DataSource Controls :: UDF Or Procedure To Get Records For Transposed Numbers?

Mar 8, 2010

I am looking for a function or procedure in sql server which assists me in figuring out the records which is having Transposed numbers. E.g one record is having invoice number as 1234 and another record is having invoice number as 2134(this is the definition for transposed records for me). My another problem is that the length of invoice number is not known. It can be from 1 character to 15 characters or more than that.

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May 11, 2010

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DataSource Controls :: Stored Procedure For Delete Records From Parent And Child Table

Jan 16, 2010

I have two tables dept and employees those table have parent and child relation ship link column is deptno i want to delte department even this departmetn contains employees i want to write storedprocedure for first delte employees and after department if i wrtie these two querys in storedprocedure will i get any problems

Delete from tbl_employees where Department_Id=@Department_Id
Delete from tbl_Department where Department_Id=@Department_Id

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DataSource Controls :: Can A Procedure Function Quering Several Times And Return Result Records Accumulated

May 11, 2010

In the procedure function, there will be queying several times based on conditions.

Suppose each query retrieves several records, can I caumulate those records in on table, then return that table.

Benifit I want to success here is that I want to save time, so instead of making several functions each has one query, each one requires a connection to databae, so it will take time.

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DataSource Controls :: Find The Biggest Two Numbers Out Of Three

Mar 30, 2010

I have to write a stored procedure to get the biggest two values out of three in three different columns in the same table.

I have a table , for instance,

total marks1 - column1 ( eg values - 1000)

total marks2 - column 2 (eg values - 500)

total marks3 - column 3 (eg values - 800)

i have to get (return the value) 1000 and 800.

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DataSource Controls :: Excluding Zero Numbers From The Query?

Jan 4, 2010

Is there any way, I can exclude the whole row if one particular column has zero in it. I have this query

select first_name, last_name , employee_num, cubeNumber, extension

from tblData left join tblfacility
ON tblData.employee_num = tblfacilit.employee_num
left join tblextension ext
on tblData.extension = ext.extension

tablExtension has phone number extension in it. If we don't know someones phone extension, we put zero for their extension, now there are tons of people who have zero extension.when I run this query, it returns same name lot of times with different cubeNumber so I get

Fisrt_name last_name employeenum cubeNumbae extension

a ax 1 12 0
a ax 1 13 0
a ax 1 14 0
b bx 2 12 0
b bx 2 13 0
b bx 2 14 0

Both emploee a and employee b extensions are zero in above case. I want both a and b to be displayed only once .Right now it is displaying them so many times with all the cubesNumber that have extension zero.

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DataSource Controls :: Unique Numbers For Pulling Data?

Feb 3, 2010

I currently designed a school result portal. If the students want to view their result, they input their student school number in a text box to search out their result. But this is not secured because anybody can look up any students result if you have the number which is even written on their school uniform for identification.

I have being trying to secure this result by trying to generate or code special numbers that the students will input with their school number. The special numbers will be random numbers and may be from 10 and above, it might even contain letters. How do
I code this. I believe this is the best forum. I want the students to be inputing this special unique numbers and their student numbers so that there result will be avaliable to them.

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Forms Data Controls :: Paging Through Records Using A Stored Procedure?

Sep 7, 2010

i have a stored procedure i want to display the income of this procedure in a HTML table ona aspx page. It that possible.


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Forms Data Controls :: Delete Records From A Gridview Using A Stored Procedure?

Oct 28, 2010

I need to be able to delete records from a gridview using a stored procedure. My data comes from two sources so the standard delete won't work. I have come up with the code below which deletes a record, but the wrong one. How can I iterate through the rows to delete the row I actually want to delete.


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DataSource Controls :: Insert Sequential Numbers Into A Primary Key Column Using A Script?

Jan 29, 2010

I need to insert multiple records using a script.

My table is

ID int,
Name varchar(50),
Description varchar(51)

One thing I can use is to retrieve the max(ID) from region and store it in a variable and increment the variable sequentially and insert. But, if any other user inserts a record while I am executing this script then max(id) might clash with the id inserted with other user causing my script to fail.

Is there any other option to insert record sequentially base on the highest number in the table.

