DataSource Controls :: To Write The Query - Retrieve The Records?
Jan 16, 2010
i have a table for customer forecast with following fields.. customer, year, week, quantity. now i need to write the SP to retrive the records based on the from week,year and to week,year... like this... from 45th week of 2009 to 25th week of 2010. how can write the query...
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Jul 3, 2010
I have table called "Logs". It has username, sitename, actiondate and lastupdate columns.
From this, I hve created tempLogs (Temp table) using condition where lastupdate >= somedate.
Once I get records in my temp table, I then want to retreive all the records again from "logs" table corresponding to same
username, sitename?
How would I do that.
BTW: Join will not work.
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Mar 27, 2011
I have two tables and following are the structure of both the tables
Tbale 1
Field1 Field2 Field3
d1 01 26/03/2011
d2 02 26/03/2011
d3 03 27/03/2011
Field1 Field2 Field3
01 6.15 14.25
02 7.30 16.25
03 6.00 18.25
My expected output when i search records by table1.field3 (say 26/03/2011)
Tbale 1
Table1.Field1 Table2.Field2 Table3.Field3 Table2.field2 Table2.Field3
d1 01 26/03/2011 6.15 14.25
d2 02 26/03/2011 7.30 16.25
d3 03 27/03/2011
Inorder to get the above result, what query should i write?
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QID Question Status
1 ssssss True
2 ssssss True
3 ssssss False
4 ssssss False
5 ssssss False
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-- --
1 11
1 12
1 13
2 21
2 22
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SELECT TOP (1) Property.Name, Property.Price, Department.DepartmentTitle, Images.ImageId, Property.DateAdded
Department ON Property.DepartmentId = Department.DepartmentId LEFT OUTER JOIN
Images ON Property.PropertyId = Images.PropertyId
WHERE Property.dateadded >= NOW -30 days
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Apr 14, 2010
I'm trying to query records from a db using a date. But somehow the db doesn't return records.
The datetime collums have the data stored in this format in the db as datetime :
12-Apr-10 12:45:12 AM
The string a have available is in this format : 12-Apr-10
I need to somehow strip the time part of so i can use my date string in the query.
When i use the below method the database converts the datetime to a rounded date (12-Apr-10 12:00:00 AM).
But when i query for that date i still get no results.
I tried this:
SELECT ID, PerformedBy, SystemId, ServerId, CAST(FLOOR(CAST(CreateDateTime AS FLOAT)) AS DATETIME) AS Expr1, Reason, Action, Summary, EnteredBy,
Collumn1, Collumn2
FROM Changes
WHERE ('Expr1 = '12-Apr-10 12:00:00 AM')
But this way the Expr1 collumn is not recognized.
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SELECT WebSiteID, BanDate
FROM tblWebSite
WHERE (BanDate <> NULL)
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May 5, 2010
I have couple of DDL's which let user choose couple of different values from it. Once the user has made his selection he clicks on the "Submit" buttion which redirects the user to the other page, which then displays table from backend SQL DB. The pages are named Page1.aspx and Page2.aspx resp. I am using Querystring to carry forward the values of the DDL's to Page2.aspx.
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Jan 7, 2010
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Feb 22, 2010
I am doing update query to edit my records and save to my database...I am getting the query expression exception...syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'WebLogin=krish'.
string strUserName = Request.QueryString["UserName"].ToString();
DateTime dateTimeNow = DateTime.Now;
string ConnString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Data"].ConnectionString;[code]....
I am getting the exception syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'WebLogin=krish'.
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Jan 19, 2010
I have a basic CMS which I'm adding to a site to display some downloads organised into groups. I have two tables, one for the groups and one for the downloads. I'm using a repeated to display the groups with another repeater inside to display the children. This works perfectly.
However some of my download groups may not have any downloads related to them and I'd like to handle this by filter the groups so that only those with a relate download record(s) are shown.
I'm trying to do this with the query which populates the top repeater based on some ideas I read but I must be going wrong with the syntax.
Here is what I'm using to try and only select downloads groups which have downloads linked to them by the download group ID.
Can anyone offer any thoughts on how I should construct the query to perform this?
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