DataSource Controls :: ObjectDataSource With BLL Methods?
Jun 22, 2010
I'm creating an website with 3 layers (Presentation, BLL and DAL).
BLL and DAL are 'class library'. DAL has a typed dataset. Presentation refers BLL and BLL refers DAL.
I wanna populate my GridViews with ObjectDataSource, but it only shows me the DAL. Nothing from BLL...
What am I doing wrong?
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<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="ObjectDataSource1" runat="server" TypeName="CustomerData"
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Private _FirstName As String = ""
Private _LastName As String = ""
Private _Age As Integer = 0
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FirstName = FirstName
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_Age = Age
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<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="objProductSuppliment" runat="server"
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Jan 16, 2011
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I'm probably not configuring something correctly, but I'm not sure what.
The BLL code:
The .net code:
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Jan 4, 2011
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Here is the AddItem method :
ASPX Page with DetailsView & ObjectDataSource
Now executing this page generates error as
ObjectDataSource 'ObjectDataSource2' could not find a non-generic method 'AddItem' that has parameters: _item, _balance, ItemName, GroupId, CategoryId, AuId, Rate, TotalStrScale, OffsStrScale, OffsAE [code]...
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Apr 17, 2010
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In terms of binding to the ASP page, I will need to bind the attributes of "ClassRoom" to a set of fields on the page (using one method on the object). I will also want to bind the desks collection to a Repeater or GridView (using another method on the object).Presumably, I need to find a way to use a single instance of the ObjectDataSource so that the updates to the two (or more) disparate sets of data can be kept in step. I suspect that if I simply put two data sources on the page, I will get two instances and therefore no correlation between them.This can't be a unique problem, but I'm struggling to find any useful information.
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Jul 20, 2010
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e.g: <cfif> (datasouce.column = x) then
<cfoutput> msg</cfoutput>
Am not so sure about .net.... All i am trying to do is to check for one value on the db and i dont mind puting it on code behind... i just need a way..
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view plaincopy
to clipboardprint?
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After I setup the update function in the ObjectDataSource , its DataObjectTypeName has a funny name
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Sep 10, 2010
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And my GridView is bound to that objectDataSource
the only problem is that my stored procedure requires the variable @UserName and then returns the values for that username, but I do not know how to pass the variable to the objectDataSource, does anyone know the code for this?
I can get userName from HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name but how do I pass that to the objectDataSource?
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Mar 29, 2010
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I want to get total count of record when there is paging = true or false in gridview.
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Aug 9, 2010
I followd Brian Orrell LINQ tutorial for paging/sorting and created a gridview bound to an ObjectDataSource through a method call which gets data from adatabase. My form includes two buttons with a textbox next to each one of them. I need to be able to populatte th egridview depending on the button that was pressed, I cannot figure out how signal my method which button was pressed.
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Mar 9, 2011
Is it possible for me to have an ObjectDataSource and the bind a texbox to a certain field to it?
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Oct 31, 2010
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Sep 23, 2010
I have an ODS control populating a Telerik grid. The ODS definition is pretty simple. It's set to call a method on a static class that has one parameter (entityID). I set this parameter in the OnSelecting event. When I test this, the world is a happy place and all is fine.
Then, I pass a query string to the page (which sets various unrelated values for the page, we'll say parameters X and Y). The page call's Telerik's radgrid.Rebind() event. When this happens, an error is throw from the ODS saying that the underlying method (the static data procedure) does not support parameters X and Y.
So, why is ODS thinking it should be using any querystring values at all when I have explicitly set the entityID parameter (of type Asp:Parameter)? How do I stop this from happening?
The Html:
The OnSelecting:
I see this odsList_OnSelecting being hit and the inspection of e.InputParameters only contains my expected single entry.
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Mar 10, 2010
I am trying to update record in GridView. But ObjectDataSource is creating original_{0} and new vlaue object (exactly the same).ObjectDataSource.UpdateMethod is as follows
The paremeters ("original_ProductBO" and "productBO") in the above function are supposed to have different values since I am editing record in GridView and then updating it.I have the checked the query by hard coding parameter values and it works. In the ObjectDataSource_Updating(..) event, I cheked the parameters ("original_ProductBO" and "productBO") , I am getting the same values. Can anyone tell why tow parameters have the same values when I am editing record in GridView Code for the ObjectDataSourec and GridView is attached below
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Feb 5, 2010
I have a dropdown list that uses an ObjectDataSource. The select method of the ObjectDataSource needs to localize the TextField, so i create a Dictionary<int, string> and use GetLocalResourceObject as such:
In the Local Resource file, there is status0, status1, and status2, all with a value (Deleted, Active, Inactive). The dropdown and object datasource like:
Now, if I use an ObjectDataSource and put the DropDownList's DataSourceID to it, I will get a null reference on the lookup to the GetLocalResourceObject. BUT If I manually set DataSource/DataBind on the dropdown list on Page_Load, it works fine:
OR If I move the status values to a global resource file and use GetGlobalResource instead of GetLocal, it works fine! Why can I not use an ObjectDataSource and LocalResourceObject in this way?
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Aug 4, 2010
Im using Objectivation as a DAL with GridView !
I would like to link item when i create it with the InsertMethode :
I have this 2 table :
Item ( id, name )
ItemRelation( idrelation, idParentItem, idSonItem)
I have a page with a gridview with the liste of item in relation with another item (Same table) : Select * From Item where id IN ( Select idSonItem where idParentItem = @TheItem )
When i add an item from this grid i would like to link it with the current Item : So I insert the Item with the GridView InsertMethod then I do another Query an the ItemRelation with idParentItem as the courant Item and the Inserted Item as the idSonsItem !
so the question is : How to get the id of an inserted Item after i get executed the InsertMethod ?
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Feb 16, 2010 ?I tried and got error as below, at clicking Update button in detailView
'/CaseExamples' 응용 프로그램에 서버 오류가 있습니다. ==> Server error in application program
ObjectDataSource 'EmployeeDetailsObjectDataSource'에서 매개 변수 (LastName, FirstName, Address, City, Region, PostalCode, original_FirstName, original_LastName, original_Address, original_City, original_Region, original_PostalCode, original_EmployeeID)를 사용하는
네릭이 아닌 UpdateEmployee' 메서드를 찾을 수 없습니다.
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Oct 10, 2010
I have an ObjectDataSource and I want to configure it from code behind , I want to set the InsertMethod , Selectmethod from Code Behind and set it to my Business Layer files
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Mar 20, 2011
I'm having trouble, I have a component called Search that has a SearchCars method I use both in the objectdatasource control like this:
my question is what type of object should I return from the SearchCars method?
the method seginature accepts a business entity object "Car"
like that
public ????? SearchCars(Car car)
View 3 Replies
Apr 14, 2010
Could you teach me how to make girdview pass my object (with all it properties) to my ObjectDataSource delete method please?So far the object received by the delete method has only the datakey value, other properties are null.From this article indicates that this is default behaviour - ttp://,guid,c72852ae-1fdd-4934-a715-f565ceaf21cc.aspxBut i need the other properties pass to the delete method too so i can do other thing before I actually delete the record.
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