DataSource Controls :: Job Scheduling In Sql Server?

May 19, 2010

i want to create a registration form, which contain free and paid option if user registered through free then after3 days ne/she will get a msg regarding registration... So i follow the steps of this site...........but i culd not understand the code , where we define 3 days limitation ...\

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DataSource Controls :: How To Run The SQL Server Job From Webpage (without Scheduling)

Apr 9, 2010

I want to run the SQL server Job from the web page.

I have created the SP. Now i want to run this SP By run the Job.

The Job should not be scheduled automatically. I should run this job from front end web screen.

If user clicks the button i want to run the job and return the response back to the screen.

The SP (calculation process) will run for nearly 10 minutes, thats why we are going for this method instead of calling SP directly.

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SQL Server :: Scheduling System - Showing Data Using Relation Shift

Jul 26, 2010

How I will create the scheduling system. I have 3 tables related namely employees, schedule and shift. How will I show the data using the relation shift of the table on gridview by this: It will be filtered by datefrom and dateto: Select via calendar ex Datefrom: August 1 Dateto: August15

Then It will show:
EmployeeID Name
1 2 3 4 5 and up to 15

EP9112 Lastname, firstname, Middlename shift shift shift shift shift
with edit when I press EmployeeID their shift.
How can I also format the shift and date by: ex TimeIn: 7:00:00 AM TimeOut: 3:00:00 PM Date: 8/1/2010
When I add it, it will be TimeIn: 8/1/2010 7:00:00AM TimeOut: 8/1/2010 3:00:00 PM.
Do I need to edit my database.

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Creating Scheduling Control In C#?

Jan 12, 2010

I need to create a scheduling control in ASP.NET. Meeting slots are fixed to 30 minutes.

I am showing the slots in tabular format.

My main concern is to DateTime and slot timing like 4 to 4 4:30 to be read in code when user clicks particular cell in table, using HtmlTable control.

Table is created dynamically. Unfortunately the TableCell control don't have a click event.

In short, how can I detect the DateTime and timing from cell in the table by?

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Add Scheduling A RDLC Report?

Mar 28, 2011

I have created a report (rdlc) in visual studio 2005 web form. However, the client now wants the report to be sent by email at scheduled times. How can i add a scheduler to the report?

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Scheduling System For Assigning Shifts?

Jul 22, 2010

May I ask for your idea regarding a scheduling system? I'm in a task of creating a scheduling system for my team and this will include the team leader will assign a shift on 1-15 cut-off schedule and 16-31 cut-off per month. How can I design my database? If you work with this before.

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Creating A Scheduling / Calendar Grid In C#?

Apr 12, 2010

I am working on the prototype for a scheduling application on an intranet system. The application is for scheduling and tracking promotional workers at various locations on various dates.

Currently, only for prototyping, I am generating a data table of location/date, and from this I iteratively build an HTML table (asp:Table control). On visiting each cell, I query for people working that location-date and populate the cell accordingly. This is very inefficient, and will at worst be improved by querying cached data for the whole location/date grid.

I'm looking around for established patterns and techniques for dealing with scenarios like this in HTML in general, maybe a visualization library for jQuery or something, and for ASP.NET in particular, maybe a library for implementation on a GridView etc.

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AJAX :: Scheduling Tasks Within A Web Application?

Feb 6, 2010

As part of the web application I am working on there will be functionality to export data from the web application into a windows application copying the data between the database for the web application and the windows application. The databases for these two programs could have been combined but are being kept apart for simplicity.The utility to export the data can be triggered manually from the web application but it is also required that this task can be scheduled to run by the user (once a day, on web app shutdown etc)

I envisage this to be run as a service - I have created services for windows applications before but this is the first time I have needed to create this for a web application. Searching on goggle, I have found an msdn magazine article that suggests creating a web service and then creating a windows service which would call into this web service. So in my situation, I am thinking that I would create a web service which would contain the data transfer functionality between the web application and the windows application. Then I would create a windows service which would be installed as part of installing the web application, which would then call into the web service (at pre-defined intervals) using settings configured by the user within the web application (so that the data transfer functionality can be scheduled).Does this seem the correct solution? I would appreciate any advice on how I might achieve the above.

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Calendar - Employee Shift Scheduling Component For C#?

Jan 27, 2010

I'm looking for a control I can use in an ASP.NET app for scheduling work shifts. My primary requirement is to have locations on a y-axis, dates on the x-axis, and then at each intersection, have a block divided into shifts, and each shift containing a short (1-3) list of employees working that shift.

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Web Forms :: Scheduling Timed Routine In Application_Start?

Aug 19, 2010

I'm looking at automating some reporting that I'm going to be generating. I want the reports to be generated and emailed at a particular time every day. These times will vary, and so will the types of reports.I was wondering if there were any better solution to creating a routine with a timer that executes at a set time every day? If I include this class and routine in the Application_Start of my Global.asax, will it always be running, or is there some awesome EventListener that I'm not aware of?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Insert Data From Local SQL Server To Remote SQL Server (without Using Linked Server)

Apr 15, 2010

How to insert data from local SQL server to remote SQL server (without using linked server) like below?

insert * into [remote server].[northwind].orders
from [local server].[northwind].orders

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DataSource Controls :: Import A Table From Sql Server 2000 To Another Server Qsl Server 2005?

