DataSource Controls :: RowDataBound - Access To The Associated Entity?

Aug 27, 2010

i use a generic list of object to bind a GridView

In the RowDataBound event i need to access to the entity associated to the row and not only to the single property using

DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, "propertyname")

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Similar Messages:

Data Controls :: Access DataTable Row In GridView RowDataBound Event

Aug 28, 2013

I know the way how to find the value of a control in gridview RowDataBound()


<asp:Label ID="ControlId" runat="server" Text='<%#Eval("Field") %>'></asp:Label>

in RowDataBound() i can access the value as

Label lbl= (Label)e.Row.FindControl("ControlId");

But ,I want to access the value in gridview RowDataBound()


var value=eval("Field")

Is there any way doing like this ....

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Forms Data Controls :: Access GridView PageIndex In Rowdatabound Event?

Feb 5, 2010

How do I access GridView Page Index in RowDataBound event? I am assigning PageIndex to hyperlink on the gridview, for this I was planning to use "GridView1.PageIndex" in rowdatabound event. Problem is when I got second page in gridview (10 rows per page), the first row in the page shows page index as "0" and from second row it becomes 1. And if I goto third page, the first row in the page shows page index as "1" and from second row it becomes 2.

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Forms Data Controls :: Access RowDataBound / DataBound Event Of "CHILD" GridView?

Mar 11, 2010

How can I access RowDataBound(...) event of child grid. I want to change the background color of the cell in the child grid based on the value.

I have Master/Slave GrisViews (or you can say Parent/Child GridViews). I am populating Child GidView in Parent's RowDataBound (..) event, as follows


In child grid, I have to calculate some values to dislay in the footer row of the child grid.

The following DataBound event focan I accessr te child grid is throwing an error "The name 'ChildGrid' does not exist in the current context"


Here is the ParentGrid with ChildGrid


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Gridview Rowdatabound Access Data Items Vb?

Mar 8, 2011

I am trying to an ImageUrl to an image in a Template Field in GridView but keep getting the error:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object. on this line:

Dim imagePath As String = rowView("image_path")

I've never done this before on a GridView but had it working on a ListView.


<asp:GridView ID="gvImages" DataKeyNames="id" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" BorderWidth="0px" GridLines="None">


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Access The Value Of 'BoundField' In RowDataBound Event Of Grid View?

Mar 23, 2011

How to access the value of 'BoundField' in RowDataBound event of grid view?

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How To Access Gridview Commandfield Delete Button On RowDataBound Event

Apr 15, 2010

How to access gridview commandfield delete button on RowDataBound event? How the cells and controls in griview are accessed

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Forms Data Controls :: Access A Method Of Entity Class From A FormView?

Feb 24, 2010

I have a Customer database table with a text field named customerPicture with the name of the JPG file.

I have made a Customer Entity class with the LinQ to SQL Designer.

I also have a FormView displaying Customer instance binding with a LinqDataSource.

My problem is:

I want to make some modifications when some control want to bind the customerPicture field.

For example, when my FromView want to show the field customerPicture I want to return not only the JPG file name, I want to modify this string to add the complete file path and perhaps resample the image to a determinate width and height.

I know that is posible to defeine a partial class named Customer to implement certains partial methods, like OnCustomerPictureChanged(), but I dont know how to do this.

If I make, in this Customer partial class, a new method, for example getResamplePicturePath(), how could I invoke it from a FormView?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Do In Linq To Entity

Feb 2, 2010

select * from MyTable select "MonthName"= case when datepart(month,date1) =1 then 'January' when datepart(month,date1) =2 then 'February' end , count(*) as CountByMonth from venkat group by datepart(month,date1)

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DataSource Controls :: LINQ To Entity Getting The First Row?

Jan 14, 2010

I am using the following LINQ to entity to get data from my db.

It should return only one row. So i want to be able to get the first row in the set and not have to go through a foreach.

