Data Controls :: How To Access Controls In Empty Data Template In GridView Control
Dec 2, 2011
How do i access the controls placed in the empty data template?
I am using the following link to create empty data template and i have added text boxes in the footer
[URL] ....
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Oct 31, 2010
I would like to find controls in the detailsview control placed in the EmptyData Template of the gridview. I am trying to create Insert new record for the gridview control.
1. If there are existing records in the table - works fine and sets my two values: I placed Detailsview and Insert Button in the footer of the gridview. I needed to set the values of two fields. When I click on the Insert button it saves new record and sets the field with the value (code attached - works fine). I also have a popup extender that opens detailsview - this works just fine.
2, If ther are not records in the table - saves record but cannot find and set controls on the detailsview Same thing setup in the EmptyData Template. The record is saved but I cannot Find and set the field value on the control.
1. Link button (on click) in the gridview footer (works fine)
protected void LinkButton1_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e)
string zupa1;
zupa1 = ddlSelectEmployee.SelectedValue;
DetailsView zupa = (DetailsView)gvTraining4.FooterRow.FindControl("DetailsView1"); TextBox zupa2 = (TextBox) zupa.FindControl("txtInsertEmployee");
zupa2.Text = zupa1;
DetailsView dettraining = (DetailsView)gvTraining4.FooterRow.FindControl("DetailsView1");
TextBox training = (TextBox) dettraining.FindControl("txtTrainingType");
training.Text = "4";
2. EmptyDataTemplate.FindControl - can save record but cannot access txtInsertEmployee and txtTrainingType
DetailsView zupa = (DetailsView)gvTraining4.EmptyDataTemplate.FindControl("DetailsView1");TextBox
zupa2 = (TextBox)zupa.FindControl("txtInsertEmployee");TextBox
training = (TextBox)dettraining.FindControl("txtTrainingType");"4";
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Jan 20, 2011
I want to change the text of gridview empty data template based on diff scenerio's.
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Sep 5, 2010
While running ItemDetabound upon load of a listivew, I am trying to access the text in a label of the LayoutTemplate of a different Listview. It works fine if I try access the same labels under the same names if they are in the same listview, but not if they are in a different one. It was working for a while, can't figure out what I changed, but now says that object doesn't exist.
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Apr 8, 2010
I have one grid which have 5 columns 1 for subject,2,3,4 for marks which have textbox to insert obtained marks,and last column have one lable to display total of (2+3+4),now i want total value on textbox event,when user enter any value to any column of textbox i need to display total of all three columns in total column. that things i did using javascript now i have one grand total text box in footer template according to sum of total i need to display grand how can i get that footer template textbox in rowtype of DataControlRowType.DataRow.JAVASCRIPT :
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function sum(m1, m2, m3, txtTotal,txtFTotal) {
var mark1 = document.getElementById(m1).value;
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Jan 18, 2012
I have placed a label in footer template of DataList Control.. And i want to access it a DataLists UpdateCommand..
if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Footer)
lbl = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lblmessage");
But it did not work....
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Aug 6, 2010
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Here's my gridview
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Mar 15, 2011
I need to get access to the page index of the gridview so I can correctly get some data from a coresponding array to set the cell's contol properties correctly. Below is what I've got so far. The ExcelObject is a class that houses both the data read in from an sutomer submitted excel file and a matching 2 dimensional array of characteristics that I use in this case to set the CssClass property. My problem is that when I enable paging for the gridview I don't get the proper datasource row index when the data is read by the databinder.eval; what I'm getting is the current row of the gridview being generated.
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Nov 8, 2010
i have a Gridview inside a Multiview control.
i want to obtain the value of a column from a textbox added to a template.?
alternatively, is it possible to set the mode to permanent Update with command buttons?
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Jan 6, 2010
I want to show a message when there's no data in my datalist. I found the following, but, I get an error on the bool. If you have another way to do this, great, but, I'd also like to try to do it this way as a learning experience.
<asp:DataList id="DataList3" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1">
<asp:HyperLink ID="ID" runat="server" target="_parent" NavigateUrl='<%# "Employment_detail.aspx?"%>'
Text='<%# Bind("WJTTL") %>'/>
<asp:Label ID="lblEmpty"
Text="Nothing here." runat="server" Visible="true">
%>Visible='<%#bool.Parse((SqlDataSource1.Items.Count==0).ToString())%>'> </asp:Label>
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Mar 31, 2010
I have a gridview and basically at page load I want it to display with an empty row. The first field in the gridview would be a template field containing a textbox. I wan't to be able to type in, for example, a product code ('abc'). This would be the parameter for the stored procedure and then the rest of the columns (40+ additional columns) in the gridview would populate with the rest of the data pertaining to that product code (i.e. price, unit of measure, etc.). In short the template field texbox is the control to bind the gridview.
After the row is populated I could click a button or link that would add that entire row to my gridview and then add another empty row where I could enter another product code... populate the row then add that row to the gridview. and so on...
