DataSource Controls :: Create Calculations On Interest

May 23, 2010

I am doing small banking project in that i want to create calculations on interest. in which i have to create that in stored procedures or userdefined funcations

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DataSource Controls :: Static Value Vs Repeat Calculations?

May 13, 2010

I'm building a site where users can purchase 'credits' and buy items on the website with them. I'm wondering, what is the best way of storing the user's overall Credits value? Is it best to do a SUM() of all Credits they have purchased before from the 'Credits.Orders' table, or for performance purposes when they add credits to their account, should it increase a 'Credits' field value in a 'Users' table? For consistency purposes I would like to go with the first option, but the second option sounds better in terms of not running loads of pointless calculations every time I need to know their credit value.

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SQL Server :: Calculate A Compound Interest For Each Row Based On The Previous Row?

Sep 12, 2010

I would like to calculate a compound interest for each row based on the previous row.

My table Table1 :

index sum quantity sum_after_interest
1 100 5 500(??)
2 500(??) 2 1000 (??)
3 1000(??) 3 3000 (??)

I marked in question marks the columns that I want to calculate, where I only have the sum for the first row and the quantity for all the rows.

Can this be done using views and inner joins or nested selects ?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Enforce Calculations

Jan 24, 2011

I want to enforce some calculation to my project, my requirement as follows. I have txtQtyReq,txtQtyyRec,txtQtyShor(All are 3 textboxes) on load all the 3 textbox/columns should show as "0".(QtyShort=QtyReq-QtyRec)I need to calculate/implement this in txtQtyShort column. when i give a value in txtQtyReq as "50" ,it should calculate QtyShort and display as 50.

txtQtyReq txtQtyRec
0 0 0
50 0 50
50 20 30
txtQtyReq=Quantity Required
txtQtyRec=Quantity Received
txtQtyShort=Qunatity short

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Forms Data Controls :: Imposing Calculations In Textboxes

Jan 28, 2011

I want to enforce some calculation to my project, my requirement as follows. I have txtQtyReq,txtQtyyRec,txtQtyShor(All are 3 textboxes) on load all the 3 textbox/columns should show as "0".(QtyShort=QtyReq-QtyRec)I need to calculate/implement this in txtQtyShort column.when i give a value in txtQtyReq as "50" ,it should calculate QtyShort and display as 50.

txtQtyReq txtQtyRec txtQtyShort(=txtQtyReq-txtQtyRec)
0 0 0
50 0 50
50 20 30
txtQtyReq=Quantity Required
txtQtyRec=Quantity Received
txtQtyShort=Qunatity short

I got an excellant solution as follows.


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Forms Data Controls :: Obtain A Column From A Gridview And Use It In Calculations?

Jun 3, 2010

I have a gridview with the following columns: months, number of injury, expenses. my month column is a string, my number of injury column is a number and my expenses column is a number. I need to first obtain the month column as an integer and then obtain the number of injury column in my gridview. Once these columns are obtained, I want to be able to get the total number of injuries. How do I solve the problem. First obtain the month column and change it to an interger or gridview

Next obtain the injury column and then add each row in the injury column to get the total number of injuries.

View 9 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Perform Calculations On Database Values Within A Details / Formview

Jun 10, 2010

In a details or form view I have a number of entries from a database

For example:

Pass-Attempts, Passes-Completed, AvgYds, TdPercentage

If I want to perform a simple calculation on these values, and then display them in the same details/form view

Such as:

QBRating =((Passes-Completed/Pass-Attempts)*100)+(AvgYds*5)+(TDPercentage*4)

With the ideal result being:

Pass-Attempts, Passes-Completed, AvgYds, TdPercentage, QBRating on the same Details/Form view.

So basically I need to programmatically get at those values, perform calculations on them and them display them back in the same control.