I would also like to check and make sure it is only returning one row, if it returns multiple i need to throw an exception


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DataSource Controls :: Is There A Way To Connect Two Entities Together In One New Entity

May 22, 2010

And not doing a View that connect two tables ?Is there a way to connect two entities together in one new entity?

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Visually Set Controls Datasource From Entity Framework?

Feb 27, 2011

I set up Entity Framework for my Table and Stored Procedure to return data. Created a Domain Class as well.

In Domain Class, I am returning Objects as collection.

On .Aspnet page when I drop a Control(Combo,Dropdown) I can set up the source for the controls visually if the source is table.

However, In domain class I have stored precedure object that return collection of data And I cant not set up visually from Designer, I am only available to write code behind. is it possibble that i can set up from desingner.

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DataSource Controls :: WEB Services And Entity Framework?

Jan 19, 2010

CAN we use Entity framework in web services.I the following error while the code connects to the database using entity framework

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DataSource Controls :: Uniqueidentifiers And Entity Framework?

Feb 16, 2010

I have a sql server database that includes the field ArticleID of type uniqueidentifier that is a primary key and is set to be auto-generated by the database when a new article is added.If i generate my entity model and do the following code:


Then a new article is saved to the database but the entity framework must be generating a new blank Guid and saving that to the database rather than allowing it to be auto generated as the articleid that shows up saved is all 0.How can i get the Entity Framework to let the Database generate the ArticleId?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Access Database Once With Big Resultset Or Access Multiple Times On The Fly

Jun 17, 2010

I have a situation where I am accessing a database multiple times and I'm wondering if it is necessary.

I have a GridView with a template column with a hyperlink to "Get Results" and on the RowDataBound event I have it check the batch number against the database and see if results exist and then if they don't, hide the link.

So when viewing the page if there is 20 rows in the gridview it is effectively doing 20 queries.

I was wondering if it is a better idea to query the database once with all "batches" and load it into a datatable, then on the RowDataBound event query the datatable. The only issue I see with this is there is currently 40,000 batches and grows daily.

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DataSource Controls :: Insert Into Entity Using Textbox And Button?

Jun 14, 2010

I am playing with trying getting the userid that is logged in and threadid from a querystring

and combine them with text that is being entered in a text box

and when the button is clicked that information would be inserted into an Entity Framework table

This is what I have so far. I'm a bit stuck on what to do on the button click.

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
int threadID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["Threadid"]);
int postId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["Postid"]);
MembershipUser user = Membership.GetUser();
Guid userID = (Guid)user.ProviderUserKey;
var context = new MessageBoardEntities3();
// Load last post to textbox
var query = from p in context.Posts
where p.PostID == postId
select new { p.Post1 };
foreach (var result in query)
txtBxLastPost.Text = result.Post1;
protected void btnPost_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//need code to insert

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DataSource Controls :: How To Use A Stored Procedure In Entity FrameWork

Mar 22, 2010

i joined together more than one entity: Customer, Personel etc. i used inner join structures. if i look adonet entity framework ,5 entities are generated. i need to run this SP in C# side:


LOOK BELOW PİC : you can understand it :

MY C# codes: [Code]....

How can i get all joined data from sql with using randevu.GetRandevular(customerID

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DataSource Controls :: Entity Framework Deleting Many To Many Relationship?

Jul 9, 2010

I have 3 tables User, role and UserInRole THe entity frame work made entities for User and Role and I have successfully made a join with the user and role entities using user.add(role); but I can't seem to get it to remove the link (I want to retain the user and role just remove their association).

using (ProviderEntities context = new ProviderEntities())
User u = context.User
.Where(n => n.ApplicationName == application)
.Where(n => n.Username == username).First();
Roles r = context.Roles
.Where(n => n.ApplicationName == application)
.Where(n => n.RoleName == roleName)

The oposite worked when I did r.User.Add(u); but it wont let me now remove it after it been created. Driving me mad as I can't see where I have gone wrong.

