Data Controls :: Implement Like Unlike Button By Incrementing Decrementing Count In Database

Nov 22, 2015

Incrementing and decrementing a count table by button click, when a user clicks a button the count table will increment by 1 and when the same user clicks the button the second time it will decrement by 1...

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Forms Data Controls :: {} Incrementing Variable At Button's Click Event?

Mar 25, 2011

remember my previous post about how to use 4 timers controls for incrementing 4 individual variables. I have fixed it below is the code for doing that. But there is again a problem,I want to increment the variable "hh" by 10 at button "btnbid"'s click event (remember it'll(hh) increment by 1 at each timers tick event but when a button is pressed it'll increment by 10). When I'm trying to this it's not incrementing can any body tell me why this is happening is there any way to fix it.

<asp:ListView DataSourceID="sqldtsrclivepdt" ID="livepdtlst" runat="server">
<ul class="productlist">


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Data Controls :: Incrementing Counter Variable And Storing It In Database

Mar 19, 2013

i m having 4 radio buttons on default2.aspx page on the same page i m using a database it's columns are uname and status whenever the user clicks on the radiobutton the status of that name should increment by 1(counter variable).

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;


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ADO.NET :: How To Display Auto - Incrementing Value From Database In The Same Page Where Inserting Value

Feb 8, 2011

in my aspx page user is creating a request and when the request is created a request_id is generated automatically in databse..i want to retreive tht particular request_id and display it on the same web page.

here is my code-

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
String selection = DropDownList1.Text.ToString();
String status = "inactive";
ConnectionStringSettings set = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["WATERMARKING"];
String cns = set.ConnectionString;
SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(cns);
String query = "Insert into REQUESTS (USERNAME,REQUEST_TYPE,STATUS) values ('" + uName + "','" + selection + "','" + status + "')";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, cnn);
//Response.Write("Request created Successfully ");
//MessageBox.Show("request created successfully");
Label4.Text="request created successfully";
Label5.Text = "Your Request ID is";
Label6.Text = "ID required to Check the Request Status";
catch (Exception err)
//Response.Write("error generated while raising request"+err);
Label4.Text = "request creation error"+err;

here wen a value is getting inserted in REQUESTS table a column named REQUEST_ID gets populated and i want to display that value on the web page

View 7 Replies

Data Controls :: Get Count Of Selected CheckBoxes In GridView Row On Button Click

Aug 18, 2015

I want to count the data rows of the selected data and display it into Label.

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Forms Data Controls :: Refresh Record Count From Database?

Jan 31, 2011

i have in my web-page `label` that contain result of count record query.

i need to see refresh this query and see the correct record count.

how to see it ? i need any timer ? how to do it without Flickers ?

can i get any sample C# code ?

View 2 Replies

Data Controls :: Count Rows Item Values In ListView On Button Click?

Dec 23, 2015

I got below data on my listview:

id   salary    extra_salary   total_salary

1    1000      100               null

2    2000      50                 null

on my program, i have count button on below listview, when user click that button, system will auto count salary + extra_salary and updated into total_salary...

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView_RowUpdated Event The E.OldValue.count E.NewValue.Count

Jun 4, 2010

In the GridView_RowUpdated event the e.OldValues.count <> e.NewValues.Count. 1 out of 5 columns has been converted to a template field.

View 9 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Row Count / How To Get A Count Of The Number Of Rows That Are Returned

Dec 17, 2010

When a user submits the query to SQL when clicking a button I need to get a count of the number of rows that are returned. Which event does the gridview.count code need to be place in?

Right now I have it in the btn_click event, but in order to get it to count the rows you have to hit the button twice since the query is not returned yet. Here is my code.


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Data Controls :: Display Total Row Count And Count Of Specific Types In Label In GridView

Oct 5, 2012

I HAVE A GRID VIEW IN + VB Code. There is a drop down list and the selected data is displayed in web page. I placed a label in web page and code behind i used following code.

Protected Sub GridView1_DataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GridView1.DataBound
Label1.Text = GridView1.Rows.Count.ToString()
Dim ONYO As Integer = 0
Dim DONE As Integer = 0
For i As Integer = 0 To GridView1.Rows.Count - 1
If GridView1.Rows(i).Cells(0).Text = "ON YO" Then

[Code] .....

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Data Controls :: Implement Right Click Event For Button

Jul 17, 2015

i have a button image in gridview when clicking in the button i send values using session to another page wish is send others values when clicking on right click to another pages ?

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Data Controls :: Implement Show All And Hide All Button In Nested GridView With Paging?

Aug 18, 2015

I have applied  your code and it's just worked like a charm but got couple of issue.

I have "Show all" & "Hide all" button and wanted to expand all the nested grid in one go and like wise hide.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Implement A Rating Mechanism Into Database Design

Mar 5, 2010

I have the attached database design.

The database has been designed for a tradesman web site, i.e. Plumbers, Builders etc. The two main tables are tblCustomer and tblTrader which will stored data from two frontend web pages where the customer and trader can enter their personal details. After a customer enters their personal details (i.e. registers through the site) they will then be directed to a child page where they can progress to entering a specific job attached to a specific trade (i.e. Plumber) and trade type (i.e. Bathroom Installation), once a customer job has been entered I want these details to be emailed to all the trader_email addresses from tblTrader, from this email alert the traders will then enter the system and offer quotes to the customer through tblTraderQuote where the customer will then accept the best quote for them.