View 5 Replies
Jan 6, 2010
I have a gridview control
i add template column dynamically to gridview
like this in a function in AddColumns button clickevent
Dim chkCol As New TemplateField
chkCol.ItemStyle.Width = 20
chkCol.ItemStyle.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center
and in row databound event i added checkbox control to this template field. like this
Protected Sub gv_RowDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs) Handles gv.RowDataBound
If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow Then
Dim chkbox As New CheckBox
chkbox.ID = "chkSelect"
End If
End Sub
HERE I WANT TO GET CHEKC BOX IN btnok click event
Protected Sub btnOk_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOk.Click
Dim linkId As String
Dim summary As String = ""
'Enumerate the GridViewRows
For index As Integer = 0 To Me.gv.Rows.Count - 1
'Programmatically access the CheckBox from the TemplateField
Dim cb As CheckBox = CType(gv.Rows(index).Cells(0).FindControl("chkSelect"), CheckBox)
If cb IsNot Nothing Then
If cb.Checked Then
linkId = Me.gv.DataKeys(index).Value
End If
End If
Me.Page.Title = linkId
End Sub
But here i am not getting Check box even i used find control. how i get checkbox
View 8 Replies
Mar 15, 2011
I have gridview template field with 5 columns like First Name, Middle Name, P.No and Last Name. The grid has a list of people with a blank row at the bottom of the grid (in the footer) that allows the user to add a newperson to the list. I have added textbox under fotter template. i need to add associated control id for footer template text box.I have been asked to make the grid section 508 compliant. The requirement is that the column headers must have labels that referencethe text boxes in the footer row. On a normal web form it would look like this:
<label for="txtFirstName">First Name</label>
<asp:textbox id="txtFirstName" runat="server" />
This allows a text reader to figure out that the words "First Name" are associated with the text box "txtFirstName" and helps a blind personunderstand how to fill out the form.Now, back to my problem. I need to figure out a way to get the header of a Grid view template column to work the same way. The biggest problem is that I have no idea what the ClientID of the textbox will be.
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Feb 19, 2010
I have a gridview with two bound fields. On clicking a button i want to display the values in first row of gridview in two textboxes. But if gridview cell is empty i am getting the text in textbox to which the value of cell is given as -' 'i know my problem will be solved if i use the template fields instead. But i want a solution while maintaining the bound fields ,if any.
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Mar 9, 2011
OnSelectedIndexChanged event for the dropdown is the fired.
I have set the autopost back value = "true", EnableViewState ="true" for page tag and gridview tag.
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Dec 4, 2010
Setting up the editItem template of a gridview. I have a template field with a dropdown list for editing. When the gridview goes into edit mode the dropdown list is displayed with all the right options but the current value of the field (pre-editing) is not the selected value of the dropdown list? How do I make that happen? I have a couple fields where the editItem template will use a dropdown list and I'm sure a user will not realize those values have changed and they will just edit what they intended to edit and save the changes, inadvertently also making changes to other fields.
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Jan 11, 2010
How to display empty GridView to insert new record if no data retreived for some record on the result from data table?Actually i am trying to give a user an option to add recrod from Gridview. On result of some query it is perfectly displaying data and a footer row with the insertion textbox but when there is no data in the gridview it is not displaying. It should display with footer having insert textbox.
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May 24, 2010
The Detailsview has a template containing a textbox for one of it's fields.When an item is selected in the Gridview, I want to set a property of the textbox. How do I do that? I've tried Findcontrol for the item during Prerender of the detailsview. I've also tried many other things. Below is a portion of my aspx code followed by my VB code.
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
DataKeyNames="LU_DutyStations_ID" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1">
asp:CommandField ShowSelectButton="True" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Duty Station Code" HeaderText="Duty Station Code"
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Oct 27, 2010
How do I access a specific control within a FormView's "<InsertItemTemplate>"?
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Dec 2, 2013
I have create one user control of personal details, and write the geting data from database method and Load the entities in respective field,then how to bind user control in gridview and how to accecc Id of user control in aspx page.
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May 7, 2015
I have gridview in my page that users can edit their data in gridview below is code:
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" CssClass="DGridView1"
AutoGenerateColumns = "false" Font-Names = "Tahoma"
Font-Size = "9pt"
HeaderStyle-BackColor = "#e0e0e0"
OnPageIndexChanging = "OnPaging" onrowediting="EditCustomer"
onrowupdating="UpdateCustomer" onrowcancelingedit="CancelEdit"
GridLines = "Both" OnRowDataBound = "OnRowDataBound" >
I define Lable in gridview that I want when users click on edit it show s some text in this lable so I wrote editcustomer metod like below:
protected void EditCustomer(object sender, GridViewEditEventArgs e) {
Label3.Text = "neda";
GridView1.EditIndex = e.NewEditIndex;
But this error happen:
the name "lable3" doesn't exist in current context
I know because I define it in gridview it can't recognize but how I can solve it?
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Oct 21, 2015
How to access database values in footer template of repeater control in ASP.Net,C#. My Code is given below:
<asp:Repeater ID="rptrMaintenance" runat="server" OnItemDataBound="rptrMaintenance_DataBinding" >
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" valign="top">
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Jun 27, 2012
When I click on the Alphabets it will show the details of a player...however, when that particular letters has no details of the player..I want to show."No results can be found"..Is there anyway to do it?
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
ViewState["CurrentAlphabet"] = "ALL";
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Mar 21, 2011
I have a 3 text boxes. When i enter datas in and click the button it displays the gridview with filtered data. Now my problem is if there is no data in gridview it has to show "no data" so I used emptydatatext property.. The problem is, in the page load itself it shows "no data"
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