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DataSource Controls :: SQL Query Re-Write In Linq To Entity?

Jan 26, 2010

Need to figure out the correct way to do a simple SUM function in Linq, but also manipulate one of the feilds coming back by doing a Substring on it, here is the original SQL query:


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DataSource Controls :: Use Database Instead Of MDF File With Entity Framework?

Jan 11, 2010

I transfered my data from MDF files to MS SQL Database, but I can't get it working with entity framework.

My Old connection string is:

metadata=res://*/Models.EntityModel.csdl|res://*/Models.EntityModel.ssdl|res://*/Models.EntityModel.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|TripsDB.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User

I put all data from TripsDB.mdf to Trips table in local MS SQL 2008 Enterprise database. Also changed connection string to:

Server=WIESIEK;Database=Trips;Trusted_Connection=True;providerName=System.Data.SqlClient;User ID=Jan J. Roman

But my application throws System.ArgumentExceptio with message: The 'server' keyword is not supported.

on line:

private TripsDBEntities2 _entity = new TripsDBEntities2();where TripsDBEntities2 is Entity Framework instance.

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DataSource Controls :: Stored Procedure In Entity Framework?

Jul 7, 2010

I have a stored procedure that generates a float value. I've added the stored procedure to my edmx file and created a function import, but the function isn't showing up in the object browser or via intellisense.

I'm using Visual Studio 2010 and I've verified that the stored procedure works in SSMS. Here is the current stored proc I'm using:


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DataSource Controls :: Two Tables In MVC Using ADO Entity Data Model

Apr 6, 2010

my application have two tables. TableA and TableB TableA have one record

ID StudentName Age
1 MARK 20

I use selectlist to select StudentName .

ViewData["StudentName"] = new SelectList(_db.StudentSet.ToList(), "StudentName", "StudentName");

and then add to TableB. for this case , for me is success, but I also want to add the"Age" into TableB on same time. I don't know how to do it.

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DataSource Controls :: How To Convert Entity Collections To A Dataset

May 19, 2010

I'm having trouble using entities: I still want to use entities on my "DAL" layer, but in "BLL" layer I want to return not a collection of entities but just a Dataset with all the table I got back from Stored Procedure. How can I do that?

The presention layer don't know anything about entities, if I can get just a dataset from "BLL", it will be very easy to work with it as it was before. Only the DAL and BLL layers will be changing.


Does entities support stored procedure that is returning more than one table, I mean more than one entity?! If not, This is another BIG problem Microsoft didn't think about.

I must tell you the truth: I am really disappointed about using Entities. There is no logical support for Stored Procedure and too many problems when you want to have N-Tiers. It is like Microsoft have done only half of the work needed so this will be really usefull.

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DataSource Controls :: How To Validate Metadata Entity Object

Jun 20, 2010

I use LINQ to SQL and I added some meta data to my entity objects.

But how can I validate this entity object in ASP.NET 3.5 Forms ? I find a lot information for validating this objects in MVC, but that is not what I want of course :) .

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DataSource Controls :: Entity Framework EntityKey (Defaults To 0?)

Feb 6, 2010

Id - PK
Id - PK
TypeId - FK to CarType

I have this simple example here and I want to insert a new CarDetail into the database but for some reason I cannot get the EntityKey to work in EF4 and Framework4 beta 2.

If i declare the following

car_detail.CarTypeReference.EntityKey = new System.Data.EntityKey("MyDB.CarType", "Id", 1)

Each time i try to call SaveChanges, it throws a INSERT constraint error saying that there is a conflict between CarType and CarDetail with the FK. It just seems like the hard coded 1 for CarType is NOT being passed through but instead the default value of 0. What is going on?

If i call car_detail.TypeId = 1 then it works fine with the INSERT.

Why doesn't the EntityKey method work?

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