DataSource Controls :: Using DateTime Type As WhereParameter?
Aug 4, 2010
I have an EntityDatasource that is bound to several TextBoxes used for querying (filtering) data in a ListView. The problem I am having is getting a DateTime to work. I just want to ignore the time portion of the variable and only look at the Date portion. Here is the markup I am using to generate the where clause. Does anyone know how to force it to just "drop" the time in the comparison?
I have this error "The given value of type String from the data source cannot be converted to type datetime of the specified target column." when I used sqlbulkcopy to do the transaction
I am trying to program the where prameters for this in code behind in C#, and is there really no way to do more than one parameter? Or am I not understanding this correctly? It seems only the 2nd parameter gets executed, no matter which one is at begining. I debug and seems they both get executed fine, but my listview doesn't get filtered and instead only the 2nd paramter works. Look at my code:
Also, if I do myLinq.Where = "division ==1 and someotherInt = 2", it works fine, but if I do two different data types, it will throw error. Since I want to filter with two different data types, hwo do I do this?
Running both statements above in the query analyzer it WILL return me different results. Why? Someone mentioned that it looks like I don't have correct data type specified for SQLParameter in .Net application. I was asked to create something like:
How do I select a column with the latest "datetime" data type, in Visual Web Developer 2008, ASP.NET 3.5 ?
In the config data source WHERE option my options are greater than cookie, control, etc... but I would like to select where the datetime is the latest in the table.
i have created a table with column like date (datetime), employeename (varchar) and their designation (varchar).. am using sql server 2005 and
I want to display this information in gridview.. i also displayed the inforamtion, but what the problem is the display of date is 4/2/2010 12:00:00 AM.. i need to display only the date in the gridview as 4/2/2010 under the date column .
I get the error - Conversion from type 'DBNull' to type 'Integer' is not valid. - on the line.....
Dim newid As Integer = e.Command.Parameters("@latestRowId") vb code behind.
I have the identical code for another page with the exception of the field names and it works fine. The only thing I did differently, as far as I know, is I copied the asp and code behind from the page that works into this page and manually changed the field and table names. I don't know what the problem is. Does anyone see any problems?
I have an Interface that has its concrete class defined via a factory. Because of this I found no way to use the Interface tpye directly in my LINQ quesry so I had to use the concrete class types to creat a generic list. The LINQ query works but after calling.ToList() on the LINQ query result I get a List(of MyConcreteClass), but I need a List(of IMyConcreteClass). I have tried everything I can find: .Cast, Ctype, implicit casting, etc. but I always get back one of the (2) messages (depending on if I attempt to cast)message:
"Unable to cast object of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[MyConcreteClass]' to type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[IMyConcreteClass]'." ...or "Unable to cast object of type '<CastIterator>d__aa`1[IMyConcreteClass]' to type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[MyConcreteClass]'."
I am making a website to store invoices so i can mail them to clients. So i got a table for clients, invoices and one with invoice products/services. When an invoice has no products/services added to them and it returns null i get the error "the null value cannot be assigned to a member with type System.Decimal which is a non-nullable value type."
I just started with linq. Before i always used mysql. Mostly i just had to call data from 1 table so forgive me if my linq query isn't really correct.
Dim invoices = From i In db.invoices _ Group Join p In db.products On Equals p.invoiceId Into invoiceProducts = Group _ Select New With {i.client.naam, i.titel, (From iP In invoiceProducts Select iP.prijs).Sum}
i show the client's name, the title of the invoice and the total amount the clients will need to pay for products and services.
Above is my code. The error I'm get is, Unable to cast object of type 'System.DateTime' to type 'System.String'.
The column "To" and column "Subject" are strings and column "Receive" is DateTime. I can't made any changes in the database, so I need to write some code to handle casting a string to datetime or if statement as a work around.
I want to do paging the API Membership without using the datacontrols, but I get this error "Unable to cast object of type '<TakeIterator>d__3a`1[System.Char]' to type 'System.Collections.IList'." when I do this,
I am trying to write a table output from SQL database to a gridview/ Data List through an Object Data Source. I am a new starter and your help will be useful.
public List<Staff> GetStaff() cmd.CommandType = SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionstring);SqlCommand cmd = new [code]...
I want to use a TextBox with the Ajax Toolkit Calender Extender as a control to return all activities on a particular date regardless of what time they are at into a GridView.I don't understand how to set up the SQL Statement to properly do this. If it helps here is my current SQL statement
I am beginner to sql database and want to fetch datetime from sql database and display it in textbox.I have wrote one stored procedure.The Procedure is
declare @o_Output varchar(30) SET @o_Output = getdate() select @o_Output
Using the above procedure i'm getting current date and time.but my problem is i am hitting ql database while page loading itself. if i am hitting db on 12.40pm means, the textbox showing always the sametime only. I am trying to insert or update some data's into db that time only, i am hitting the db.The textbox datetime(12.50pm) has been changed that time alone. i want to update datetime to textbox at every minutes or seconds.
I get a recordset returned from DB and try to load it. However sometimes field "LastRun" may be empty (NULL). when i have this it compiles fine but errors out when value is null m_LastRun = Convert.ToDateTime(r["LastRun"]); when I take out Convert.ToDateTime it doesn't even compile.
working with sql server 2005/ visual studio 2005 c# i just wanted to know ... to insert a date to the database in a field that gets "dateTime" i need to insert the origin syntax. what is the right syntax for the datetime in the database? and to invent for users to insert a wrong sytax ... wich validations i need to put on the field? same question on the type "image" in database it gets like a jpg file? how do i insert an image to the database? If i have a textbox that contain a number ... and i want to ask somthing about the number. how do i do it ? .... like i now that i need to convert it to int i tried this way but it didnt work:
I'm using VS 2005 and SQL SERVER 2005,now i have a table with only two columns (their types: DateTime and SmallDateTime)
i key in some new records.Now I want to use GridView to retrieve that table, and use Calendar.SelectedDate as a parameter used in WHERE statement,I press "Test Query" and pop out a window "Parameter Values Editor",
here comes the problem.. how come the "DbType" is always 'Date'?After i click the list and select 'DateTime', but next time it will recover back to 'Date'I have to go to the source code find the "Dbtype" and change from "Date" to "DateTime" manually EVERYTIME~
q="select convert(char(8),datecol1,112) from tblone where datecol2 is null"
is what I use for my query string for sqlcommand(). I'm getting the error "a field or property datecol1 could not be found in the datasource". Without the convert, the query is ok.
had a look around and a couple come close to the problem I have, but there more evolved than me, so it seems quite basic.I basically, want to store the current DateTime of when a button is hit. In order to achieve this I have a field in the table of SQL DB called 'TimeStamp' (Although strictly speaking its not, thats just what I've called it) using Datetime Datatype. I think I'm skipping some stages in order to accomplish it, although I'm not sure what it is I'm missing/doing wrong :SHere is my code:
I just have DID have "obj.TimeStamp = DateTime.Now;" but states I need to convert it (unsure how to do) Adding "ToLongTimeString" after .Now asks if I invoked the method. I've also tried a few other ways (saveNow.Now etc... ) but to no avail.
the problem is when I use debugging mode, I mean using with visual studio, it's going fine. But when I call from IIS there has a error.. Unterminated string constant. I know where is the problem