Data Controls :: Filter SqlDataSource Based On Selected Items From ListBox?

Aug 29, 2013

sql data source is easily take one filter expression from dropdown list and filter the data show in gridview.

 How can i filter sql data source through listbox because in list box user can pass multi selected value in that sql data source stop working.

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Similar Messages:

Data Controls :: Filter DataList Items Based On DropDownList Selection?

May 7, 2015

how can set on focus Datalist on Button Click Event for Search show datalist data

I want To Show My Dalatist Item When The User Click On Search Button for item Search

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Data Controls :: Filter DataList Items Based On DropDownList Selection

Jul 10, 2012

I have successfully implemented article - "Print only the items which are selected using checkbox in a ASP.Net DataList control"

I would like to add a dropdownlist above the DataList Control to filter the contents of Datalist and then print the items selected using Checkbox in a ASP.NET DataList Control.

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Data Controls :: Filter GridView Data Based On CheckBoxList Checked Items

Aug 31, 2012

I want bind  and filter gridview data with  values selected in checbox list ..

i am bind checkboxlist on pageload ....but able to filter the result the of gridview with value of checkbox list ..

when i check box  nothing happen

This my code

<asp:CheckBoxList ID="CheckBoxList1" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True" DataValueField="cartid" DataTextField="sub"
onselectedindexchanged="CheckBoxList1_SelectedIndexChanged" >

[Code] ....

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView + SqlDataSource Selected Items Disappear On Edit?

Mar 12, 2010


I am trying to put the select command in code behind:

sdsAdd.SelectCommand = String.Format("SELECT Classes.ClassId, Committed, CallNumber, SubjectArea, CourseNumber, SectionNumber, GradingBasis, NumberOfUnits, NetId FROM Classes INNER JOIN EnrollmentAdjustmentClasses ON EnrollmentAdjustmentClasses.ClassId=Classes.ClassId
WHERE AllFormsId='4' AND SectionId='1' AND NetId=@NetId AND Committed='True' AND EnrollmentAdjustmentClasses.FormId={0}", Request.QueryString["FormId"].ToInteger32());

When I do that, then click edit to edit the selected item, the item disappears from my gvadd. What am I doing wrong?

View 3 Replies

Data Controls :: How To Remove Selected Items From ListBox In Windows Application

Aug 10, 2012

I have 2 ListBoxes. 1st SelectionMode is Multiple. Once I select many options from 1st ListBox I can copy it in ListBox2 but i Unable to remove it.

Code :

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click 
For i = 0 To ListBox1.SelectedItems.Count - 1 
' ListBox1.Items.Remove(ListBox1.SelectedItems(i).ToString()) it is not removing.   
End Sub

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Data Controls :: Save Selected Items Of ListBox To Database In Windows Forms Application

Mar 19, 2013

i am making use of two listboxes. the data from one listbox is transfered to other listbox on button click, bt teh the data which is selected must be added to the table in the sql server. but it is not storing values it is throwing execption... 

private void InsertRecords(StringCollection sc)
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=ABCD;Integrated Security=True");
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(string.Empty);


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Data Controls :: Filter Child CheckBoxList Items Based On Parent CheckBoxList Selection

May 7, 2015

I need to charge my checkboxlist1 from database, eg load fruits and vegetables. When selecting fruits, new filter based on the previous selection in my checkboxlist2. for specific search.

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C# - Textbox Value To Filter Databound ListBox Items Using JavaScript?

Mar 8, 2010

I have a ListBox which is bound to a list of data items.

Now I want the user to be able to filter the items shown in the ListBox based on the search expression typed in the TextBox. For each character typed in the TextBox, the ListBox items should change to show only the items matching the search expression.

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Web Forms :: Compare Two ListBox Selected Items And Save The Common Selected To Database

May 7, 2015

Two ListBox Items  Compare and  Distinct  Values  Insert  Into  Third  ListBox

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Web Forms :: Selected Items In Listbox To Be Seen As Selected

May 17, 2010

I'm having trouble getting selected items in a listbox to be seen as selected. On my aspx page there's a listbox and a button:


But if I change my condition to Not selected, the string does build, with every item in the list. So the Sub is reached, the items and their text and values are seen, but user selection of items doesn't work. What am I missing?

View 8 Replies

C# - Using The Selected Items In Sqldatasource?

Jul 22, 2010

How can I use the results of the select method in SqlDatasource like assign the returned id to a variable ?

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Web Forms :: How To Get All Non Selected Items From Listbox

Jun 29, 2010

How to get all items from Listbox. i need to load all item from Listbox to my database. how to get collection of item and how to save it into databse.

View 3 Replies

Listbox - Show Only The First Items As Selected

May 1, 2010

I have a list box which is populated using a dictioanry. When I iterate throught the selected items using the following code, it always show only the first items as selected - even if the first item is not selected. Have you ever encountered this scenario? This problem occurs when I use dictionary for binding. On the other hand a generic list works fine.

private void PopulateListBox2()
List<string> subjectList = new List<string>();
ListBox1.DataSource = subjectList;

Even it will work fine, if the values are unique. But in my scenario, the values are same; only key varies. The following works

private void PopulateListBox5()
Dictionary<string, string> resultDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
resultDictionary.Add("Maths", "Lijo1");
resultDictionary.Add("Science", "Lijo2");
ListBox1.DataValueField = "Value";
ListBox1.DataTextField = "Key";
ListBox1.DataSource = resultDictionary;

The following code has the problem......................