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Forms Data Controls :: View Calculations - Multiply 2 Columns And Display Rate

Jan 17, 2011

I have a FormView Bound to an SQL data source. In the DATA there are 2 columns that i would like to multiply together and display there rate

<asp:TextBox ID="txtPeople" runat="server" Text='<%#&nbsp;Bind("People")&nbsp;%>'></asp:TextBox><asp:TextBox ID="txtRate" runat="server" Text='<%#&nbsp;Bind("Rate")&nbsp;%>'></asp:TextBox><asp:TextBox ID="txtTotal" runat="server" Text='<%#&nbsp;Bind("Rate * People")&nbsp;%>'></asp:TextBox>

This is just an example above but i believe it shows what i am trying to do, there is no calculated column in the database so i can not bind to that directly, and i can not just add the column to the data as its not in my permissions. So how do "Bind" the value of two columns multiplied together to a third text box?

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Calculations In Textbox Professionally?

Apr 8, 2010

I am having 2 textbox fields named date of birth and age. I have coded in C# in the textchanged event of Date of Birth text field to calculation age and display it in the age text field. For this i have given autopostback true to Date of birth field. I want to calculate age without autopostback,

View 7 Replies

Converting Strings For Mathematical Calculations?

Jul 15, 2010

I'm new to .NET and converting and proper way to convert strings to other values. Specifically, here is a situation I'm facing:

I'm returning two values from a datasource as strings. One values is a representation of a span of time, and another is a count of how many attempts to access a system took place within the span of time.

Given these parameters (for example):

Span of time: 00:01:00
Attempts: 13

I'd like to calculate a third value that shows how many seconds each attempt to connect took place during that span of time. This involves converting the time span to seconds and then dividing by attempts. Where I am getting lost is with the conversion of types. I know the span of time needs to be converted to a date, reduced to seconds, then converted to a number to be divided by the attempts field, also converted to a number.

I've been playing around with code segments like this all morning to no avail:

Dim thisTime As String = "00:01:00"
Dim thisAttempts As String = "13"
Label1.Text = thisTime
Label2.Text = thisAttempts
Label3.Text = Math.Round(Integer.Parse(Convert.ToDateTime(Label1.Text)) / Integer.Parse(Label2.Text), 2)

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Javascript Calculations And Postbacks - Numbers Are Not Retained?

Mar 22, 2010

I'm working on an ASP.NET web app where I'm using a Wizard to take the client through a large series of steps.One of the steps includes calculating a bunch of numbers on the fly... the numbers calculate properly but when I click "next" and then go back again... some of the numbers are not retained.

function CalculateFields() {
txtSellingPrice = document.getElementById('<%=txtSellingPrice.ClientID %>');
//I get all of the elements like this...
var regexp = /[$,]/g;xt" and then "previous"

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Get Values Of Textbox In Listview And Perform Calculations In Javascript?

Nov 29, 2010

image of my listview: I want to total every row from my listview tallies total infected people and percentage

CityID | City | Population | Male | Female | Total | Percentage |

Population, male, and female columns are user inputs total column is male+female textbox value per row percentage= (total/population)*100 also per row to calculate total and percentage on every textchange

<asp:ListView ID="ListView1" runat="server">
<table style="border: solid 2px #336699;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" rules="all">
<tr style="background-color: #336699; color: White;">
<asp:PlaceHolder ID="itemPlaceHolder" runat="server" />
<td> <asp:Label ID="lblCtyID" runat="server" Text='<%#&nbsp;Bind("CityID")&nbsp;%>' /> </td>
<td> <asp:Label ID="lblCty" runat="server" Text='<%#&nbsp;Bind("CityName")&nbsp;%>'/> </td>
<td><asp:TextBox ID="txtPopu" runat="server"/></td>............................

