Data Controls :: Sort DataTable Rows / Order By Date And Populate GridView

Aug 18, 2015

I want to orderby the list. Today date is on the top and then next date and all dates but when today date is passed then it comes on the end of the list. Is there any formal query in linq or some other code is used to achieve this?


but when today is passed then it automatically go to end and next today date is on the top

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Data Controls :: Sort DataTable Rows In Ascending Or Descending Order Based On DateTime

Apr 28, 2013

I have a datatable,columns are(User_id,Name,Address,DOB)

values like(12,abc,delhi,22/2/2000)




Now I want to sort these rows on DOB in descending can i do so?

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DataSource Controls :: Datatable Sort In A Particular Order?

Oct 22, 2010

How do I sort a data table based on a particular column which has integer values in ascending order?

I wrote this:

leadtable.DefaultView.Sort = "Id"

But it doesnt seem to work, it displays fine but when i get try to get the values of the sorted datatable in an array they dont come in an sorted ordere Datatble is defined as:view plaincopy to clipboardprint?

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Sort Datatable / Dataview / Gridview Of Files Based On File Modified Date?

Aug 2, 2010

I have a page which lists all the files in a particular folder (all PDFs), using a data-table and gridview.

I'm currently sorting this table by the filename (by using a dataview), which isn't that helpful, and I want the gridview of files sorted by the file created or file modified date (as recorded in Windows).

If that's not possible, a second option would be to extract the date from the file name string (no problem doing that), and sort the dataview/datatable or gridview based on that. Example Filename: DailySalesReport-1-15-2010. My only hangup with this is how do I sort on date, when it's a string value? Convert to date? How would I sort the whole dataset based on this converted value?


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Data Controls :: How To Sort DataTable Before Binding To GridView

May 7, 2015

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Forms Data Controls :: Sort Gridview Generated From Datatable?

Mar 12, 2010

Tried several different ways to do this but am just not seeing it. Proably a quick solution for someone more skilled than me.

I have a gridview generated from a datatable. One of the columns is "client name" whose data is generated from a class.

I added a link button for the column header that fires a sub that should sort the datagrid, but is not.

Here is the code I have so far that creates the gridview which works fine:

Private Sub PopulateCaseListGrid()
'Kill the existing DataSource, in case of a page reload
gvCaseList.DataSource = Nothing
'Create a datatable with whatever column you want to use


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Forms Data Controls :: Binding The Datatable To A Gridview And Format The Date Columns To Short Date?

Jan 27, 2010

I'm looking for the best way (Performance) to do gridview columns formating RunTime /Dynamic depending on the datatable Columns type ,I want to bind the datatable to a gridview and format the Date columns to short date, and currency columns formatted with comma ex 10,000.00 inplace 100000.00 at datatable the column type is double run time (without converting them to String) since I do a filtering and sorting at these columns.

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Forms Data Controls :: Sort A Date In Gridview?

Mar 14, 2011

i have the following code . .


i need to sort according to Due_By i mean most recent one shpuld come first . .

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Forms Data Controls :: Date In Gridview - Use The ORDER BY Statement In General?

Feb 19, 2011

One of my table columns is for date and I understand how to use the ORDER BY statement in general. But how would I have the gridview sort with only the future items (relative to the current date) apear and leave out the past entries?

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Forms Data Controls :: Make The Sort Order Reversed?

Jan 9, 2010

I have the following code for a gridview. When I click the Header, it can be sorted by ascending order. But if click the header again , it is still ordered by descending. What I want is that the sort order can be reversed when click the header again. How to do that?

protected void gvList_Sorting(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e)
DataTable m_DataTable = (DataTable) Session["gvListDatasource"] ;
if (m_DataTable != null)


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Copy Only Filtered Rows From GridView Into Datatable

Mar 7, 2011

I am working with GridView/TelerikGrid control. It is having filter option. When I filter the data,
I need to copy only filtered rows into Datatable for further processing.

Suppose I am having total 10,000 records. and when I filter on column say Dept="IT", I get 1000 records in grid. So these 1000 records only should get copied into Datatable. So How to achieve this ?

Cwhat can be done over this ? I tried number of properties for grid. But there is no property which will return fileterd data source. Also I am not able to go every page of Datagrid and collect the data. I can get data for first page only. If I need to collect the data by going to every page of gridview, what is the way for this ?

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Forms Data Controls :: Sending Gridview Rows To Listbox Via DataTable?

Apr 12, 2010

In my continuing effort to build a search page that sends gridview rows with a textbox txtQty <> 0 to a listbox via a datatable, I've written the following:


The page runs, I'm able to input values into the textbox and when I press the Add to Quote button inside my gridview, nothing is populated inside my listbox. Am I correctly binding my datatable to my listobx?

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Data Controls :: Removing Duplicate Rows From DataTable And Binding It To GridView

Aug 6, 2013

Referring [URL] .... its a good functionality but instead of removing duplicate rows  i need to make the cell of the column containing duplicate value blank

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Forms Data Controls :: Displaying A Datatable In Gridview, Having Trouble Lining Up The Rows

May 22, 2010

So I've been teaching myself ASP.NET and VB for about 3 weeks now, having trouble with datatables, not sure how to get the rows to line up like I think they should. My code:


Which gives me the data output I want, but the days are adding rows underneath the previous day instead of lining up side-by-side. The idea is that once it's working I'll replace the specific dates with calendar controls. The gridview currently outputs like this:

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Sort Expression - How To Reset A Gridview Or Prevent It From Doing A Sort

Sep 23, 2010

Just spent about 8 hours googling and looking through this forum for a solution on how to make sure that I can dynamically sort. Here is the situation.

