Forms Data Controls :: Dropdown Control As A Template Field Inside A Gridview
Mar 9, 2011
OnSelectedIndexChanged event for the dropdown is the fired.
I have set the autopost back value = "true", EnableViewState ="true" for page tag and gridview tag.
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Similar Messages:
Dec 4, 2010
Setting up the editItem template of a gridview. I have a template field with a dropdown list for editing. When the gridview goes into edit mode the dropdown list is displayed with all the right options but the current value of the field (pre-editing) is not the selected value of the dropdown list? How do I make that happen? I have a couple fields where the editItem template will use a dropdown list and I'm sure a user will not realize those values have changed and they will just edit what they intended to edit and save the changes, inadvertently also making changes to other fields.
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Nov 13, 2010
I have a text box placed inside a gridview(template) . I need to update its value by a dropdown list event (Selected Item Changed event) placed in the same gridVew. But The problem is that , I need to update the text box of the same row the dropdown list (whose textChange Event haas been fired)
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Mar 31, 2010
I have a gridview and basically at page load I want it to display with an empty row. The first field in the gridview would be a template field containing a textbox. I wan't to be able to type in, for example, a product code ('abc'). This would be the parameter for the stored procedure and then the rest of the columns (40+ additional columns) in the gridview would populate with the rest of the data pertaining to that product code (i.e. price, unit of measure, etc.). In short the template field texbox is the control to bind the gridview.
After the row is populated I could click a button or link that would add that entire row to my gridview and then add another empty row where I could enter another product code... populate the row then add that row to the gridview. and so on...
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Jul 31, 2013
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Feb 8, 2011
I hav a gridview in which i display the project name,created date,Start time ,end time ,total hours along with the task id field which is visible=false.
My starttime and endtime format is 2010-10-13 03:00:00,but i want to display these two fields in dropdownlist ie.,only i want to display the HH:MM:SS in dropdown so that when the user changes the time it should be automatically be reflected in the total hours(6:0) field after updating.pls tell me what i have to do to bring the Hours ,minutes and seconds in dropdownlist into the cells of gridview with the value in database ,how to write the code.
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Mar 4, 2011
below data are getting from the db
COL1 Col2
a b
c d
i want to bind the col1 and col2 value in one template field column inside gridview .is this possible means how to do this below is the format i expected. i don;t want to do this in db ..
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Jan 28, 2011
I need to generate a gridview with dynamic columns, on each cell I need a button that inserts-deletes a relationship in a database. The relationship is of course between what is represented by each column and row. I decided to use a gridview and create templatefields which I add programmatically to the table. I successfully got to that point but when i decided to raise a click event from the buttons or a rowcommand from the gridview I could not do it. I´m looking into doing this with button fields right now but I´m curious on how this can be accomplished?
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Jun 12, 2010
I Have the gridview control with 2 dropdown list and 2 text boxes,When the textbox chnaged event happen 1 row will create and the dropdown back to initial values( its not retaining the selected values),I am binding the control after text changed method,Is there any properties needs to be set or any other way we can retain the values in postbacks?
View 4 Replies
Nov 10, 2010
I am using a DetailsView Control and have a "MemberStatus" field.
When using the templates in edit mode, I am using a dropdownlist to change the member status.
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Member status:" InsertVisible="False" SortExpression="MemberStatus">
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlMemberStatus" runat="server" DataSourceID="adsMemberStatus" CssClass="eitField" DataTextField="MemberStatus"
DataValueField="MemberStatusID" Width="120px" SelectedValue='<%# Bind("MemberStatusID") %>'>
<asp:Label ID="Label6" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("MemberStatus") %>'></asp:Label>
What I would like to achieve is, if the MemberStatus is changed during edit mode, e.g. from "Active" to "Deceased"
I would like to enable certain fields e.g. txtBoxDateDeceased, and attach a RequiredFieldValidator for the textbox field.