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Date Calculations - Insert With The Update Feature On The Gridview

Mar 20, 2010

i am building a small library system and i am at the part where i need to calculate wether the book is overdue and issue a fine atm i have a filter search which finds the Loan through the book copy number and ISBN number this displays the userid and the start date of which the loan was issued in a gridview, i then added a colum to the loan table to allow the "librarian" to insert the return date of the book with the update feature on the gridview, and then once then update is made make a calucation with those 2 dates

and either issue a output of "thanks for returning the book" or "you book is overdue by. and your charge is ..." depending on the results. the oveduerate is if its overdue by 14days then add £0.20 for everyday over sorry for the long description and thought id say iam just started to learn i am building this in Visual Studio and C#

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Graphics.MeasureCharacterRanges Giving Wrong Size Calculations In C#.Net?

Apr 21, 2010

I'm trying to render some text into a specific part of an image in a Web Forms app. The text will be user entered, so I want to vary the font size to make sure it fits within the bounding box.

I have code that was doing this fine on my proof-of-concept implementation, but I'm now trying it against the assets from the designer, which are larger, and I'm getting some odd results.

I'm running the size calculation as follows:

StringFormat fmt = new StringFormat();
fmt.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
fmt.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near;
fmt.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoClip;
fmt.Trimming = StringTrimming.None;


Now I have two problems.

Firstly, the text sometimes insists on wrapping by inserting a line-break within a word, when it should just fail to fit and cause the while loop to decrement again. I can't see why it is that Graphics.MeasureCharacterRanges thinks that this fits within the box when it shouldn't be word-wrapping within a word. This behaviour is exhibited irrespective of the character set used (I get it in Latin alphabet words, as well as other parts of the Unicode range, like Cyrillic, Greek, Georgian and Armenian). Is there some setting I should be using to force Graphics.MeasureCharacterRanges only to be word-wrapping at whitespace characters (or hyphens)? This first problem is the same as post 2499067.

Secondly, in scaling up to the new image and font size, Graphics.MeasureCharacterRanges is giving me heights that are wildly off. The RectangleF I am drawing within corresponds to a visually apparent area of the image, so I can easily see when the text is being decremented more than is necessary. Yet when I pass it some text, the GetBounds call is giving me a height that is almost double what it's actually taking.

Using trial and error to set the __minimumSize to force an exit from the while loop, I can see that 24pt text fits within the bounding box, yet Graphics.MeasureCharacterRanges is reporting that the height of that text, once rendered to the image, is 122px (when the bounding box is 64px tall and it fits within that box). Indeed, without forcing the matter, the while loop iterates to 18pt, at which point Graphics.MeasureCharacterRanges returns a value that fits.

The trace log excerpt is as follows:

Decrementing font size to 24, as size is 193×122 and limit is 212×64
Decrementing font size to 23, as size is 191×117 and limit is 212×64
Decrementing font size to 22, as size is 200×75 and limit is 212×64
Decrementing font size to 21, as size is 192×71 and limit is 212×64
Decrementing font size to 20, as size is 198×68 and limit is 212×64
Decrementing font size to 19, as size is 185×65 and limit is 212×64
Writing VENNEGOOR of HESSELINK in DIN-Black at 18pt, size is 178×61 and limit is 212×64

So why is Graphics.MeasureCharacterRanges giving me a wrong result? I could understand it being, say, the line height of the font if the loop stopped around 21pt (which would visually fit, if I screenshot the results and measure it in Paint.Net), but it's going far further than it should be doing because, frankly, it's returning the wrong damn results.

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.net - There's A Library For .NET That Does Financial Calculations Or Implements Excel-like Functions?

Dec 23, 2010

I'm working in a ASP.NET project wich is suposed to do several financial calculantions involving potentiations, nth roots, etc. For this first operations, I can easily solve the problem using Math. But, for calculating work days - like Excel, or monthly loan payment, interest rates, etc. - like HP 12C, there is a library that implements these functions?

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Forms Data Controls :: RowDataBound Event Calculations-sum(field) Where ClientID=@clientID; Date + Int = Date?

Oct 26, 2010

I have a databound gridview that displays basic customer information. I have added a template field to the gridview, but I am having trouble with the coding for the RowDataBound event. I need to take the sum of all payments made by the customer in each row and store it in a variable for further calculation. Also, I need to take an integer value (say 30, representing 30 days) and add it to a date, and return a date.