I have 1 Gridview that displays 10 different scenarios based on what button is clicked.

I am also returning only top 10 records. I am doing all of the data binding pragmatically. So I have BoundFields, HyperLinkFields etc.

I also want to sort some records. When I change DataSource SQL statement the gridview somehow remembers what the last sort value was and it errors out saying that value "x" cannot be sorted because it does not exists.

I tried this:

Tried setting gridview1.sqldatasourceid = null; gridview1.allowsorting = false; gridview1.databind();

Here I get an error that says that the data source does not support sorting? Doesnt it say gridview1.allowsorting = false;

I also tried gridview1.sort("", SortDirection.Ascending); This does nothin... except query my database one more time because i have a onSorting event that looks like this:


Here is an example of just one of those SLQ statements inside GetSQLQuery:


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Create Rows And Column Using Datatable Gridview Itemtemplate With Multi Header

Feb 23, 2010

How to create Rows and Column using Datatable Gridview Itemtemplate with multi header I need to create Datatable Gridview Itemtemplate fixed rows and column such as 7 rows and 7 columns


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Data Controls :: Filter Out Rows From GridView Based On Date?

Mar 12, 2013

I have a gridview with id , name ,age, DOJ

if the DOJ will reach the today date that corresponding row can remove from grid automatically but only in grid and not from the database

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Web Forms :: GridView Sorting - How To Make Sort Order To Change

Feb 16, 2012

Here's my gridview when it comes it it's sorts on Age.  Sorting is available for all columns/headers.  How do I make the sort order to change on the ddsrpt sort to desc order when it's clicked?

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
DataSourceID="SqlDataSource7" EnableModelValidation="True" Width="789px"
CaptionAlign="Top" Height="126px" BackColor="White" BorderColor="#DCBE68"
BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px" CellPadding="4"
HorizontalAlign="Center" CellSpacing="2" Font-Names="Arial"
AllowSorting="True" EmptyDataText="No Records" DataKeyNames="FO,CLMSSN">

[Code] ....

I got this error message - Gridviewsortdirection is not declared

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C# - Way To Sort GridView Bound To DataTable

Jul 13, 2010

I have a repository that contains all of my LINQ queries for this project that I am working on. I am able to get the LINQ results to a DataTable and bind that to a gridview for displaying the data. Now I need to make the gridview sortable. I have set AllowSorting="true" and I have the OnSort event handled in a routine in the codebehind.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Re-order Rows In DataGrid

Jul 10, 2010

Im trying to re-order rows in datagrid. i've looked all over, i still cannot make it work.


And this is the code behind to bind the data


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C# - Sort Only Displayed Rows In Gridview?

Mar 9, 2010

I have a gridview with paging, which displays 5 records in each page.

How can I sort the elements of the current page only?

And other pages should not be sort?

I am using ASP.NET and C#.NET.

Is there any way to do this in LINQ?

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Data Controls :: Populate ListView With DataTable

Nov 22, 2015

This is what i want to do with my website. I want to pull data from an access query and and load it into a listview table. The user will sort through the data on the website and remove the rows she doesn't want. After the user is done, they will click a send button that will email the data to the appropriate party.I have read the access query data into a data table. I have the list view table built, but I am unsure how bind the data table into the listview table. Is this the best route to go? Will binding the datatable to the listview table allow the user to delete rows out of the datatable?

Protected Sub btnView_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnView.Click
Dim query As New QueryBuilder.SelectQuery("qryVendorReport")
'Fill data table with vendor information
Dim sample As String = ""
Dim results As New DataTable
results = (db.fillTable(query.toSelectQuery))


how to bind the results datatable to lvdatasource. I tried a few different ways to do this with no luck. Maybe the syntax I trying to use is incorrect.

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Web Forms :: Sort Datatable Without DefaultView.Sort?

Apr 20, 2010

I'm looking for a way to sort the rows of a datatable without setting the DefaultView.Sort to a specific column. I have a datatable in session that users can add records to. I want them to be able to sort the data by clicking on a button. But new records added after that need to show up at the bottom of the list until the sort button is clicked again.

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Changing The Order Of Columns When Binding DataTable To A GridView

Mar 31, 2010

How is it possible to change the displayed order of columns from a DataTable?

For example, dataTable "dt" contains two columns "a" and "b". I bind it to a GridView like this:

gridView.DataSource = dt;

But I'd like the GridView to display "b" first (leftmost).

Important point: I'm using this to export to Excel and there's no actual output to screen, using:

HtmlTextWriter htw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw);

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Forms Data Controls :: Sort Date (in A Datalist) Which Is In String Format?

Feb 18, 2011

I have created a class file which gets me the state codes,license numbers and the expiration dates for the same.

I fetch the expiration dates in string format.

Each customer can have many licenses.

I have changed the format of the date (initially appearing as YYYY/MM/DD 00:00:00 when retrieved from database) to MM/DD/YYYY.

After retrieving all the licenses pertaining to a single customer, I bind them to a datalist.

Now the requirement is that for each customer, I need to sort the licenses according to the latest expiration date and then display the same.

How can this be achieved ?

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