DataSource Controls :: Compare Answer From Website Against Database Answer?

Jul 4, 2010

how to count the number of incorrect words from the answer from the website when comparing with database answer?

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Checking Student's Answer On Web Form Against Database Answer

Jun 3, 2010

currently im trying to implement a quiz system on my website in which system will auto mark student's ans. if the student's ans is wrong, system will prompt an incorrect answer, highlight the errors and count the number of errors.

Im using C#.

View 6 Replies

Security :: Compare The Hashed Answer In Database To The One Typed In Textfield In Form?

Jan 15, 2011

So as the title suggested, I'm currently trying to compare the hashed answer in my database against the answer typed in the textfield by the user in the form.

I thought of hashing the answer in the textfield typed by the user first, and after that compare this newly hashed answer to the one in the database (which is already hashed). But when I typed in the SAME answer (before hashing) and hashed it to get the hashed value, by right the 2 hashes (in web form and database) should match? Somehow, it didn't. And I can't seem to get security answer right anymore (even though I typed the SAME security answer).

This is the code behind the button:


I tried in another way too, but still the same thing.


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Web Forms :: Create A Question And Answer Website?

Jan 20, 2011

In my application i need to add a module for question and answers (like a forum or similar to stackoverflow.superuser etc). I am confused about implementing Tags, Meta tag etc.

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Forms Data Controls :: Get Correct Checked Answer?

Sep 29, 2010

I am still studying to become a webintegrator and this is my private project to try and learn C# better.

I have a database with a table called Answers which holds AnswerID, Answer1, Answer2, Answer3 and CorrectAnswer + a table called Questions which holds QuestionID, QuestionNumber and QuestionText.

On a page i have a repeater that pulls the questions from the database and inside it i have another repeater with my 3 radiobuttons that pulls the 3 Answers from the database and are grouped so you can only check 1 of the radiobuttons as the user. See below:

<asp:Repeater ID="rptQuestions" runat="server">
<asp:Label ID="lblQuestionHeader" runat="server" Text='<%#Eval("QuestionNumber") %>'></asp:Label>


What i need to do, is somehow find each CorrectAnswer checked correctly in the repeater holding the radiobuttons and give 1 point for each CorrectAnswer chosen by the user (if theres 10 questions there will be 10 repeateritems with 3 radiobuttons in each one) and write this into aspnet_Profile. Problem is i have no idea how to do this since it already seems a bit complicated in my head and i haven't had much C# yet. So any help would do and notice i do not ask for the entire coding but simply a push in the right direction.

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Creating A Message Box If Dropdown Answer Is Yes - VB.Net?

Mar 3, 2011

I have a working dropdown box that gives the answers yes & no. When "yes" is selected I need to create a message box that displays a simple message and allows the user to click ok, to get back to the survey.

I have been working with it, and tried several things but no luck. What would the code look like, and where exactly would I place it to fire at the right time. I am working in VB, with an aspx & aspx.vb page.

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Using Visual Studio To Design Questions And Answer?

Oct 31, 2010

how to do this.or is there any template that one can use for the following-

using visual studio to design questions and answers with outcome of the grade immediately after submition and with timing.

For example, having questions 1 to 10, providing options like A, B, C,D, then let students choose from the right answer from the questions, then, after submition, an outcome of grade is displayed based on the right answer.

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Searched The Web A While Back And Didn't Found An Answer To Curiosity?

Feb 3, 2010

I'd searched the web a while back and I didn't found an answer to my curiosity. I am using a master page, and I have this content page, in which I have to store the entry on another content page. If I am not using a master page, then, I can simply specify on the form's action attribute the file name of the page where am I going to store my entry.

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Security :: How To Turn Off The Encryption Of The Answer Of The Q And A, Or Decrypt It In A Report Or Something

Feb 19, 2010

I have these settings.. in my webconfig..


So i dont need to use Q and A for password retrevial ( I use email password recovery), but I would like to use Q and A as and Admin, just as that higher level of secuirty.How can I turn off the encryption of the answer of the Q and A, or decrypt it in a report or something ???

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Create An FAQ Page / Click On The Question, The Answer Expands?

Sep 6, 2010

I want to create an FAQ page like the one on this website

When you click on the question, the answer expands. Click it again and it collapses.

My question, answers are stored in a database. I googled and found out there's this JavaScript code to achieve this BUT also came across something that said it can be done using Repeater Controls.

View 4 Replies

Web Forms :: Add Customized Question And Answer To PasswordRecovery Control

Aug 15, 2012

I am using password recovery control in forgotpassword.aspx page. By default the password recovery control validates the Login id and the security question of a particular user. But i want to give an alternate option. That is, If the user forgets the security answer he can give his PAN Number as identificaiton. Its should be an option like either he can provide security answer or his PAN number. Can we acheive this functionality. Because from my knowledge it looks like Security Answer is mandatory.  But i want to provide alternate option that user should give his security answer, if he forgets he can use PAN number for his identificaition. UpmMembershipProvider has default property (requiresQuestionAndAnswer) which is set as true.

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SQL Server :: Try MD5 Hash For (submited Value+table Field) Get The Wrong Answer

Jul 15, 2010

I have two pages:

1) login and send username,password, machineID and a rand string to the server
2) check the machineID whether it exists in the table.

Problem is the checking machine procedure:

select MachineID from computer where MD5MachineID=@MD5MachineID2 and SUBSTRING((master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(HASHBYTES('MD5',MachineID+@RString))),3,32)=@MIDST

RString,MD5MachineID2,MIDST are submited by Login MD5MachineID is stored in table.

I need the check if MD5(MachineID+RString) is match the MIDST (submited).

Now the situation is :

if RString is a fixed string(not a variable).like 'abcdefg', the MD5 is correct.

if I use the RString (submited value as a variable), the MD5 is incorrect.

