DataSource Controls :: Sorting Column In DataTable
Jul 26, 2010
I have a DataSet comprised of two DataTables. One of the DataTables is further comprised of the results of two different SQL calls. I need to alphabetize the results of those SQL calls. After the seconds set of results is added to the DataTable I tried the following but the end result (displayed on the page) did not alphabetize the returned results. There was no error. Can anyone advise me please. 'programs' is the DataTable name, title is the column name.
when I use 'RowNumber' = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY ColumnName) then due to orderby Column name consume 76% usage. in such case what I have to do? I can see sorting taking much time in execution plan.
Situation: SQL database, Linq to SQL class a ASP.NET page with a LinqDataSource and a gridview. The table has a ID field, a date field and a Serialnr field. In my Grid I like to Page on the datefield but to sort on the serialnr field ( or a selectable other field). Is that possible? Standard the paging is always done on the sort field and when you select a different sort field the page jumps back to the first page., and paging is then done over that sorted column.
I am looking to sort a column on my gridview by simply clicking on the column rather than clicking on the column header. In the design I have been given, the column header will not be shown, and I need to be able to give the user to sort this column, by simply just clicking any where on the column.
If I am passed a datatable and I cant change the column there anyway to set an existing column to a Primary key so I can easily Find() the row I am looking for?
I'm trying to sort GridView but I have problem with converting DataSource to DataTable. Object of DataTable is empty. I don't know how to convert it.Do you have any ideas? Here is my code:
private void SortGridView(string sortExpression, string direction) { DataTable dt = GridViewDzialania.DataSource as DataTable; DataView dv = new DataView(dt); dv.Sort = sortExpression + direction; GridViewDzialania.DataSource = dv; GridViewDzialania.DataBind(); }
I have a need to call Oracle stored procs to populate a gridview. I'm able to call one stored proc to get the column header text and another one to get the corresponding data. Currently I'm using a datareader, but I want my gridview to have sorting and paging enabled, so likely I'll need to read the data into a datatable and then bind the gridview to it.I've never had to manually configure a gridview - usually just use autoformatting.1. Do I essentially set up the columns manually in the gridview since it has no data to go off of in design mode? I'm guessing most of these will be Bound fields. A few of my columns are going to display date values that need to be formatted a certain way and one column will be a link that needs to call a second method to populate a different grid. I'm not sure what the syntax for this is.
i have the dataset with one table.Table contains three column like 'Name','Location','Pin'.I would like to move the data from another table based on schema.
I have two datatables, I want to get all records which are in one datatable but all matching records which exist in another datatable should not be available.
In terms of set, you can say that record which are in 1st datatable but not in 2nd DataTable.
Split off from
I have an additional column called 'KPI %' in my gridview that calculates the percentage of two template fields and thus I cannot use the sortexpression on it. How can I sort the contents of the 'KPI %' column in ASC or DESC format?
i want to sort a gridview column which is a template field with a repeater control in it. this column has multiple links and i would like to sort using the first link. how can i achieve this.
In gridview columns im displaying date and time, as below.
23/02/2010 11:19:52
Im also doing sorting on these columns.
But the issue is during sorting its only sorting on "day (dd)"....
for example....these 3 values are from column, Date.
23/02/2010 11:19:52
18/02/2010 10:25:10
17/03/2010 09:30:51
when I click for "Ascending" should get "17/03/2010 09:30:51" on the top (because of month 03) others have 02, but it doesnt, it gets in the above order, its just sort on day (dd).Below is my code for boundfield....
I have a Gridview with a templated column which contains just a label.
I set the Label1.text during GridView1.RowDataBound based on doing a DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem,"myColumn") and a calculation off that.
When the user clicks the header I want it to sort based on what's in the Label but instead if seems to be sorting on the contents it was bound to, "myColumn", even though that's not what appears in the grid.
I have a auto column generated GridView in a page, I have a dynamically binded column in that gridview, when page loads then sorting option is available on all other columns except that dynamically created column.
In my application binding list is used to to bind the Data to Grid view. Now the requirement is to sort on 3 columns when I bind the data to the Grid View . How can I do this?
I have autogenerated columns some columns come from db and some are virtual columns what i am adding to a dataset that consist of columns from db.i want to disable sorting for the virtual columns which i add to dataset