DataSource Controls :: Taking Backup Frm Vs2005

Jan 14, 2010

i have sql2000 i need to take back up

but i am not getting anything in the folder

my stored procedure has


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Dec 29, 2010

i'm trying to retrieve the data from database using ssis package.. database name is employee which contains 48 tables and it is around 20GB of memory.. it is a production database..

now what i want is to retrieve the data for each four hours.. i.e i want to execute the package for every 4 hrs..

now what i did is i have taken a database transfer task and from the source i.e production database i want to transfer to my database which works fine..

but what is the problem here is for every 4 hrs whole DB is replaced in my system

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DataSource Controls :: Sql Backup And Restore Command

Jan 4, 2010

i m using these command for backup and restore sql database

DISK =N'db_report.bak'
WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N'Report-Full Database Backup',
FROM DISK = N'db_report.bak'
MOVE N'db_report' TO N'C:db_report.mdf',
MOVE N'db_report' TO N'C:db_report.ldf',

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The backup set holds a backup of a database other than the existing 'database2' database.

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Jan 13, 2010

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DataSource Controls :: Backup And Restore Sql2000 Database To Any System Or Server

Feb 20, 2010

1. i have created aa database named "qraghul" which contains two tables. i want this database to backup from my system and restore it to the host server or any other system. how i can do it.

2. suppoose if i backup and restore it to any system or server. whether i have to change the connection string in my application eg Data Source=QUANO-462F6EB27;Initial Catalog=qraghul;Integrated Security=True
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Mar 30, 2010

SQL Server Express 2005 MS Visual Studio 2005 Using ASP.NET with VB code behind. Requirements: Click a button on an ASPX page to disconnect temporarily all DB connections when not in use to allow a script to backup/copy the database to a safe backup location. When a user access the db afterwords, the DB connections will be re-established.

If this is imposible, recommend an alternative. Note: I am working with what I have been given and authorized to use.

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Jul 8, 2010

Invalid column name 'is_compressed'.

Invalid column name 'compressed_backup_size'.

Could not insert a backup or restore history/detail record in the msdb database. This may indicate a problem with the msdb database. The backup/restore operation was still successful.

Processed 264 pages for database 'E:ASP.NET4.0_CalculatorhicalcApp_DataASPNETDB.MDF', file 'ASPNETDB_1847a276f17a4e2cb63c95936431bc26_DAT' on file 1.

Processed 1 pages for database 'E:ASP.NET4.0_CalculatorhicalcApp_DataASPNETDB.MDF', file 'ASPNETDB_TMP_log' on file 1.

BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 265 pages in 0.404 seconds (5.124 MB/sec).


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Data Controls :: Automatically Backup SQL Server Database Though Program

Jan 2, 2013

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