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Membership - How To Check If Password Answer Matches What Is Provided By A User

Jan 30, 2011

I simply want to know how to manually check if the value a user has provided for the answer to their security question matches their current answer on record. I want to use the build in support of the ASP.Net membership and membershipuser objects.

I see that via the passwordrecovery control that the actual answer can be returned. However I am currently not using this control and it would take a good bit to integrate it as it does not meet our user's requirements.

In a worst case scenario, getting the actual answer (like the passwordrecovery control does) and manually checking it in our application would be acceptable.

A best case scenario is some sort of API where I can pass in the user name and the answer to their security question that was provided and simply get an indication of whether answer was correct or not.

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Web Forms :: Delete Security Question And Answer In Login Control?

Jan 20, 2011

I use login control in 4.0 and i just like to delete Security question and answer and add other field EX: address,fullname....

How should i do it?

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Security :: Want To Enforce Strong Passwords And Do Not Want To Use The Secret Question And Answer Features?

Sep 17, 2010

I have a website running on iis 5.1 with 2.0. Where in the windows registry can I change the requirtements for some the security features? For example, I do not want to enforce strong passwords and I do not want to use the secret question and answer features.

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Security :: Creating An Admin Tool To Reset Password Without Question / Answer?

Oct 29, 2010

I'm dealing with a scenario where a legitimate user doesn't have a clue about his password, secret question or the answer. So, I was trying to create an admin tool that would help me in situations like these where the admin should be able to type in username and reset the password without having to know/enter answer to secret question. I understand that I need to make some changes to the web.config for this to work. I thought I made all the changes but my ResetPassword() requests are still not working.

Here's my web.config settings for the provider.


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Security :: How To Remove The Username/secret Question/secret Answer From The SignUp Wizard

Jan 18, 2011

how to remove the "username","secret question","secret answer" from the signUp Wizard and at the same time use the email for loginig In

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Security :: Getting Error Incase Of Incorrect Security Answer In Password Recovery Process

Jul 12, 2010

I am getting an error incase user submits incorect security question's answer. I gave text in 'QuestionFailureText'. But its not working.

Below is the error getting.
Security Exception Description:The application attempted to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy. To grant this application the required permission please contact your system administrator or change the application's trust level in the configuration file.

Exception Details: System.Security.SecurityException: The source was not found, but some or all event logs could not be searched. Inaccessible logs: Security.

Source Error:


Source File: c:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework64v2.0.50727Temporary ASP.NET Filespng.webe16ed3ec284df543App_Web_rvfjstqa.5.cs Line: 0 Stack Trace:


View 3 Replies

Security :: How To Manually Check A User's Security Question Answer

Jan 30, 2011

I simply want to know how to manually check if the value a user has provided for the answer to their security question matches their current answer on record. I want to use the build in support of the membership and membershipuser objects.

I see that via the passwordrecovery control that the actual answer can be returned. However I am currently not using this control and it would take a good bit to integrate it as it does not meet our user's requirements.

In a worst case scenario, getting the actual answer (like the passwordrecovery control does) and manually checking it in our application would be acceptable.

A best case scenario is some sort of API where I can pass in the user name and the answer to their security question that was provided and simply get an indication of whether answer was correct or not.

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Security :: PasswordRecovery Not Completing Security Answer Verification?

Jul 12, 2010

I'm using's built-in membership provider with security question-and-answer enabled for password recovery against a SQL Server 2005 db. For some users, this works fine and they're able to receive their passwords. For others, and it's not clear what separates the two groups, the security answer is never properly processed. It doesn't matter if the answer is correct or incorrect, the page merely reloads without confirming or denying the request.As for events, VerifyingAnswer is being triggered, but not AnswerLookupError (if answer is incorrect) or SendingMail (if answer is correct). I ran a SQL trace during one instance, and the aspnet_Membership_GetUserByName stored procedure is being called, but nothing else gets called after. I would expect that aspnet_Membership_GetPassword would be called, which passes the security answer as a parameter, but it isn't.

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DataSource Controls :: Compare Changes Of A Database Table Between Dates?

Apr 28, 2010

I have a web form that displays the results from a table. How can I compare the table between dates and display the differences of the table?

e.g. today 790 items, and two days ago there were 745 items and this is what is the difference;


View 7 Replies

How To Code To Open A Popup Windows With Answer "yes" Or "no"

Dec 10, 2010

How to code to open a pop-up windows with answer "yes" or "no"?

If "yes" then open another page, such as order.aspx.

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DataSource Controls :: Website Not Connecting To Database

Mar 8, 2010

Could not establish a connection to the database. If you have not yet created the SQL Server database, exit the Web Site Administration tool, use the aspnet_regsql command-line utility to create and configure the database, and then return to this tool to set the provider. I have set up a db locally which mimics the production DB, THe production db and website has no has no issues.

THis used to work till i had hard disk failure and had to reinstall all software and do the db from scratch. Used the table scripts and ran the aspnet_regsql. I am using sql server express 2008 3.5 I am using custom provider for Roles and custom membership provider for Memberships. Pretty sure the problem is in the db permissions, though I have set up Users in the Security of the DB.


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DataSource Controls :: How To Make Multilanguage Website Using Database

May 16, 2010

how to create multilanguage website using database not localization

when i select desired language ,data in datagride display with that language. how to make that to all my website pages

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DataSource Controls :: How To Compare Two Dataset

Apr 21, 2010

In myapp, I can create two datasets: [dstServer1] and [dstServer2]. They are coming from two tables which are in two different SQL server: [Order1] (in server1) and [Order2] (in server2). These two tables have the same data structure. How to code to compare two dataset and then insert difference into another table without using linked server?

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