Data Controls :: Sort DataTable Rows In Ascending Or Descending Order Based On DateTime

Apr 28, 2013

I have a datatable,columns are(User_id,Name,Address,DOB)

values like(12,abc,delhi,22/2/2000)




Now I want to sort these rows on DOB in descending can i do so?

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May 5, 2010

I have a button that I would like to click and will put my Listview list in Descending order. However; when I click on the button nothing happens.


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Web Forms :: Sort A Data Table Based On A Particular Column Which Has Integer Values In Ascending Order?

Oct 22, 2010

How do I sort a data table based on a particular column which has integer values in ascending order?

I wrote this:

'Sort the datatable based on sequence id leadtable.DefaultView.Sort ="Id" But it doesnt seem to work Datatble is defined as:


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query = query.OrderBy(p => p.IsTop).ThenOrderByDescending(p => p.JobId);

how to do it? I know the reverse

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SQL Server :: Retrieve The Date Records In Both Ascending And Descending Order

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I need to retrieve the records in both ascending and descending order. Problem is now it is a varchar type if I use order by o/p like


I tried with convert(DATETIME,sale_date) but no use.

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Sort The Dataset Values In Descending Order?

Apr 16, 2010

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decimal Length = 94;
decimal Width = 7;
decimal Height = 13;
DataTable dtCarton = new DataTable();


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Data Controls :: Implement Ascending And Descending Sorting In GridView

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DataSource Controls :: Select Definite No. Of Rows After Ordering By Descending Order?

Mar 20, 2010

I am a bit confused how to say this but here goes.I have a sql server 2008 database tablewhere I want to select rows by descending order of a [column name] and then select first 10 rows from that output.I was trying something like select top 5 * from (select * from movie_data order by hits DESC);this does not work and I'm quite new to query-writing.

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C# - Order By Descending Based On Condition

Apr 15, 2010

I want to write a LINQ to Entity query which does order by ascending or descending based on input parameter, Is there any way for that. Following is the my code.

public List<Hosters_HostingProviderDetail> GetPendingApproval(SortOrder sortOrder)
List<Hosters_HostingProviderDetail> returnList = new List<Hosters_HostingProviderDetail>();
int pendingStateId = Convert.ToInt32(State.Pending);
//If the sort order is ascending
if (sortOrder == SortOrder.ASC)
var hosters = from e in context.Hosters_HostingProviderDetail
where e.ActiveStatusID == pendingStateId
orderby e.HostingProviderName ascending
select e;
returnList = hosters.ToList<Hosters_HostingProviderDetail>();
return returnList;
var hosters = from e in context.Hosters_HostingProviderDetail
where e.StateID == pendingStateId
orderby e.HostingProviderName descending
select e;
returnList = hosters.ToList<Hosters_HostingProviderDetail>();
return returnList;

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DataSource Controls :: Datatable Sort In A Particular Order?

Oct 22, 2010

How do I sort a data table based on a particular column which has integer values in ascending order?

I wrote this:

leadtable.DefaultView.Sort = "Id"

But it doesnt seem to work, it displays fine but when i get try to get the values of the sorted datatable in an array they dont come in an sorted ordere Datatble is defined as:view plaincopy to clipboardprint?

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Forms Data Controls :: Sort DataView Ascending With Nulls Last?

Aug 16, 2010

how to sort a datatable (dataview) so that the second column is ascending but nulls are last.

I'm trying to do the following Date1 ASC, DATE2 ASC (but if DATE2 is null it is last in this Date1 group)

Note: Date1 can never be null so a Date2 that is null should still be grouped in with its Date1.

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Data Controls :: Show Records In GridView In Ascending Order Of Some Column

May 7, 2015

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Data Controls :: Gridview Paging Not Working In Data Arranged In Descending Order

Oct 16, 2012

I am using dropdownlist to select whether the gridview should be filled by data arranged in ascending order or descending order with Gridview Paging. The problem i am encountering is that when i fill the data in ascending order it works fine but when i arrange the data in descending order the first page loads fine but the other pages are not filled properly in paging.

