I have two databases- database1 and database2. I have taken the full backup of database1 and want to restore it to the database2. When I do it in the Sql server Management Studio, I get this error:
The backup set holds a backup of a database other than the existing 'database2' database.
how can I achieve this using the SQLdatasource control? I'm using the VB language. What controls/commands should I use to have a backup and restore function on my website?
Could not insert a backup or restore history/detail record in the msdb database. This may indicate a problem with the msdb database. The backup/restore operation was still successful.
Processed 264 pages for database 'E:ASP.NET4.0_CalculatorhicalcApp_DataASPNETDB.MDF', file 'ASPNETDB_1847a276f17a4e2cb63c95936431bc26_DAT' on file 1.
Processed 1 pages for database 'E:ASP.NET4.0_CalculatorhicalcApp_DataASPNETDB.MDF', file 'ASPNETDB_TMP_log' on file 1.
I have an SQL 2008 R2 database on an X86 machine that I have backed up a database from. Now I want to restore it to an SQL 2008 R2 instance on an X64 machine and keep gettting format errors (attributed to restoring a higher version of database to a lower database instance ie 2005 to 2008). On inspecting the databases I find the X86 is version 10 and the X64 is version 9 (which is supposed to be the 2005 database)...are there different versions of the same DB for different software platforms?
1. i have created aa database named "qraghul" which contains two tables. i want this database to backup from my system and restore it to the host server or any other system. how i can do it.
2. suppoose if i backup and restore it to any system or server. whether i have to change the connection string in my application eg Data Source=QUANO-462F6EB27;Initial Catalog=qraghul;Integrated Security=True bcoz my server name is QUANO-462F6EB27 whether i restore it to any system. i need to change the server name?
SQL Server Express 2005 MS Visual Studio 2005 Using ASP.NET with VB code behind. Requirements: Click a button on an ASPX page to disconnect temporarily all DB connections when not in use to allow a script to backup/copy the database to a safe backup location. When a user access the db afterwords, the DB connections will be re-established.
If this is imposible, recommend an alternative. Note: I am working with what I have been given and authorized to use.
i am trying to restore database.bak in sql server 2005 (i know the database.bak was also generated in sql 2005 server)
i am trying to restore back up database .bak into the new database i just created in sql server 2005i have saved my database .bak into c drive and when i select database .bak "From Device", it doesn't get populated in the list below and i see nothing and it keeps on prompting a message"You must select a restore source"
Here's the screen shot: (i tried restoring database in sql server 2008 and it was sucessful but i am facing this problem in sql server 2005 only)
I want to take first Full backup of my database then Differential backup of database automatically on a fixed interval of time and save it into my files of system. After that i want to upload these files on server. when uploading is successful then i want to delete these files from the system. If backup of database is failed then a mail should go to the related person. How i will do it.
i'm trying to retrieve the data from database using ssis package.. database name is employee which contains 48 tables and it is around 20GB of memory.. it is a production database..
now what i want is to retrieve the data for each four hours.. i.e i want to execute the package for every 4 hrs..
now what i did is i have taken a database transfer task and from the source i.e production database i want to transfer to my database which works fine..
but what is the problem here is for every 4 hrs whole DB is replaced in my system
i've given overwrite TRUE..
Here user enter the data into database for every 4 hour is minimum 10 MB of data.. instead for replacing the whole database for every 4 hrs is there any solution that what user enter data into database only that much amount of data should be append into my system..
I am creating a vb 2010 application and I am using sql server express as my database. I need to create a backup and restore feature for the user so that the user can backup or restore the database while using the program. I have nop clue where to start.
i have a button. i want to backup whole database on click of this button. i am using this
protected void btn_save_click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=VINY; Initial Catalog=club; Integrated security=true;"); try { conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(@"backup database club to disk = 'c:club.bak' with noformat, noinit, name=N'myDbFull Backu[p-Full Database Backup',SKIP,NOREWIND,NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10", conn); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write(ex.Message); } }
but this gives me error: Cannot open backup device 'c:club.bak'. Operating system error 5(Access is denied.). BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally. how can i do this. also tell me how to restore the .bak file to sqlserver2005.
I need to make a backup file(.bak) of a database(.mdf)
I learned I need to use MS SQL Server management studio Express to do so, but I can't figure it out how.
I don't know how to connect to the database using this program. In the "Connect to Server" dialogue window, I am supposed to choose a server name from the dropdown list, but nothing comes up. What am i doing wrong?
How to take backup of the database in scripts including the Tables,Data,Sproc and other things[I mean, If i execute the scripts in new server, scripts has to generate the entire database including relations,especially data and others.]
I created an ASP.NET Website that requires user authentication. I am using VS 2010 Pro and SQL Server 2008R2 Express. On my local machine I established login capability using ASP.NET Configuration, which works fine. When running the website on my local server instance, I can login just fine. The site now has a folder titled App_Data containing the ASPNETDB.MDF data file. My Hosting site requires me to make a backup of the local database (*.bak), upload the .bak file to their site, then run a database restor
Ia m new in asp.net and i had made a web project in asp.net+vb. how to create restore/backup web page in asp.net +vb so that the databse backup can be made and thereafter it can be restored through the web page.
i have a web application which is used for managing a workshop activities. i am willing to make a backup otion so that the database back (SQL) can be made.
I'm a little frustrated here. I have turned the default database offline then used windows explorer to copy the database to another location but when I tried to take the database online again this error came out:
Cannot open user default database. Login failed. Login failed for user 'Zephere-pcephere(JuLian Yong)'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 4064) The cause is that the default database is set offline, How do I bring it back online agian?