What I also want to implement is some sort of rating option that will allow the customer to rate their trader, either something like ebay's feedback or just a simple 1-5 rating option? How can I implement this into my database design or is this something that should be performed within the programming layer?

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DataSource Controls :: Get SP Count In DataBase?

May 6, 2010

I would like to get the number of StoredProcedure in a Database how to do it.

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DataSource Controls :: How To Count Number Of Rows In Database

Jan 8, 2010

i am using sql 2005 db. i have created a table called attendance where i store employee attendance, i want to separate number of absence for a particular employee and particular month. It have to show number of absence of a particular employee and particular month. Also i have to count no of absence. for eg: if an employee absence for two days for a particular month, it have to display 2 count.. how to do this? also how to write the store procedure for this?

View 4 Replies

DataSource Controls :: How To Stored Procedure For Incrementing Values

Jan 15, 2010

any stored proceudre in which incrementing of integers, floating point nums alphabets and alpha numeric value incrmenting take place based on the datatype entered.

View 5 Replies

MVC, Incrementing A Value In The Model's Data Every Time A User Clicks On A Link?

Mar 3, 2011

Essentially, this is what I have:I have a view form for an object in MVC. On this form, I have a hyperlink. Every time that the user clicks the hyperlink, I would like an integer value inside of the object to increase by one, in addition to redirecting the user to a different page.Is there a way to do this and keep track of how many times the link is clicked?

View 3 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Count The Number Of Rows Returned From The Database?

Jan 17, 2010

I have executed my query in VB with:


I now want to count the number of returned rows so that I can say:IF rows_returned = 1 then login else deny
I think you get the idea.P.S. I know this is not the most secure method of login but I do not want to use the ASP.NET configuration manager as I like to understand what is happening. I am starting off very simple and I shall work up from there.

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DataSource Controls :: Create An Auto Incrementing ID For Table Rows?

Apr 27, 2010

I have an ID column (int) in my table which also needs to be a unique key.

last time I worked with a database (BD2), I set this as an autoIncrement feild and it would automaticaly 'deal with it' (ie, maintain the last used value somewhere and automaticaly used that value (after incrementing it) for any new row on the table).

How do I handle this in ASP.NET. Especially, as I try to add a new line based on form content when the user presses on a button (C#).

View 7 Replies

Data Controls :: Save Gridview Row Data To SQL Server Database On Button Click

Jul 26, 2012

I have a from in which upon pressing submit button all the data were appear on the grid.But i want to do one thing over here which is that at the end of the gridview there was a button upon clicking on that button  all of the data were go  directly to the database...

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Data Controls :: Insert Data From GridView To Database When Button In Particular Row Clicked

Jun 13, 2013

I am having one friend request form.In that,I have used grid view control to show all registered members,So one who want to send request he/she can send request.My form design code is:

 <asp:GridView ID="grdviewFriendRequest" runat="server" AllowPaging="true" AutoGenerateColumns="false"
EmptyDataText="No members found" Width="100%" Font-Size="16px" ForeColor="#FF9F00"
GridLines="None" PagerSettings-Mode="NumericFirstLast"


it still gives me error, saying Input string not in a correct form.then I try to give commandArgument property,but still it gives me value 0;

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Send Friend Request">
<asp:Button ID="btnSendFrndReq" CssClass="btnImage" Text="Send Friend Request" runat="server" CommandName="SendFriendReq" CommandArgument="<%# Container.DataItemIndex %>" /></ItemTemplate>

So,what I can do now?

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Data Controls :: Get URL From Database And Redirect On Button Click

May 7, 2015

I have implemented this Article. [URL]....

Cascading dropdown is works fine but i need to assign a url in Go button based on the second dropdownn selection.

I have two dropdowns. First one has product category and second one has brands. Each brand has seperate html page. So i hve added one more column urls in sql server table. but i dont know how to assign those url in GO button.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Button To Update Database?

Jan 29, 2010

I have a gridview with a button and when this button is pressed i want to update a database record that corresponds to that gridview post.

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Forms Data Controls :: Using A Formview To Update A Database With A Insert Button

Jan 5, 2011

I am *VERY* new to This may seem simple to you all, but I'm really lost. I have a small sized page with three text boxes (part of the InsertItemTemplate) of a formview, and a slightly modified link the system generated to submit the data to be inserted in the database:


If this page is run, it inserts the data into the database fine, clears the form and sits there. I want it to return a simple "Thank you" page in a window of the same size, with a Close Window buttom at the bottom to close the window:


When I set the postbackurl property on the first page, everything appears to work, except the write is never done to the database. If I remove the postback, it works as it did previously.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Checkbox Value To Database On Button Click?

Jun 12, 2010

I am posting this in the webforms section as I don't think I was clear on my last post. I am trying toinsert a gridview checkbox value to a database when I click the submit button. I have looked at dozens of examples but can't seem to put it together and I know this must be pretty simple.

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