCount = "5"
AllowPaging ="true" OnPageIndexChanging = "OnPaging1" OnRowDataBound = "OnRowDataBound" PageSize = "5" ">
PagerSettings Mode="NumericFirstLast" PageButtonCount="5" FirstPageText="first"


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Similar Messages:

Forms Data Controls :: How To Change The Style Of The Page Number Appearing In A Gridview

Dec 7, 2010

i want ot change the style of the page number in gridview . How can i do it? What attribute of pagersettings can i use?

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Data Controls :: Unable To Find Columns And Change Its Style For GridView With AutoGenerateColumns True

Feb 10, 2014

I am trying to add dynamically gridview (headerstylewidth, back-color, height, etc…, itemstyle width, back-color, height, etc…), in codebehind but I am receiving this error:

Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index

See the code:

runat ="server"


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Paging On Change Page Number?

Jan 12, 2011

So my problem is as followes:

i have a gridview in another gridview (gv2 inside gv1).

in codebehind, at pageload i have: [Code]....

witch gives me a number of total records in the gv2 to a label. something like a coment number label.

my problem occures when i press the page button (allowpaging = true) on the first gridview. it acts kinda like this:

it makes the second gridview.visible = true; doest string the number of rows, and the label.text = "";

i've tried to make a code like this:

if (Ispostback)
foreach ...etc..
foreach ....etc...

Also the gridview 1 and 2 the datasource is an SqlDataSource.

but that didnt work . also tried some things in pageindexchanged and pageindexchanging but still no efect :(. and also tried with enableviewstate = false / true on both gridviews with diferent combinations, but still no luck.

the code works only when i have allowpaging = false, or when im on the first page of the gridview (for the first time) is that the number of coments is pasted into the label.

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Forms Data Controls :: Move To Particular Pageindex In Gridview?

Sep 11, 2010

I have one textbox one button and one gridview on my webform, when Page loads all records are displayed on gridview, which works perfectly fine, now,I search particular records by entering id in textbox, which finds particular records and found row's background becomes red.which works perfectly fine too, my gridview's pagesize is 15 which means it display 15 records per page, Now,Problem is when i enter ID textbox to search record,but searched record is on another page,so,I want that When i click button to search, the page must be displayed where searched record exist. It displays first page even after search, How can i move to that page where record exist. what i have to code in click event

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Data Doesn't Change On Paging?

Sep 27, 2010

I have used objectdatasource with Gridview.

I have total 3000 records in DB.

In gridview settings:


but on click on page number in the footer the page is changing but data is not refreshing.

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Forms Data Controls :: Paging Style / Decrease The Height?

Sep 30, 2010

I m doing paging in gridview. The paging one which acts like footer is of more height. I m trying to decrease the height but it is not working. when I m trying to increase it working.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Pass The PageIndex Of A GridView From One Page To Another

May 24, 2010

I have a GridView which contains photographs.

Each row has a "View Large" link which passes the image id to another page whereupon the image is displayed in a DetailsView.

That page has a "back to album" hyperlink.

All this works nicely, however, no matter what page the user was on in the GridView, having clicked through to the DetailsView and then back to the GridView, the user ends up on page 1 of the GridView.

How can I ensure the user comes back to the same page in the GridView that they were on when they clicked through to the DetailsView? Do I need to pass the gv.PageIndex value and send it back; can I just somehow tell the GridView to "stay where it was"?

Here's the code for the GridView (it pulls the image info from a SQL db:


View 21 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Access GridView PageIndex In Rowdatabound Event?

Feb 5, 2010

How do I access GridView Page Index in RowDataBound event? I am assigning PageIndex to hyperlink on the gridview, for this I was planning to use "GridView1.PageIndex" in rowdatabound event. Problem is when I got second page in gridview (10 rows per page), the first row in the page shows page index as "0" and from second row it becomes 1. And if I goto third page, the first row in the page shows page index as "1" and from second row it becomes 2.

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Data Controls :: Search GridView With Paging Using Multiple TextBoxes On KeyPress Using JQuery

May 7, 2015

I tried out another article (Search GridView with Paging on TextBox KeyPress using jQuery in ASP.Net ). Need to add more search text boxes to that gridview with Paging?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Access The Pageindex Gridview Property When Creating A Dynamic Template

Mar 15, 2011

I need to get access to the page index of the gridview so I can correctly get some data from a coresponding array to set the cell's contol properties correctly. Below is what I've got so far. The ExcelObject is a class that houses both the data read in from an sutomer submitted excel file and a matching 2 dimensional array of characteristics that I use in this case to set the CssClass property. My problem is that when I enable paging for the gridview I don't get the proper datasource row index when the data is read by the databinder.eval; what I'm getting is the current row of the gridview being generated.


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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Paging - Paging Links Not Use JavaScript?

Nov 18, 2010

Is there a way to use the GridView paging and having the links not use JavaScript. So that when you click on the page number 5 (for example) that link is a hyperlink.

