DataSource Controls :: Number 1 Working As The Same As Number 2?
Apr 22, 2010
any one know why are the following two give me different result? they should both give me no results as the value I give is not available. however, number 1 give me many results, and number 2 works as expected. I'd like the number 1 working as the same as number 2.
@SearchMCat nvarchar,
@SearchTitle nvarchar,
@SearchDesc nvarchar
SET @SearchMCat = 'fjiewo;jafoia'
SET @SearchTitle = 'fryere'
SET @SearchDesc = 'fdsfdsafae33'
SELECT ArticleCategory.CategoryDisplayName, Article.AudioPlaybackTargetTabID, Article.VideoPlaybackTargetTabID, Article.StartTime, Article.DateAdded, Article.Body, Article.Synopsis, Article.Title, Article.ArticleHasAudio, Article.ArticleHasVideo, Article.createdBy,
Article.RatingTotal, Article.RatingCount, Article.ArticleID, ArticleCategory.CategoryName
FROM ArticleCategory RIGHT OUTER JOIN Article ON ArticleCategory.ArticleCategoryID = Article.MasterCategory
WHERE (ArticleCategory.CategoryName LIKE '%' + @SearchMCat + '%') or (Article.Title LIKE '%' + @SearchTitle + '%') or (Article.Body LIKE '%' + @SearchDesc + '%')
SELECT ArticleCategory.CategoryDisplayName, Article.AudioPlaybackTargetTabID, Article.VideoPlaybackTargetTabID, Article.StartTime, Article.DateAdded, Article.Body, Article.Synopsis, Article.Title, Article.ArticleHasAudio, Article.ArticleHasVideo, Article.createdBy, Article.RatingTotal, Article.RatingCount, Article.ArticleID, ArticleCategory.CategoryName
FROM ArticleCategory RIGHT OUTER JOIN Article ON ArticleCategory.ArticleCategoryID = Article.MasterCategory
WHERE (ArticleCategory.CategoryName LIKE '%' + 'fdsafdsafdsa' + '%') or (Article.Title LIKE '%' + 'fffaery' + '%') or (Article.Body LIKE '%' + 'fdas3r43ffdsa' + '%')
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