DataSource Controls :: LINQ / Insert Records Without Having Primary Key?
Apr 29, 2010
I am using LINQ Expression to insert records in SQL Table. My Table dosen's have any Primary Key Field. Whenever I Am trying to Insert Records in Table using LINQ Expression, this always occurs an Error that 'the Table You are using to insert Dosen't Have Any Primary Key Field.
How I Will Insert Records Without Having Primary Key ?
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When a user creates an account for my web application using the create user wizard additional steps have been added to take more details and store them in another table. Now this tables primary key is set to uniqueidentifier, is it possible to have that unique identifier automatically generated when the query is run to insert a new row for a new user?
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Jan 29, 2010
I need to insert multiple records using a script.
My table is
ID int,
Name varchar(50),
Description varchar(51)
One thing I can use is to retrieve the max(ID) from region and store it in a variable and increment the variable sequentially and insert. But, if any other user inserts a record while I am executing this script then max(id) might clash with the id inserted with other user causing my script to fail.
Is there any other option to insert record sequentially base on the highest number in the table.
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Jun 30, 2010
Conseptually what I'm doing is simple, and technically it may even be simple, but I'm still rusty. Here's what I'm trying to do:
I have a webform that allows the user to enter a new record, and in there I have also included a couple FileUpload controls. Upon clicking the "Save" button, I'm saving the details entered into one table (ITEMS), and also inserting the FileUpload details (path, id, upload_user) into another table ATTACHMNTS). Because one ITEM can have many attachments, I needed to split the tables up. So on save, I need to save the ITEM, save the ATTACHMENT, and then also put the ITEM_ID in the ATTACHMENT table. I'm second guessing myself because I think all I'd have to do is after I do the ITEM insert, do a SELECT MAX on the ITEM table and hold the newest (MAX) id in a variable and then use it in the ATTACHMENTS update. I'm not 100% on this because there IS a chance that someone else could save a few milliseconds later and I'll link the wrong ITEM. See my delima?
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Apr 28, 2010
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rec alex dallas usa 25/2/1989
rec farguson la 12/8/1988
rec hopkins ny 17/9/1988
I want to insert data from name (alex, farguson...etc). I don't want to insert 'rec' keyword.
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I trying to create a search mechanism for records in a EDM based on text entered on a text box in a web page.
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i am new to this linq concept,
i have used the following code to delete multiple records in my table,
but when i hit the button insteading deleting multiple records only one record is getting deleted
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protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
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Jan 19, 2010
I have a basic CMS which I'm adding to a site to display some downloads organised into groups. I have two tables, one for the groups and one for the downloads. I'm using a repeated to display the groups with another repeater inside to display the children. This works perfectly.
However some of my download groups may not have any downloads related to them and I'd like to handle this by filter the groups so that only those with a relate download record(s) are shown.
I'm trying to do this with the query which populates the top repeater based on some ideas I read but I must be going wrong with the syntax.
Here is what I'm using to try and only select downloads groups which have downloads linked to them by the download group ID.
Can anyone offer any thoughts on how I should construct the query to perform this?
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Apr 28, 2010
I am trying to do an update and if no selection has been made in a dropdownlist (integer) or date field I would like to insert a dbnull value. But I am new to Linq to Sql and wonder if this is possible and if so how to process. I have the following code but the DBNull.Value is giving me an error.
Dim context As New SondageDataContext()
Dim repondant = (From r In context.Repondants Where r.RefRepondant = iRefRepondant Select r).Single
repondant.Prenom = strPrenom
repondant.Nom = strNom
If dtAdhesion > Date.MinValue Then
repondant.DateAdhesion = dtAdhesion
repondant.DateAdhesion = DBNull.Value
End If
'Integer for dropdownmenu
If iOccupation <> -1 Then
repondant.RefOccupation = iOccupation
repondant.RefOccupation = DBNull.Value
End If
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May 25, 2010
I use the following code to insert recode to a sql 2008 table, the field ID of DBProgram is IDENTITY, so SQL 2008 SERVER will pass a value to it automatically. How can I get the ID value of the record I just insert ?