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Listbox Selected Items Into Textbox Not Working

Dec 22, 2010

my will not use listbox1.selecteditems it always comes up with a blue line underneath even though when i search online everyone is using this. my goal is to get the selected items and list them in a textbox

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim li As ListItem
For Each li In ListBox1.Items
If li.Selected Then
TextBox1.Text &= li.Text & vbCrLf
End If
End Sub
End Class

View 2 Replies

C# - Listbox Persisting Multiple Selected Items?

Jul 29, 2010

I am persisting the search selection criteria of a listbox onto another page which is called AreasLb. Multiple areas can be selected, I simply want to set the listbox items that the user selected as .Selected = true

I think the below code should work, but it doesn't, with no items in the Listbox being selected.

if (s == "Areas")
string[] area = nv[s].Substring(0, (nv[s].Length - 1)).Split(';');
int i = 0;
foreach (ListItem item in AreasLb.Items)
foreach (var s1 in area)
if (s1 == item.Value)
AreasLb.Items[i].Selected = true;
i = i + 1;

View 2 Replies

Web Forms :: Accessing All The Selected Items In A Listbox?

Jan 28, 2010

I need to know how to loop through all the selected items of a listbox.

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Web Forms :: Get Count Of Selected Items In ListBox Using C#

May 7, 2015

how to get selected items count in listbox (but not all items count only selected items count) 

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Web Forms :: How To Show Multiple Selected Items Of A Listbox

Jun 18, 2010

I had used listbox control with multiple selection mode. I stored id with comma delimiter in database.


1. List Item One.
2. List Item Two.
3. List Item Three.
4. List Item Four.
5. List Item Five.
6. List Item Six.

Suppose user select item 2, 4 & 6. So I will store it as a 2,4,6 in database. This will work fine.

Now in editing I have to shows selection-bar for item 2, item 4 & item 6. So I had typed below source.

string strData ="2,4,6"
if(strData != null)
char[] separator = new char[] { ',' };
string[] strSplitArr = strData.Split(separator);
int x = 0;
for (x = 0; x < strSplitArr.Length; x++)
// lstWDef_PurchasesEdit.Items[x].Selected = true;
lstWDef_PurchasesEdit.SelectedValue = strSplitArr[x].ToString();

But with this statement I got only last item id as a selected item with selectionbar. In our example 2,4,6 only item whoseid is 5 got as a selected item.

if i use

for (x = 0; x < strSplitArr.Length; x++)
if (lstWDef_PurchasesEdit.Items[x].Value == strSplitArr[x])
lstWDef_PurchasesEdit.Items[x].Selected = true;

if the selected items are serial like 2,3,4 then it is displaying correctly..

if items are 2,4,6 then it is not selecting the items of listbox properly.

Is anybody guide me how to make item 2, item 4, item 5 as a selected item ?

View 4 Replies

.net - Maximum-Count Of Selected Items - Validator For ListBox?

Nov 15, 2010

i have asked myself if there is an easy way to check if a ListBox has a maximum of 5 selected items. There must be at least one and at most 5 items selected.Do i need a CustomValidator with server-side validation?

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Web Forms :: Unselect Selected Items In Listbox After SelectedIndexChanged?

Oct 24, 2010

i have a listbox LbGeneratedExcelLinks when i click inside of it on an item it download the selected item

here s my code

Protected Sub LbGeneratedExcelLinks_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LbGeneratedExcelLinks.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim RedirectUrl As String = LbGeneratedExcelLinks.SelectedValue
LbGeneratedExcelLinks.SelectedIndex = Nothing
End Sub

problem is if i want to click on another button or other event it keeps showing the dialog open or save file the one i put inside selectedindexChanged

unselect after the selectedindexchanged i think it will solve my problem

View 4 Replies

Add Selected CheckBoxList Items To ListBox On Button Click

Jul 14, 2012

I added some food items in CHeckBoxList. I want to add selected food item(s) in a ListBox. The Text Property is name of the food and it's value is there Price (Food Price)  As soon as I add any food item in a ListBox the total should be displayed.

Whichever code I wrote using it, if i select 1 item then it adds in a ListBox. But If I select another food item  then Previous food item also added because it is selected. I will select some food items then it will be adding in the ListBox, I will  check the total, if the total is greater than my budget then i can remove some food items.

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Web Forms :: Save ListBox Selected Items To Database

May 7, 2015

I have a DropDownList shows the company names and a ListBox shows the products of the company I selected in the DropDownList and I can select many products from ListBox:

in sql I have these tables: comp_id,comp_name
2.product: prod_id,prod_name
3.Pro_Comp_details:Pro_Comp_ID,Pro_ID,Comp_ID (bridge table)

In .net I have a page with a button to add to bridge table to add a company and many products to it

this is my code but there is something missing

protected void btn_save_add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
poc.Pro_Comp_ID = Convert.ToInt32(txt_prod_of_compID_add.Text);
int id1 = Convert.ToInt32(String.Format("select Comp_ID from Company where Comp_Name = '{0}'", ddl_choose_companyName.SelectedValue));
int[] id2 = new int[ListBox1.Items.Count];

[Code] ...

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Web Forms :: Listbox.Items[0].Selected Always To True / Rebind It In The Codebehind?

Jul 15, 2010

I have a ListBox declared like this in my aspx:


And I need to rebind it in the codebehind:


Then I want only the second item in the list to be selected


I don't want the first item to be selected, what do I miss?

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AJAX :: Save Selected ListBox Items To Database Using JQuery?

May 7, 2015

Add and Remove Textbox to ListBox Items in JavaScript and than How to store each list box items to array list

without server postback how to store Textbox to ListBox Items in JavaScript and than How to store each list box items to array list

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