Forms Data Controls :: Obtain A Column From A Gridview And Use It In Calculations?
Jun 3, 2010
I have a gridview with the following columns: months, number of injury, expenses. my month column is a string, my number of injury column is a number and my expenses column is a number. I need to first obtain the month column as an integer and then obtain the number of injury column in my gridview. Once these columns are obtained, I want to be able to get the total number of injuries. How do I solve the problem. First obtain the month column and change it to an interger or gridview
Next obtain the injury column and then add each row in the injury column to get the total number of injuries.
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txtQtyReq txtQtyRec
0 0 0
50 0 50
50 20 30
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txtQtyRec=Quantity Received
txtQtyShort=Qunatity short
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txtQtyReq txtQtyRec txtQtyShort(=txtQtyReq-txtQtyRec)
0 0 0
50 0 50
50 20 30
txtQtyReq=Quantity Required
txtQtyRec=Quantity Received
txtQtyShort=Qunatity short
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For example:
Pass-Attempts, Passes-Completed, AvgYds, TdPercentage
If I want to perform a simple calculation on these values, and then display them in the same details/form view
Such as:
QBRating =((Passes-Completed/Pass-Attempts)*100)+(AvgYds*5)+(TDPercentage*4)
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Pass-Attempts, Passes-Completed, AvgYds, TdPercentage, QBRating on the same Details/Form view.
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User controls:
Public gridRow As GridViewRow
Public Event IndexChanged As GridViewSelectEventHandler
Protected Sub GridView_SelectedIndexChanged (sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles gv.SelectedIndexChanged
******* gridRow = Grid.SelectedRow
******* RaiseEvent IndexChanged (sender, e)
End Sub
ASPX page:
grid.IndexChanged - there is no such event in the selection (the grid is the name of the user control)
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