Data Controls :: Retain Expanded GridViews On PostBack
Jul 24, 2013
I have the example working but I added a Select Command to the Detail grid for the purpose of selecting a detail record which will redirect to another page. The problem is that when the Select command is clicked the expanded detail grid collapses as if I had clicked the minus. The page and codebehind are:
Anyway, on the inner grid I am allowing the user to delete rows.However when the page posts back I am unable to reopen the row that was opened. I have tried the RegisterStartupScript, etc. in the code behind but am unable to trigger the event. I have tried the code behind to find the row that is expanded but that was unsuccessful also.How can I have the row expanded when the page posts back?
I am having an aspnet panel in my aspx file.There is an ultraweb tab placed inside this.also I am having a button outside this panel.Within the tab I have a textbox whose readonly property is
set to "true".Whenever I click the button a javascript function is called .On clicking 'OK' in the popup ,the textbox values are lost.Is there a way to retain these values?
I have multiple gridviews on one page that connect to the db with different sql datasources.
They each show records with differents "status's"(this is a column in my table). When you update the status on one record I'd like it to display straight away in the other gridview. At the moment I have to reload the page after the update in order to see the changes. Can I set the update buttons in the gridviews to postback after updating?
I have a dropdown populated with data , based on a true / false condition i change the dropdown item color when dropdown gets loaded initially the item color are proper based on condition. but if i select a particular item & then again click on dropdown the item color disappear show to retain the item color.
I have an IEnumerable< T> which is declared on the page like this:IEnumerable< Person> person;When the page postsback, the person list is null. How can I retain the values of person list without declaring it as static? Sr. devs in my company say that you should not declare the list as static.
When the finish button is clicked on the third step I would like to Create the user and send the form. I have the logic for this written but the only problem I have is the when the next button is pressed on a wizard, a PostBack occurs and my password field:
I have seen many posts here regarding this, but none with a successful solution.I m using a fileupload control & not the html one.I have various controls on the page, & on a listbox control, listitem selection, page postbacks.So before it, if i had selected a file for upload & page poastbacks, the the file goes off.Now on postback, I have got the filename in a hidden field, but since the Fileupload control doesnt have any setter methods, not able to get how to set the hidden field value & how to set it...
We currently have a page with several user controls (8 of them) and when a control that is contained in an updatepanel initiates a postback the focus is not retained. In some cases, it looks like the focus is sent to the top of the page, and in other cases the focus looks like it is sent to the control with the TabIndex=1.
I have tried 3 different solutions and they all end up with the same result.
The first two were from article: [URL]
Solution 1: At the end of the server event executed in postback, add:
The article says both of those solutions worked, but for us, neither of them did.[Code].... ASPX.CS
In all 3 scenarios the control we want to have the focus gets the focus for a split second and then the focus is cleared (set to the top of page, or TabIndex=1).
I am using string builder class to store the dropdown selected values .. I am doing this on the selected index change event .. The problem is the previous value does not retain ..
This is a problem I'm facing in a webapp I'm currently working on. So instead of cluttering the question with unrelated code, I recreated the problem in an isolated, simplified webapp that only demonstrates this issue.
I have a web user control with just this as its content:
And its codebehind has nothing more than the boolean definition of ShowAlertScript. This represents a control I have in the big webapp that has two modes: input mode, and display mode. When in input mode, it has a large javascript block that is only useful then; it does some cool stuff to help the user input the info.The way this control is laid out in the big picture is as follows:
When you click btnSwitch, it simply switches to the second view with the user control. Notice how I have the ShowAlertScript already initialized to true. The potential output is that since I'm "showing the alert script" within the user control, the AlertMe() function will execute when you click the input-button element, because it's written out according to the inline if statement.
If you run this code I gave you so far as is, it will not work. The browser will say it can't see the AlertMe() function; it's undefined as far as it knows. But if you take out the UpdatePanel (or disable the ScriptManager's partial rendering), it will work just fine on a full postback when you click btnSwitch.
I want it to work on a partial postback, because this whole thing is a small piece compared to the rest of the page, and I don't want to do a full postback every time they switch views. Apparently, the ScriptManager doesn't even bother re-rendering the ascx file for possible changes. Either the ScriptManager is not smart enough, or there is an option I'm missing to let it render the <script> so I can invoke its methods on the client side. A potential answer someone might suggest is "why don't you take out the javascript, put it in its own .js file, and have the page reference it so it's available to the control?" That won't really work with me, because the script block does some initialization and modification that pertain to that single control instance, not to all others on the page.
In turn, you might also be concerned that if I have more than one instance of the control, I end up with copies of the same script. Not really; there will only be ONE input mode of this control in a page at any given time, it's just that I have those two modes in two separate views and I let the user switch between them.
I have one nested gridview i refered child grid contains more values. when i click on last record of parent grid child record are displaying below they are not focused. i tried
The graphic designer of a project I'm building a web site for chose [URL] for a tabs tool in the site. Unfortunately it seems that the tool doesn't behave properly on a postback in IE7 or IE8 (it does behave properly in FireFox, Chrome and Safari). Does anyone have experience using the with and know how to retain the tab index on a postback? I've tried a lot of things and can't get it to work. The code i'm using now is as follows:
$("ul.tabsScenario").tabs("div.panes > div"); var tabIndex = $('#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_EnInDeToekomst1_HiddenFieldTabIndex').val(); $("ul.tabsScenario").tabs('select', tabIndex);
where the tab index is stored in a hidden field (HiddenFieldTabIndex). The above code works fine in Firefox, Chrome and Safari, but not in IE7 or IE8. I am using a ScriptManager and UpdatePanels, but in an extremely simple website example I can't even get the tabs tool to work. There are some unanswered posts on the Jquery.Tools forum concerning this topic, but yeah, that doesn't help much. I've already determined that the jquery.ui tabs tool works well after a postback but that would cost a lot of refactoring in our project as far as html and css goes. I'd like to avoid that.
I have this "how to" type of question. I have a page where there are four gridviews. Now these four grids pull data from four different tables. The 1st grid retrieves data from table 1 with a where clause in it's query that comes from a hidden fileld value in the page. Till this things are fine. However, the 2nd grid has a dependency on the 1st grid and the where clause in it's query should be the data selected in grid view1. The 3rd depends on the 2nd one..and so on.
I have a couple grid views one for Team Goals and one for Indicators for the Goals I want to be able to click on an indicator and it highlight the Goal in the other grid view both on the same page. I also want to be able to click one of the indicators and open a entry screen I assume for that I use the select portion of the control?
I have created a Wep Application Pick List for the company I work for. The page looks great on the web, but when we go to print the document, the gridview rows are getting split and it looks generally bad. This is not acceptable behavior for this page, so Ineed to be able to page-break the document after so many rows.
per record, this document could have 10 to 20 rows of the first two gridviews and a minimum of 1 and a top end of unknown size. I am thinking I need a page-break on the first page after four or five rows. while the second page may be able to contain more. URL....
how to move items between two gridviews. my requirement is as such that the items can be moved around and once the user clicks on the save button then only will the final items in the gridviews get committed to the database.
I do have a page that is literally overloaded with about 10 GridViews and there is a datasource for each particular one. Now, each GridView is hide inside a panel, so I only display one at a time depending on what is it that the user request. My concern is the followng: Even though I am only displaying one GridView at a time, do the others datasource are still working behind the scene on the blind side and therefore are putting a load on the server and on its performance. Or I do not have to worry about this because as long as the Panel.Visibility = False, nothing inside that panel is working.