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DataSource Controls :: How To Convert The Oracle Stored Procedure To Sqlserver 2005 Stored Procedure

Apr 2, 2010

This is surareddy. i nead some small clarification in the "Stored Procedure"

how to convert the oracle Stored Procedure to sqlserver2005/2008 Stored Procedure.

right now i am enhancing the project that project already developed the oracle Stored Procedure. now our company is using sqlserver 2005/2008.

how to convert the Oracle Stored Procedure to sqlserver 2005 Stored Procedure

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DataSource Controls :: Do Not Use Or Call Any Stored Procedure But It Says "Could Not Find Stored Procedure 'xxxxx'?

Dec 9, 2010

Initially, I have tried to use stored procedure. But I changed my mind and preferred to call sql query in codebase with command text. However, it stills tries to find initially-called stored procedure (which is neither called or exists).I think that it is related caching. But I tried it with different browsers it did not work.What might be the reason?

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DataSource Controls :: Execute A Stored Procedure Within A Stored Procedure?

Jan 18, 2010

Does anybody if it is possible that a stored procedure returns rows which is the result of the execution of another sp? Something like..


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DataSource Controls :: How To Call A Stored Procedure In Another Stored Procedure

May 13, 2010

i want to return output parameter from 1 storeprocedure. into another stored procedure.

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Display The Records From The Stored Procedure On ViewList

Dec 18, 2010

I have created a viewmodel class for my custom page. I have a stored procedure which returns the DataTable(ORM tool). I cannot change this procedure. But I would like display the records from the stored procedure on View List. How can I display the values from the datatable in the List View?

public class CreateViewModel
public DateTime StartDate {get; set;}
[StringLength(250, ErrorMessage = "Details must be less than 250 characters")]
public string Details { get; set; }

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ADO.NET :: Saving Call Procedure For Multiple Records?

Aug 15, 2010

I am in the way to make an SQL server saving transactions. How to make MultipleSaveNewReadings function to perform the best performance for an SQL server saving call without closing/opening connection for each record saving? I don't need to merge the for-next loop into the saving function code but it's ok to get out some of the saving code to be in the for-next calling function.


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DataSource Controls :: How To Retrieve Corresponding Records

Jul 3, 2010

I have table called "Logs". It has username, sitename, actiondate and lastupdate columns.

From this, I hve created tempLogs (Temp table) using condition where lastupdate >= somedate.

Once I get records in my temp table, I then want to retreive all the records again from "logs" table corresponding to same

username, sitename?

How would I do that.

BTW: Join will not work.

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DataSource Controls :: Xml.query In Sql And No Records?

Mar 15, 2010

I have table in database with xml field and data like below


there are no records found

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DataSource Controls :: Insert 10,000 Records In One Second?

Jun 27, 2010

Suppose we have a website with 10,000 viewers each second. And we want to insert the viewer's information to the SQL database. So we must insert 10,000 records to the SQL each second. And it may take long time to do.

My question is: How can we decrease this process.

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DataSource Controls :: Find The Five Last Records?

Feb 19, 2010

How can I find the 5 last records ?

@NB_NEWS int,
@ID_NEWS int,

This does not work

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Web Forms :: How To Write The Stored Procedure For Update Records

Mar 9, 2010

When i click the reset button, the password is updating in the table.


update UM_USER set password='ahlnhTczpihljbIn', exp_date='01/JAN/2008' , max_sessions=3

How to write the stored procedure and call the procedure in .Net coding?

The codes are below:


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Get Records Affected By An Update Stored Procedure In LINQ To SQL

Aug 18, 2010

I'm executing an update stored procedure from LINQ to SQL and I need to know the records affected after the update is called. I'm using dbml designer to generate the LINQ code.

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Web Forms :: Update Multiple Records Using Stored Procedure

May 7, 2015

I get the fol error: An exception of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException' Occurred in System.Data.dll but was not handled in user code..Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted When the subquery Follows =,! =, <, <=,>,> = Or When the subquery is used as an expression.

IF EXISTS (SELECT CustomerId FROM Customers where CustomerId= (SELECT Id FROM @tblCustomers ))
UPDATE Customers
SET Name=(SELECT Name FROM @tblCustomers ), Country=(SELECT Country FROM @tblCustomers )
WHERE CustomerId=(SELECT Id FROM @tblCustomers );


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