(1) i want to show message if no data row is found in the grid. but my code below does not achieve this. basically if gridview shows data then i want my panel (booking form) to be made visible otherwise hidden. the booking form panel is set to visible false. my else statement is not working...
(2) one of the field in my grid view is price while a texbox in my booking form is passenger numbers. how can i use the value entered in the passenger numbers textbox calculate the value in my price field (int) in the gridview?
i am trying to display a pop up message box on inserting the data into the database. The code i am using is as follows..
The problem is even on inserting the data and the data getting inserted into the database, the pop up mwindow does not get displayed. On debugging, it shows the value of i as 0.
When I click on the Alphabets it will show the details of a player...however, when that particular letters has no details of the player..I want to show."No results can be found"..Is there anyway to do it?
I have an asp.net web application that queries a database with a SELECT query in a stored procedure. If the server returns an error, I want to display a friendly "sorry, there was a problem with your search" type message.
Should I handle this with a custom error page, and a redirect to that page in web.config? Or can put some text in a Label Control and set its property to visible if there are errors? I've seen the latter done with a Try/Catch arrangement in the code behind, but not sure if I can do that here. What would you recommend?
My code behind is below for the page that displays the search results:
Is there a way to display a "default" message on a MS Chart Control if there is no data to chart?
I have a chart, with some controls that allow the user to pick various date ranges. If there is no data to be charted in that date range, it currently just displays nothing (or at least it shows the legend, and background, but that's it.)
I want there to be a message saying "no data for this period" or something instead.
In my page I displayed all of data from my data table.
every row has the image which will delete itself(not only row but also data from table) in its last column.
When I click that image I want message box or alert to come say that "Are you sure want to delete?". When I click "yes" I want it carry my row Id to controller.
Using the Interop for Excel 2003 I had a nice little link that saved or opened the repeater content as .xls. Now we are using Excel 2007 and I get file format error messages. When I click the OK button on the error pop-up Excel closes. Does anyone out there know how to convert my code to handle the .xlsx format? I've been reading up on Interop for 2007 but none of the examples seem to work for this particular simple task. Here is my code from the "Export to Excel" button click:
Protected Sub btnExport_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExport.Click ' Send HTTP headers that specify Excel filename, MIME type, and character set Dim sTemp As String = "attachment;filename=CoverageCase" & Session("OpenCase").casekey.ToString & ".xlsx" Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", sTemp) Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel" Response.Charset = "" ' Create objects used to render the controls Dim strw As New System.IO.StringWriter........
I found a thread from a couple of years ago dealing with this but there was no solution [URL]. There were a couple of tortureous work arounds but neither work for me.
I have a gridview, where I set the columns based on the columns in a datatable. I have a class that implements ITemplate, and creates a textbox template field. Everything works good, I can display my grid with the correct columns and headers. The probem comes up when I click a Save button, to save the user input. Of course the page postbacks, and I re-create the columns on PageInit. However, all the data the user entered is gone.
I am saving grid data. Grid contains one textbox in item template column. But it was not saving any data, which was entered in textbox(Just saving 'NULL'). There was not error while debugging. Below is code i am using.
Company array is a string array where i have stored the company ids
the problem is company_array[0] has the initial value of the dropdownlist(company) --select company which is why m getting the error(cannot convert data type nvarchar to int) . I have used the same logic in many places in my project it did not give any error.
int count = 0; company_length = company_length - 1; while (count < GridView3.Rows.Count && compid_counter < company_length ) { cmd = new SqlCommand("insertWorkDetais", conn); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@trainerId",trainerID);
I am able to save outlook msg file using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.dll
Dim objOutlk As New Outlook.Application 'Outlook Const olMailItem As Integer = 0 Dim objMail As New System.Object objMail = objOutlk.CreateItem(olMailItem) 'Email item objMail.To = "test@gmail.com'
I want to use a radio button selection on a GridView. I can get this working with a regular DS. However, my table is manually DS'd. When the page frame holding the GridView is loaded, I trigger that event to fire off the subroutine that loads a DataTable and adds the DataTable to the DataSource of the Gridview.
The Gridview has a radio button in the first column as the "SELECTED ROW" appearance. Whenever I run the onchange event code for the radio button, I try and fix the radio buttons so only one row is selected with the following code:
This code works fine with the gridview if its got a built in SQLLDataSource. However, with my manual assigning of DataSourcing to the Gridview on Frame Load, I believe the gridview is being reinitialized everytime and I'm loosing the state of the radio button. I don't believe I can use the IsPostBack() because sometimes this frame and gridview will be showing sometimes it won't and yet other times it will need to be "recreated" with new data dynamically within the page. However, I tried to use PostBack and it looks like its working until I try and do a sort...than that crashes.
I have an application that is developed using VB.Net that is saving data in SQL Server 2008. in this application i have to save a big amount of data in one button click. When i say big i mean around 21000 record in one table. this is taking a lot of time since I'm calling the "Insert" procedure around 21000 time from my application. What i want to do is to find a way to put my data in a kind of container then let VS or SQL 2008 manage the saving. I'm thinking of putting the data in a dataset.
Is this the best solution, or is there any other way to reduce the saving time of the 21000 records?
here when users enter new mobile number it should insert data into database and show 'You have been registered' and if they enter Mobile number that was in table it shouldn't insert data into database and show=='You can just register 1 Time'
problem is when I enter new mobile number it inserted data into database but it showed this message'You can just register 1 Time' but here it should show 'You have been registered' I mean in both condition it show this message 'You can just register 1 Time'
it never show this message='You have been registered'
How to show the alert message when matching the data is not accurate in SQL with C#?
Based on below SQL script show that if recordcount is true then update the QTY - @QTY else insert the data.
How to write the statement is the input @QTY is more that existing QTY, then pop up alert message show that "QTY is not available, there is more than existing QTY" else if the input @qty is 0, then show alert message "NOt able to key in 0 QTY".
Then redirect Or return to main form(NOt able to do transaction).
USE [CIMProRPT01] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[MMSIssue_InsertOrUpdate] Script Date: 12/30/2013 16:30:22 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO
I created a column named InputUserId for the purpose of saving the user's id upon inputing data using formview(so I know who inputed). I would like the user's id to be saved in the table (column InputUserId) and the table's Id (RId) to be saved in the user's profile.