DataSource Controls :: How To Write A Query Which Reads Data From Optional DDL's?
May 5, 2010
I have couple of DDL's which let user choose couple of different values from it. Once the user has made his selection he clicks on the "Submit" buttion which redirects the user to the other page, which then displays table from backend SQL DB. The pages are named Page1.aspx and Page2.aspx resp. I am using Querystring to carry forward the values of the DDL's to Page2.aspx.
How can i modify the query in such a way that even if one of the DDL's is left blank the Query would ignore that and shall produce the table considering value of DDL2 in the where clause. In case both the DDL's are empty then the query will not have a where clause and shall showcase the complete table as such. I've written a query for this but it's not working the way it shoul.Here is my code for the SQLDataSource: [Code]....
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The general structure looks something like this, where DoSomething() is actually part of another class that will be used by lots of different pages:
pretected void Page_Load (object sender, EventArgs e)
DoSomething (Request.QueryString["name"]);
public void DoSomething (string UrlVariable)
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If the query string "name" isn't defined in the url, what does Request.QueryString return? an empty string? null? If it returns null, what happens if I try to pass null to a method that is expecting a string? Does the whole program fall apart, or can I check for null inside the DoSomething() method (after receiving the null string)?
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Aug 22, 2010
1. I have a GridView on my page and it uses sqldatasource with parameterized query. What I want to do is, on page load (where nothing has been selected so no parameter supplied), I want it to query everything (something like SELECT * FROM [this_table]) but since my SelectCommand is something like
SELECT * FROM [this_table] WHERE [this_column] = @someParameters AND [that_column] = @someParameters.
Can I play around with default value to achieve something like that but how ? Now, when the page loads, it doesn't show anything (No Gridview).
2. On my page, I made something like (username, gender, address, and more) and one single search button. That means, no single control enable auto postback. What I am trying to accomplish is building dynamic query
(if username specifed -> SELECT * FROM [this_table] WHERE [username] LIKE @username).
If both username and gender are specified (SELECT * FROM [this_table] WHERE [username] LIKE @username AND [gender] = @gender) and you know the rest. How can I do this using GridView and SqlDataSource ? To my knowledge, I can only specify one SELECT statement in a sqldatasource.
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Jan 15, 2010
This query works perfectly on the query analyser.
But when configuring the Table adapter ,I try executing the query and i get 0 rows affected.
What could I be getting wrong in this case.
NB:Existing GalleryID has been supplied.
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