Data Controls :: Pass Selected Row From GridView Inside Modal Popup To Page
Dec 23, 2015I am using a gridview in ajax modal popup extender and want to redirect the selected row data of gridview on another page.
View 1 RepliesI am using a gridview in ajax modal popup extender and want to redirect the selected row data of gridview on another page.
View 1 RepliesIs it possible when i select the gridview and it will reveal selected row and retrieve all the data from sql server on popup formview.
Gridview [URL] .....
Formview [URL] .....
How to show Gridview selected row in popup using Jquery 2010
View 1 RepliesThere is a Gridview in my web page with a Hyperlink & ImageButton inside it.HTML code:
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" Width="100%" PageSize="5" AllowPaging="True" OnPageIndexChanging="GridView1_PageIndexChanging" BorderColor="#e5e4e2" BorderStyle="solid" BorderWidth="2px">
<RowStyle CssClass="Grid" />
<asp:BoundField HeaderText="Id" DataField="id"/>
I wat to know 2 different things, using above Gridview Layout:1) when I click on only Gridview "Hyperlink", it should open a modal Popup with 1 Gridview inside modal Popup. And close modal Popup when clicking on cancel button.2) How to navigate to other ".aspx page", when clicking on Gridview "Hyperlink" OR "ImageButton" inside above Grid.
I am trying to get a modal popup inside a modal popup?, also i want to fire the modal popup on a condition in a text change event of a textbox? this possible and can anyone give me directon on this
View 5 RepliesI am using one textbox and button.
[URL] ....
In SqlDataSource ( <asp:ControlParameter>) I am adding the value and based on that id i'm binding the gridview, bur it returns empty gridview in the modal popup window.
Below is the code attached for your reference
<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="head" Runat="Server">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link href=""
rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
[Code] ....
I have a Gridview in my form(c#) and used Textbox to Bind values to gridview cells.i need to Show One of the coloumn value which is in textbox in Popup.while click the cell the popup should show the cell value.
View 1 RepliesI saw guide on here [URL] ....
Which I found useful to create gridview with dropdown filter. What my gridview differs from your one is based on ID, a modal is loaded. E.g. there is a column called "review" and in that column there is image that when clicked it loads a modal with details. My question is, how do i do this using the code provided by you. So ID is passed back to code. (So backend knows which row is clicked).
Is it possible to open a "panel" when Clicking on Gridview HyperLink?
In my Web Page there is a Gridview with ItemTemplate field, with HyperLink inside it. On click of HyperLink I want to open a panel below Gridview.
How to achieve it.
I've got a datalist sitting inside a modal popup and i'd like to pass a querystring value to it when the user clicks to open the modal anyone point me in the right direction?Written w/ C#.
View 5 RepliesI'm trying to load a gridview based on selection from dropdownlist. When i run the program, it displays empty gridview. How to solve this?
Name of dropdownlist: CatCode
Code behind:
Private Sub BindProdGrid()
Dim conString As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("SY_InventoryConnectionString").ConnectionString
Dim rowIndex As Integer = 0
Dim box11 As DropDownList = CType(SalesGView.Rows(rowIndex).Cells(1).FindControl("CatCode"), DropDownList)
[Code] ....
I have Used Ajax AutoComplete Extender In my Project But MY List Does Not Show On Ajax Model Popup Ajax Extender Sugges me Css For Display My Auto Complete List On Model Pouup Ajax Extender
This is My TextBox And AutoComplete Extender
<asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="txtsearcho" CssClass="txt2" Width="140" OnTextChanged="txtsearcho_TextChanged"
Visible="False" AutoPostBack="True"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:AutoCompleteExtender ID="txtsearcho_AutoCompleteExtender" MinimumPrefixLength="1"
runat="server" DelimiterCharacters="" Enabled="True" ServiceMethod="GetCompletionList"
ServicePath="" TargetControlID="txtsearcho" UseContextKey="True" CompletionListCssClass="AutoExtender"
CompletionListItemCssClass="AutoExtenderList" CompletionListHighlightedItemCssClass="AutoExtenderHighlight">
and This Is My CSS Class
.AutoExtender {
font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 1em;
font-weight: lighter;
border: solid 1px #006699;
line-height: 20px;
padding: 0px;
[Code] .....
It Work On Normal Text Box But Does'nt On Model Popup Extnder TextBox.