Feb 9, 2010

I have to programmatically import a table from a database "A" in Sql Server 2000 to a database "B" in another server 2005.

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C# - Finding Best Ways Of Scheduling Tasks (without Writing Windows Scheduler)

Jul 14, 2010

I am into shared hosting and they do not allow me to use windows scheduler... So what are the ways of achieving scheduled tasks ie(timed mail) in I just saw background process by Jeff Atwood blog... Is it relaible? Or any other ways of doing scheduled tasks...

Then i found but i can't find a simple example that embeds into an installing a Quartz.Net server as a standalone windows service)...

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Web Forms :: API For Scheduling SSRS Report From Webpage HTML Page

May 7, 2012

I need to find an API for scheduler in SSRS and call it from a ASP .Net Web Page/HTML page, which performs a scheduling operation and calling this API should directly get linked to a SSRS Scheduler.

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DataSource Controls :: How To Use Server.MapPath As Datasource While Creating Connection With OLEDB

Nov 15, 2010

i am trying to create connection using OLEDB connection in my app. but i am not able to create the connection as in datasource i want to use Server.mappath, but cudn't find the right method to use it. i am trying to make connection with Access database file. following is code i have tried:

string path = Server.MapPath("~/uploadaccess/Production.mdb");
string ConnectionString = @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("~/uploadaccess/Production.mdb")&";";
and also
OleDbConnection myConnection = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & path&";");
and tried this
OleDbConnection myConnection = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("~/uploadaccess/Production.mdb"));

and this is the error i am getting:

Operator '&' cannot be applied to operands of type 'string' and 'string'

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DataSource Controls :: Migrating SSIS Package From SQL Server 2005 To SQL Server 2008

Jun 17, 2010

Migrating SSIS package from SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2008

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DataSource Controls :: Installing (sql Server 2005) SSIS Packages On SQL Server 2008?

Feb 25, 2010

Previous developers have developed a .SSISDeploymentManifest file (SQL Server 2005) to install SSIS packages which prompts a Package Installation wizard. I tried to install it on SQL Sever 2008 (it works on SQL Server 2005), but it failed with the error: "Storing or modifying packages in SQL Server requires the SSIS runtime and database to be the same version. Storing packages in earlier versions is not supported".

How do I install 2005 SSIS packages on SQL Server 2008? I have all the .dtsx files, not sure how to install them?

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DataSource Controls :: LDF File Increasing When Move From SQL Server 2000 To SQL Server 2008

Apr 2, 2010

I have 5 GB data, when I move from SQL server 2000 to 2008 with Import and Export wizard, my LDF size is increased to 30 GB, Can I reduce my LDF file or move. In my one of the table contain around 20 Lakh data which i have normalized in 2008 and create 4 tables, so my data is entering in normalized form in 2008. But due to size by hard disk is full. I have used shrnik command but it reduce to only 1 GB.

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DataSource Controls :: How To Configure To Allow Windows Services Running On The Web Server To Access Sql Server

Jan 14, 2010

We have a cient we are stting up that has 2 separate physical servers, one that is the web server the other the database server. Using impersonation we have been able to get the website to connect and retrieve data from the sql server so that part is not an issue. The problem is I have a windows service application that must be installed on the web server (as it process files downloaded to an ftp site) and it must be able to connect and write to the sql server as well.We tried adding a system.web block with the impersonation stuff to the app.config file which of course did not work. Can anyone tell me what/how we need to configure this properly?

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DataSource Controls :: Error Occurred While Establishing A Connection To SQL Server - The Server Was Not Found

Mar 5, 2010

Not sure why it works if i connect to SQL 2005 on another server, but now that i have SQL Express on the same server as the pages, im getting the following error: I have attached my connection string within my web.config and also how its being called within the code behind. Now this page was written by another programmer some time back.. so not sure if the method he used to do this is the best or only way. But i have connected to other SQL database with other applications with alot less code.

A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections.

(provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)

Source Error: Line 131:
Line 132: //connect to this sql server
Line 133: c.Open(); -----> this is the line it complains about.[Code]....

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Jul 8, 2010

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DataSource Controls :: Convert DTS Package From SQL Server 2000 To SQL Server 2005?

Jul 1, 2010

How can convert DTS package from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005

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DataSource Controls :: How To Connect Server Explorer To A Remote SQL Server Database

Mar 13, 2010

I have created web pages using VS Web Developer that use a local Developer Edition of SQL server database on my PC with LINQ to SQL. When I deploy my website to a remote web host SQL server, I need for my web pages to be able to use the remote database instead of the local database. So, how do I get the Server Explorer to connect with a remote SQL Server database?

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DataSource Controls :: SQL Server - What Is Difference Between SQL Server 2000 - 2005 And 2008

Mar 24, 2010

Does anyone know, what is difference between SQL Server 2000, 2005 and 2008?

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DataSource Controls :: Insert A Record In A Remote Server From Local Server?

May 20, 2010

I need to insert a record in table which is in remote server....I am using two connection strings for local and remote....both the servers are in same workgroup am able to connect the both.The problem is am filling data of local table in on dataset1 and remote server table data in another dataset dataset2..Now whil inserting a record local an error occured like "This row already belongs to another table" after googlingI found like this like "Dataset.importrow()" instead of "dataset.add()" method...then there is no errors but the inserted record is not inserting in remote server database...

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