DataSource Controls :: Entity SQL Error - 'CONVERT' Can't Be Resolved Into Valid Type Or Function
May 19, 2010
I have a SQL which is running good at SQL Server Mgm studio:
"select d.EmployeeID, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),d.LogTime,111) as Date1, MIN(CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), d.LogTime, 108)) as FirstIn
from LogTable d where d.dwStatus=0 group by d.EmployeeID, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), d.LogTime,111)"
However, When i put it into my code (Entity SQL):
"select d.EmployeeID, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),d.LogTime,111) as Date1, MIN(CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), d.LogTime, 108)) as FirstIn
from IGPSiteEntities.AccessLogSet AS d where d.dwStatus=0 group by d.EmployeeID, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), d.LogTime,111)"
I got error :
'CONVERT' cannot be resolved into a valid type of function. Near simple identifier, line1, column 200.
LogTime is a DateTime format e.g 05/05/2010 14:12:12
I want to select ONLY the Date (e.g 05/05/2010) and select ONLY the time (e.g 14:12:12) so i use CONVERT function.
3rd party ASP.Net web site and web service installed. The code appears not to log errors to server log or custom error log.
User receives the following critical untrapped error message:
"System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity' to type 'Library.Security.Identity'. at ....."
Of course I understand the type cast issue but why would a IIS recycle resolve the issue?
Getting this error: Conversion from string "04/07/2010" to type 'Double' is not valid. ---> System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
Using cmdUpdate As New SqlCommand With cmdUpdate .Connection = onyxConnection .CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure[code]....
I get the error - Conversion from type 'DBNull' to type 'Integer' is not valid. - on the line.....
Dim newid As Integer = e.Command.Parameters("@latestRowId") vb code behind.
I have the identical code for another page with the exception of the field names and it works fine. The only thing I did differently, as far as I know, is I copied the asp and code behind from the page that works into this page and manually changed the field and table names. I don't know what the problem is. Does anyone see any problems?
I have a gridview which I'm trying to get the display of phonenumbers listed in a certain display format; (xxx) xxx-xxxx.If I have the code such as this, it displays the unformatted phone number and (000) 000-0000 for the null items.
I'm having trouble using entities: I still want to use entities on my "DAL" layer, but in "BLL" layer I want to return not a collection of entities but just a Dataset with all the table I got back from Stored Procedure. How can I do that?
The presention layer don't know anything about entities, if I can get just a dataset from "BLL", it will be very easy to work with it as it was before. Only the DAL and BLL layers will be changing.
Does entities support stored procedure that is returning more than one table, I mean more than one entity?! If not, This is another BIG problem Microsoft didn't think about.
I must tell you the truth: I am really disappointed about using Entities. There is no logical support for Stored Procedure and too many problems when you want to have N-Tiers. It is like Microsoft have done only half of the work needed so this will be really usefull.
I have been looking for a way to convert C# datatype into database specific type of MS SQL. For example when I do [Code]....
I would get System.GUID or something like that but what I want is UniqueIdentifier instead of System.GUID. In most cases, I would also want the length of the type like varchar(1000) and stuff like that. Is there anyway I could convert or get similiar result ?
This code works somewhat, but it won't place all of the text into the textbox.. If I change a few things I get an error where I highlighted the code in red. Conversion from string "" to type 'Double' is not valid. But the code works, like I said somewhat, as you see it, it just doesn't load all of the text to the text box.555632.txt
Code: Public Class Form1 Private Sub OpenFile_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles OpenFile.Click Dim IdxList As String Dim ProgArray() As String Dim Index() As String
I have a FormView that allows a user to register for a company event. I want to do a couple of things with this form.
1. I need to write this data to a MS SQL database
2. I need to send an email confirmation of their registration to their email.
I know how to do both of these things, but i am having trouble doing both at the same time.
It would be nice if I could do it in one click, but I coded it into two pages to try to help simplify it.
The first page allows the user to input their information into a formview and when they click the submit button, it places those answers into session variables:
The Second page confirms the users information by taking those session variables and placing them into labels:
However, after I place information into the formview on the first page, it throws up this error:
"Conversion from type 'TextBox' to type 'String' is not valid".
I have an SqlDataSource with several parameters, one of which is a date/time, that is in the database it is stored in one field as short date + long time, i.e., "11/14/2010 9:15:34 PM".
I pass a string to that parameter which looks exactly like that, but I get an error: "String was not recognized as a valid DateTime?"