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Jan 19, 2010
I have a field that is based on membersip UserID. I can bind this to dropdowns which aren't in a detailsview just fine, but for somereason my code isnt working for finding the control properly.I have the following in detailsview.databound (where it was suggested to be placed)
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Sep 11, 2010
i have a gridview as follows,
<asp:GridView runat="server" ID="gvPO" AutoGenerateColumns="False" >
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="PO No."><ItemTemplate>
<asp:LinkButton ID="lnkPo" runat="server" Text='<%#Eval("Purchase_order_no") %>' ></asp:LinkButton>
The linbutton shows Purchase_order_no. When i clicked on a paricular purchase_order_no., it will navigate to another page with a gridview that shows details of that particular Purchase_order_no...
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Aug 24, 2010
I have a Linkbutton on a Gridview which has got the below RowDataBound:
The above javascript will close the page automatiically. My intent is to close the page after the Link in the template field is clicked, but here the page closes automatically when its loaded.
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Jan 10, 2011
I have a gridview, whose columns I am dynamically binding. There are two fixed columns, one is a button field and another is a template field containing an image. The other columns might vary in number and behaviour, so before binding the grid, I am removing all columns of the gridview except the button field and the template field. But after doing this, if i try to do a findcontrol for the template field(Image column), it is notgetting the control. Means while removing the other columns, this image control also getting removed.Below is my code:
Now, after this i call the databind method. The problem is with the for loop, where I am removing the columns after the image column. And I am not able to find the control after that.In rowdatabound i am trying to find the control like this:
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Aug 12, 2010
When I change my insert update and delete buttons to template field....they do not work properly anymore. I get a "Cannot insert a Null Value into...blah blah blah, error.
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Nov 18, 2010
This is my Grid view source basically i want as soon as i click on Select Button , the corrsponding Row Data get's redirected to another Page with the Data I know how to redirect to another page with query string only thing is that where and how i can store the data my .cs source
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Nov 30, 2010
i have a grid with template feild with two button's Accept and Deny and Command Name="update" and command argument ="Accept" and command argument2="Deny" now the problem is everytime when i click any Button it gives me first row data see my source
My Code Behind
Image [URL]
View 6 Replies
Feb 3, 2011
I have a gridview where I am using the update. I have converted the label into a templatefield and added a dropdownlist which is getting polulated in the Rowdatabound event. When I test the update i get an error
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'StartTime', table 'HTC.dbo.EventDates'; column does not allow nulls. UPDATE fails.The statement has been terminated. so I am ussuming its still trying to update from the label rather than using the dropdownlist. here is my code:
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Mar 11, 2011
I have following codebehind in ASPx - VB.Net in my aspx project, i want sum a template column (txtAmount) to show another TXSum template (without any postback) any one give me a better soluation in javascript.
My Code:
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Jun 22, 2010
I have a gridview control set up like so:
I am using an IComparer to do the sorting of the gridview and binding it to a list of objects. It used to be that the linkbutton in the first template field was being done like this:
The sorting worked just fine when it was like this, but I would prefer not to use a querystring value. The problem with using the linkbutton is that the sorting appears to work (there are only two rows in my test case and they change places), but when the linkbutton is clicked on it is in the same order before the sort took place. After each sort the gridview's datasource is reset to the newly sorted list of objects and the databind method is called.
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Mar 6, 2011
I have a GridView that is bound to a DataTable containing questions. Each question has a possible score of 1 to 9 which is handled by a Template Field with a RadioButtonList databound to another DataTable (containing the values 1 to 9). This all works fine except as an added complication, some of the questions have an extra choice in another field. So the problem is how do I bind the second Template Field to a datasource that is dependent on the question. It's like passing a parameter to the datasource of the second Template Field, the value of the parameter being the Key Field of the particular row. Is this possible and if so, how do I do it
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Dec 2, 2010
how can i align text in gridview template feild.already test ItemStyle-HorizontalAlign="Right"
but not working..
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