I would like to know how can i pass a selected row from one gridview to another one in the same page?
View 7 RepliesI have a gridview that appears in a modal popup that is generated dynamically and is bound to a dynamically generated SqlDataSource.
I did this to hopefully take advantage of the gridview's automatic editing capabilities.
My problem is that when the edit button is clicked the modalpopup closes due to a full postback in spite of the fact that my gridview is in an update panel...
I looked at solutions here and here but neither fixed the problem. I've also tried every combination under the sun regarding the positioning of the ModalPopupExtender in relation to the update panel etc, and have tried changing UpdateMode to conditional as well.
<span class="none"><asp:Button ID="btnDummy" runat="server" Text="Dummy" /></span>
<ajax:ModalPopupExtender ID="mpLabel" runat="server" TargetControlID="btnDummy" BackgroundCssClass="modalBackground" PopupControlID="pnlLabels"></ajax:ModalPopupExtender>
<asp:Panel ID="pnlLabels" DefaultButton="btnOk" Style="display:none;" runat="server">
I have a gridview in webform and a panel1 which I used as a modalpopup control. I wanna show panel as modalpopup per row item select using commandrow of gridview ...
There are two controls inside panel1; literal1 and literal2
I want when the item in the gridview is selected by user then panel 1 shows as modalpopup which displays the records from gridview in panel 1 controls i.e literal1 , literal2
I want to retrieve the selected row item from gridview to modal popup panel1 control..
how to get a selected id in the gridview using javascript?
i have an imagebutton in my gridview and when it is clicked i want to use an ajax modal popup to ask the user if they sure the want to delete that row?
im trying to find a way so that i can get the popup working without any postbacks and obviously get the right id to delete it.
How to open the second page in a pop up window for the below attached link program
ASP.Net Pass or Send GridView Row Values to other Page with HyperLink
How can i pass a selected dropdownlist value to textbox on popup window using javascript...
View 1 RepliesI Have a Gridview with files list of names fetched from database Table Users and View linkbutton. When i click the View button as popup page displaying all the records correspondicng to that name from database.
View 1 RepliesI want to send gridview multiple selected values (using Checkbox) to another page gridview..on click of a button.
View 1 RepliesI want to know how to select only one checkbox and all other will get disabled and when unchecked all will be enabled inside a gridview.
View 1 RepliesI have a gridview (gridview-a) with a link button when the user click on this link button it opens a separate modal pop up extender with another grid view (gridview-b) (working fine) I added a close button inside the panel. When the user click on it the modal pop up is getting closed. Excellent.
Now my problem is When I add Edit,Save and Update buttons to the gridview-b ( i.e. Present inside Popup) when ever I click on the edit , or save or update buttons it is going to the gridview-a. How can I avoid that? Do I have to keep the gridview inside a update Panel and make the update mode conditional? If thats true how can I edit , save and delete the rows ( I need to call stored prcedures and all row-databound functions to do that)
How to load data inside modalpopupextender controls after button click event using server side function?
View 4 RepliesBy including the modal popup extender in the gridview itemtemplate,have made modal popup visible using row command event but the events in the button modal pop extender are not raising.
View 2 RepliesI have a user control SearchCriteriaCtrlr.ascx(see below).In this user control, I have a javascript code for filtering listbox values.I am firing this javascript for
<asp:TextBox ID="txtSearch" runat="server" onkeyup="FilterItems(this.value)"></asp:TextBox>
Problem:The problem is, my filter javascript is not working
<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="SearchCriteriaCtrlr.ascx.cs"
Inherits="TimecardAdmin.SearchCriteriaCtrlr" %>
<%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="ajaxToolkit" %>
<link href="Styles/Site.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript">
//variables for holding different values
var ddlText, ddlValue, ddl, lblMesg;
function CacheItems()
//Array for holding Text
ddlText = new Array();
//Array for holding Value
ddlValue = new Array();
//Listbox value
ddl = document.getElementById("<%=lstSource.ClientID %>");
//Looping through all values of listbox
for (var i = 0; i < ddl.options.length; i++)
ddlText[ddlText.length] = ddl.options[i].text;
ddlValue[ddlValue.length] = ddl.options[i].value;
window.onload = CacheItems;
//function for filtering items
function FilterItems(value)
ddl.options.length = 0;.....................