Is there a way to do this in either scalar function form or in an aggregate function form? The problem I'm dealing with is building a security system with multiple tiers of inheritable permissions. Like you'll inherit certain permissions form the department level and then certain permissions from the supervisor level. I'd like to find a way to produce these resultsFor user permissions I pull these binary values and get these results, (they are sorted by their tree node depth level in the hierarchy.
Is there a way to do this in either scalar function form or in an aggregate function form? The problem I'm dealing with is building a security system with multiple tiers of inheritable permissions. Like you'll inherit certain permissions form the department level and then certain permissions from the supervisor level. I'd like to find a way to produce these results
For user permissions I pull these binary values and get these results, (they are sorted by their tree node depth level in the hierarchy.)
Does it look like I will be stuck with manually compiling the tables of departmentpermissions and supervisorpermissions base on every possible outcome of inherited permissions or is there a way to do this on the fly in an efficient manner?
I am very new to ASP .NET and am getting above error when trying to insert a new record into a SQL database. I have turned on Option Explicit On so the default date of 01/01/1900 does not get assigned to this field automatically. Since most of the people in the database will not have a date of death, I need to have "blank" deathDate. When I run the stored procedure within SQL and choose pass null value, the Insert Procedure works fine. When I attach to Web Form, however, I get String was not recognized as a valid DateTime error. How can I set it so Null values are accepted into this date field.
have been trying to get to grips with the entity framework using the music store tutorial as a base reworking it to fit an existing application i havei have a database table called AuthorDetail. I also have AuthorDetail.cs Model, and a View AuthorDetail.cshtml strongly-typed to the Model. It's also declared as DBSet in the Entities class :DbContext under the application Models namespace.
Background: I use SQL server 2005 developer edition and visual studio 2008. Visual studio 2008 is running on a local machine with Vista business edition. SQL server is running on a remote server using Windows server 2003. Both computers are within the same domain.
Problem: First, I used the server explorer to connect to the SQL server. Everything works as desired. Then I write code to do the same thing. I keep getting the following error message:
A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 25 - Connection string is not valid)
However, I used the exactly identical connection string as the one used in the server explorer. So connection string should not be the problem. In addition, I tried the test code in MSDN, which tells whether my domainusername can flow the network. It turns out the user name is fine. I also went to the SQL server management studio and found the login for my computer is NVCWeihao while my computer login name is NVCweihao. I am wondering if this uppercase letter really affects the connection.
I am trying to write a function that can be called to run a stored procedure. I pass the stored procedure name, followed by as many parameters as I need to run the procedure. I am able to do this by using the params keyword, so my function looks something like this;
How can I determine what the data type of the parameter is? Maybe I need to alter the string[] part, above?
C#, ASP.NET MVC, SQL Server 2008 ( Same version & SP level), Linq-To-SQL ORM
I'm trying to diagnose an exception I'm receiving:
"Specified cast is not valid." at System.Data.Linq.IdentityManager.StandardIdentityManager.SingleKeyManager2.TryCreateKeyFromValues(Object[] values, V& v) at System.Data.Linq.IdentityManager.StandardIdentityManager.IdentityCache2.Find(Object[] keyValues) at System.Data.Linq.IdentityManager.StandardIdentityManager.Find(MetaType type, Object[] keyValues) at System.Data.Linq.CommonDataServices.GetCachedObject(MetaType type, Object[] keyValues) at System.Data.Linq.ChangeProcessor.GetOtherItem(MetaAssociation assoc, Object instance) at System.Data.Linq.ChangeProcessor.BuildEdgeMaps() at System.Data.Linq.ChangeProcessor.SubmitChanges(ConflictMode failureMode) at System.Data.Linq.DataContext.SubmitChanges(ConflictMode failureMode) at System.Data.Linq.DataContext.SubmitChanges() at Repository.Save() at etc....
The problem is that this is occurring only on our servers, not on our local development boxes. I've tracked it down to a single property we're modifying:
event.SalesForceId = "701Q0000000AOTIIA4";
If I comment out that line, everything works fine.
I've tried:
1 ) waxing all of the code on the server and redeploying. Same issue. 2 ) Pulling down a copy of the server DB and trying it locally. Works fine. 3 ) Trying another IIS environment we have setup on the same box. Same issue. 4 ) Physically comparing ( using AdeptSQL ) both local and remote schemas. No differences. 5 ) Verifying the datatypes of both columns ( local and remote ) are the same. Also, this column is a FK to another table. I verified that both are of the same data type, down to the collation.
The server is Windows Server 2008 and the local box is Windows 7 x64. Both have all important updates setup.
The only thing I can think of is perhaps since the database and web server are on different boxes that could be an issue? Otherwise, I'm completely stumped.