DBProgram dbProgram = new DBProgram();
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Jun 7, 2010
I tried to find a LINQ section on this forum, but couldn't, so I'll post this here since is deals with LINQ, C#, MVC, SQL Server, and well...just about everything.
Here's the details....My Application is an ASP .Net MVC 1.0 app, using C# 3.5, SQL Server 2005 Std, and LINQ to Entity.
In my View, I have numerous Html.CheckBox controls, they get passed to my Controller as a string collection via a JQuery Ajax call. The values of each checkbox are seperated by a comma(,). I then Split the string, to get the individual values. The overall purpose to to allow users to build a custom report with only the data elements they have checked the boxes for. Here is my controller:
The part that I am having a problem with is that I only want to Insert the data elements into my DB table for the ones that the user has selected the checkbox for. So, for example, I'd like to do something like this:
I don't know if there is a LINQ switch statement in which I can access outside variables and the columns of the table, or any thing like that.
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Mar 17, 2011
i am using an ImageButton with onClick Event above a profile on a footballer.
On Click event, a logged in user on the site can save the footballer to a Junction table called FavouriteFootballer that has
a GUID UserId and FootballerId GUID as Primary Keys.
The problems is I need to warn the user if they already have the Footballer Stored as a favourite in the database
(With a Label or MessageBox PopUp) and not sure how to with the code I have.
In code behind I have the following
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Mar 2, 2010
I'm new onto LINQ and im working on a application which uploads a requisition from a preformated text file that is coming from another application.
Th format of the file its like:
HDR 001000 Description
DTL PartNumber CatalogNumber ItemDescription RequestedQty RequiredDate
DTL PartNumber CatalogNumber ItemDescription RequestedQty RequiredDate
DTL PartNumber CatalogNumber ItemDescription RequestedQty RequiredDate
I want to insert information gathered from the text file readed using streamreader with master/detail using LINQ datacontext into the database.
Heres the code of a test page to loop through the file:
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Nov 10, 2010
this is my html code
this is my code behind
this is my bal code
in my javascript popup i am getting the checked values but i need it in record by record in the lblsave data
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Jun 29, 2010
how can i select a record from A table and insert into B table using linq?
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Sep 7, 2010
I'm new to Linq. I have searched and searched the web for a soluion, and can't find anything. I have a Linq query and I want to insert a row ("Select User") to the top before I pass it to the drop down list. I've been trying to use the Union but to now avail (it keeps telling me that my object doesn't support the Union method). My code, prior to attempting to inser a row, is very simple.
public SelectList DropDown_Users()
var context = new VivarianDataContext();
var query = from t in context.AspnetUsers
select new { t.UserId, t.LastName };
list = new SelectList(query.AsEnumerable(), "UserId", "LastName");
return list;
Now I try to insert a row and I found this on the internet and it seems to say that his solution will work. But it is filled with syntax errors. [URL]
I tried to implement it using the following code, but it doesn't compile.
public SelectList DropDown_Users()
SelectList list;
//get the original data
var context = new SQL2005633131VivarianDataContext();
var query = from t in context.AspnetUsers
select new { t.UserId, t.LastName };
//create a dummy table with an empty row
var AllUsers = new List<AspnetUsers>();
var BlankUser = new AspnetUsers()
{UserId=System.Guid.Empty, LastName="Select One"};
//use Union to join the data - ERRORS HERE
var newTable = AllUsers.Union(query);
list = new SelectList(newTable.AsEnumerable(), "UserId", "LastName");
return list;
View 7 Replies
Jan 4, 2010
Let's say I have a table that holds information about books, with a column called bookid as a primary key with auto increment of 1. When I create a couple of records, it assigns 1 to the first row and 2 to the second row for the bookid column. If I delete the second row and enter another row, even though table now only has 2 records, the primary key column says 1 and 3 for their bookids. Is it possible to change back the bookid of the second record from 3 to 2 or is it just server assigned and can't be changed.
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