Data Controls :: Save FileUpload File When Last View Of MultiView Control Submitted
Apr 19, 2014
I have a MultiView inside an updatePanelThis MultiView has 7 Viewin each view I have Two button (next, prev) I have two fileupload in view6 and two button (btn_nextSix and btn_prevFive)I put this code in updatepanel
<asp:PostBackTrigger ControlID = "btn_nextSix " />
And found after click on btn_nextSix, fup_pic.hasfile is true but by clicking in last button (btn_reg) I found fup_pic.hasfile is false so I changed my code like this (I putted all buttons in multiview in triggers)...
<asp:PostBackTrigger ControlID = "btn_nextOne" />
<asp:PostBackTrigger ControlID = "btn_nextTwo" />
[Code] ....
But It doesn't work and at the end fuppic.hasfile is false. What's the solution?
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<asp:View ID="View1" runat="server">
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1 Response.Redirect("Products.aspx");
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Right now I get the fatal "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error on page load with it bombing at line 12. My count is given a value at runtime so that is not the issue. Can anybody tell me why this is and how to get around it. Code is attached.
I also tried this both the pre render and Page_Init event but both yielded the same behavior with the Object reference not set to an instance of an object error. I can do this just fine in an onclick event for a button, but now I need a way to run a test and set the default view when the page loads. Seecode below
void Page_Load(object sender,
EventArgs e)
eCrystalPSGDBDataContext psgDB =
int count = (from st
in psgDB.studyTbls
where st.patientid_i ==
Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["PatientId"]) && st.studystatusid_i
== 1 select st).Count();if (count == 0)else
if (count == 0)
StudyInfoMultiView.ActiveViewIndex = 1;
StudyInfoMultiView.ActiveViewIndex = 2;
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Apr 4, 2011
In my website,I have a home page in which by clicking on an image button,I get redirected to a different .apsx page .This page consists of a FileUpload control and 2 buttons(ATTACH,CANCEL).When a user selects/browses a file from his local machine and click ATTACH button,I display that file in a GRIDVIEW and also push the details of that file like Filename into a DATATABLE. The user in this way can browse multiple files and all of them are added to GridView and also pushed to DATATABLE.Now when the user clickes CANCEL button,I am sending the whole DATATABLE in a session object to the HOME page.Upon clicking SAVE button in the home page,the files in the DATATABLE must get stored in a physical location that I mention in the code. The problem that I am facing is that when I write
FileUpload fl=new FileUpload;
The files are not at all getting saved in the location. However If I pass the FileUpload control using Session from the second page,
FileUpload fl=(FileUpload)Session["FileUpload"]
The files are getting saved with the correct filenames but the content of all the files consists of the content of the latest uploaded file.I know what the problem is but unable to get a solution. My Requirement is to save the files in a physical path only after clicking the Save button in the home page.
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Mar 25, 2011
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