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DataSource Controls :: How To Order Date Descending

Jan 12, 2010

I have a stored proc which returns months year in nice words, but having problem ordering them:

SELECT count(id) as counter, datename(MONTH, PublishDate) + ' ' + datename(YEAR, PublishDate) as date
from BLG_BlogPost where active=1 group by datename(MONTH, PublishDate) + ' ' + datename(YEAR, PublishDate)

And that returns:

April 2009 (8)
August 2009 (3)
February 2009 (2)

How can i order them?

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Forms Data Controls :: Datacontrol For Order And Order Detail - How To Fetch Record Based On Paging

Oct 22, 2010

I have two table Order and Order Detail.

What i need is i need to bind last 10 Order in Gridview/details view with paging, and the same order detail also fetch from database and shown in another gridview.. if user click any oderNo in first Gridview/DetailView then i need to show Respective order detail in anther gridview..

without postback coz we already fetch 10 order with orderdetails from the database..and if user click next 10 orderNo using paging then again we need to load 10 orderNo with respective orderdeatils from database like this going well as let me know how to take print of particular oder and order detail....?

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DataSource Controls :: Display Varchar Values In Descending Order Like MM-YY Format

Jan 25, 2010

I have a column of type varchar that lists the values in this format:


I need to sort this list by descending order treated as actual date. I tried converting it to date and then tried to extract the year and month out but I keep receiving conversion errors. Does anyone know how to get this in the descending order to it shows up like this:


This is the closest I got but it keeps sorting the list alphabetically:

select distinct periodname, Convert(varchar,periodname,112) from periodtableorder by Convert(varchar,periodname,112) desc

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Sort Datatable / Dataview / Gridview Of Files Based On File Modified Date?

Aug 2, 2010

I have a page which lists all the files in a particular folder (all PDFs), using a data-table and gridview.

I'm currently sorting this table by the filename (by using a dataview), which isn't that helpful, and I want the gridview of files sorted by the file created or file modified date (as recorded in Windows).

If that's not possible, a second option would be to extract the date from the file name string (no problem doing that), and sort the dataview/datatable or gridview based on that. Example Filename: DailySalesReport-1-15-2010. My only hangup with this is how do I sort on date, when it's a string value? Convert to date? How would I sort the whole dataset based on this converted value?


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Forms Data Controls :: Make The Sort Order Reversed?

Jan 9, 2010

I have the following code for a gridview. When I click the Header, it can be sorted by ascending order. But if click the header again , it is still ordered by descending. What I want is that the sort order can be reversed when click the header again. How to do that?

protected void gvList_Sorting(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e)
DataTable m_DataTable = (DataTable) Session["gvListDatasource"] ;
if (m_DataTable != null)


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Insert Checkbox Checked Value To Textbox In Ascending Order ?

Nov 16, 2010

Can anybody provide me exact answer of this how to insert checkbox checked value to textbox in ascending order ?

Means if i check checkbox1 and checkbox3 then output in textbox ia 1,2

and if i check checkbox3 then checkbox1 then also output in textbox would be 1,2

I have asked this question ... previously but haven't found any exact working answer ...

Remember ,,, i have to use with 500+ checkboxes .... in

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Access :: Sorting The Record In Descending Order?

Aug 14, 2010

i m using 2005 with access 2003. i need a code using vb.

how can i sort the record in descending order?

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C# - Order By Descending Is Not Working On LINQ To Entity?

Apr 15, 2010

Order by descending is not working on LINQ to Entity In the following Query In place of ascending If I keep descending it is not working.


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DataSource Controls :: How To Copy The Data From One Datatable To Another Datatable Based On The Schema

Jan 11, 2010

i have the dataset with one table.Table contains three column like 'Name','Location','Pin'.I would like to move the data from another table based on schema.

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Web Forms :: Display Directory Files In Descending Order?

Dec 13, 2010

I need to retrieve and display directory files in descending order. For example:

file-02_01_2010.txt should display before file-01_01_2010.

I am using DirectoryInfo.getfile(searchPattern) but that will return files in random order (or maybe ascending order, I am not sure). Is there a way to specify the order in which I need files to be returned? I know I can load them into an array, sort them, etc., etc., but is there any cleaner way?

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