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DataSource Controls :: How To Create A SqlBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection

Jun 4, 2010

I want to make one bulksqlcopy method that I can use for all my bulk inserts by passing in specific data through the paramters.Now I need to do mapping on some of them. I don't know how to make a SqlBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection since that was my plan to pass in the mapping collection in and use it. However I don't know how to make it. I can't make a new object of it.

#region BatchBulkCopy
public void BatchBulkCopy(DataTable dataTable, string DestinationTbl, int batchSize)

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DataSource Controls :: SQL Create New Table?

Jun 27, 2010

I have ASP.NET enviroment (C#) with SQL 2008 backend. I am using the ASP.NET membership provider. I need to create a table that contains member name, member role and third coumn (called "Registered for Conference"). I am using a button to initiate the action to call a stored procedure to write the selected value in the "Registered for Conference" column for the respective member.I know how to write the stored procedure, how to determine which user has processed their selection and how to write it to the "Registered for Conference" column of the table.I know that I can pull member name and member role with the following statement.

SELECT dbo.aspnet_Users.UserName, dbo.aspnet_Roles.RoleName
FROM dbo.aspnet_Roles INNER JOIN
dbo.aspnet_UsersInRoles ON dbo.aspnet_Roles.RoleId = dbo.aspnet_UsersInRoles.RoleId INNER JOIN
dbo.aspnet_Users ON dbo.aspnet_UsersInRoles.UserId = dbo.aspnet_Users.UserId

I need to understand how to create the table that will contain the member name, member role and third coumn (called "Registered for Conference"). This table cannot be a static table. In other words, this table needs to refect any updates to roles or members

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DataSource Controls :: Create XML With SQL Tables?

Jul 12, 2010

I have the following tables and fields in SQL:


I'd like to create an XML file(based on the above tables mentioned) which I'd like to bind to a treeview control, but I'm not sure how to do that.

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DataSource Controls :: How To Create A Constraint For 3 Columns

Jun 4, 2010

I want to create a constraint for 3 columns (A B and C) where if columns B or C are not null, then A cannot be null. And vice versa (i.e., if A is not null, then either B cannot be null, or C cannot be null).I am not very well versed in SQL and would like to know what is the best way to achieve this (e.,g Check constraint, stored procedure, function, trigger)? I'm leaning towards trigger but I'm not 100% sure if that's right nor of how to implement it.

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DataSource Controls :: Create ConnectionString Using SQL DataReader

Sep 11, 2010

why this first connection works but the second doesn't?


I'm trying to use <asp:FileUpload> to upload images and as far as I know you have to use <asp:SqlDataSource> to do it but I need to create the connections string using entries stored in a database.

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DataSource Controls :: Create CSV Using Current Filtering

Feb 24, 2010

I currently have a common file that's responsible for exporting the users GridView to a CSV file which works fine, mostly. The problem is that it only exports the current gridview display, and being that I have it paged, it can be cumbersome to get all the data to an excel sheet when there can be upwards of 20 pages of data. The GridView has a LINQ datasource as follows


How do I get the results of the preceeding datasource? Or is there a better way to get ahold of that data before it is paged?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Create INDEX For A Table

Jan 10, 2010

I single table in SQL Server having 50 columns col_1 to col_50 having type varchar(MAX)..The table is having nearly 2 crore data into it which is unstructured i.e. just put in by bulk copy. I have to perform search operation on this table. How to index the table so as to make the search fast? or any other way to make the search fast.

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DataSource Controls :: How To Create A Stored Procedure

Jan 15, 2010

I'm trying to create a stored procedure that does two things:1st - Insert a new record in the contactus table.2nd - Gets the last primary key value from table contactus.I've created the following Stored Procedure but this is giving me an error when being executed.


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DataSource Controls :: Trying To Create Linq From A List?

May 8, 2010

I am trying to create linq from A list:


But I always get this error:


I'm using this class to do search:[URL]

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