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GridView Paging Every Time - Change Page Loads Full Data

Oct 14, 2010

I do long and slow query to get data to my GridView and I got lot of data, but when I'm changing page it loads as slow as at the start, it loads full data again and again, how to load data once and use paging without data loading?

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Data Controls :: Change Datalist Pagination Style

May 7, 2015

according to below thread I used datalist pagination


here when there was 1 page it show like:

اولین قبلی 1 آخرین

I want if there was 1 page it just show:

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Jquery - Passing Back The Client Side Style / Class Change To The Server During Postbacks?

Feb 9, 2010

I'm dynamically binding tables and sub tables using nested listviews. On the client side I have a piece of jQuery that is toggling the visiblity of TRs witin the tables in order to provide a group expand / contract view option.

On postback I'm obviously loosing my class changes that I have applied via jQuery. I'm wondering what the best approach to maintaining these client side class changes is? I've considered creating a hidden input control per table to store the indexes of the visible TRs at the time of expanding them. The intention being to then look for the indexes during postback / rebinding and add the visible classes to each corresponding element.

Is there a better approach or some native method of passing back the client side style / class change to the server during postbacks?

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Forms Data Controls :: To Return From OrderDetails Page To The OrderList page And to Set The Gridview pageindex

Feb 19, 2010

I am using a gridview on an OrderList page to present data from a database. Paging is enabled on the gridview.

Each row provides a link to an OrderDetails page which is used to display/edit data for the selected order.

I want to be able to return from OrderDetails page to the OrderList page and to set the gridview pageindex.

What is the best way to do this?

Can I have multiple paramaters with NavigateURL (i.e. the orderid and the pageindex)?

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Data Controls :: Change Font Style In Datalist Pagination

May 7, 2015

I used below code for datalist pagination
private void PopulatePager(int recordCount, int currentPage)
double dblPageCount = (double)((decimal)recordCount / (decimal)PageSize);
int pageCount = (int)Math.Ceiling(dblPageCount);


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Data Controls :: Change TextBox Width When Using JQuery QuickSearch In GridView?

Mar 15, 2014


in this artical your  using 3 text box inside the grid for searching grid data .my question how to fix the size of these textbox? because of this textbox what i am using in my grid, my gridview became so large.and even its not looking good.

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Forms Data Controls :: Customize Style Of DataPager - Change The Image While Mouse Over?

Aug 26, 2010

I'm using a DataPager for a ListView, it works well, I'm using ButtonType:Image to style it but I want to change the image while mouse over, but I can't, I've tried some with ButtonCssClass but there's no good result. Here is my DataPager:


So, is it possible to change the image while mouse over?

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Data Controls :: Change View Of Responsive GridView From Desktop To Mobile And Vice Versa Using JQuery

Dec 23, 2015

I read your inserat about responsive grid and tested it: [URL] ....

What I need is a button which allow to change mode (phone, normal) 

independently in which mode you are at the moment. How to do it?

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Programmatically Change Style (padding) Of A Column In GridView

Feb 26, 2010

I need to change padding for one column in ASP.NET GridView, while all other CSS atributes defined in external CSS file should be left untouched. How can I do it? Update: Below is my code that solved the problem:

protected void gvwMaster_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
e.Row.Cells[0].Attributes.Add("style", "padding:0");

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JQuery :: Datepicker Has No Style As In It Doesnt Seem To Be Recognising The Style Sheet?

Apr 1, 2011

My date picker has no style as in it doesnt seem to be recognising the style sheet


and my html


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Forms Data Controls :: Set FormView PageIndex By DataKey Of Row?

Mar 17, 2010

Does any one know how set the FormView PageIndex to a DataItem with a specified DataKey?


DataKey dataKeyVal = myGridView.SelectedDataKey.value
myFormView.PageIndex = FormView.DataItems.GetByDataKeyVal(DataKey dataKeyVal).Index

The FormView is bound to the same ObjectDataSource as the GridView and the FormView uses the autoPaging so I can't just use a separate DataSource for the FormView with just one parameter being the ID.

There must be a way to set the FormView PageIndex by a Datakey value.

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Forms Data Controls :: PageIndex Changing On Postback?

Nov 8, 2010

I m having Gridview in Update Panel. If I select page 2, I want to update few contents in the same page. I m using Update panel for those contents.

<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">
<asp:UpdatePanel runat="server" ID="UpdatePanel3" UpdateMode="Conditional">
<Triggers><asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="GridView1" EventName="---" /></Triggers>
<div style="border:1px solid #000; width:300px; height:35px;" runat="server" id="divSelectedRecords">

What event Name I have to give in Trigger?

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Forms Data Controls :: Why Set FormView PageIndex Is So Slow

Feb 16, 2010

I just use a FormView to display the data. When I tried to set the PageIndex at Page Load, it is quick to get the PageIndex value from database. But it took 2 seconds to set the PageIndex.

FormView binding to a List collection which get from Database (It is quick to get the data from database)

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