Databases :: How To Update Edit The Date Value Still I Found An Error

Feb 25, 2010

i have a problem with date after register i need to update im not edit the date value still i found an error Incorrect date value: '2010-02-09 12:00:00 AM'

im using data type(mysql)---->date

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This is a query to an old FoxPro database on a server (Same Network). This work in the execution, but just passing the date values as aaaa/mm/dd.On my page when a pass two DateTime Parameters from two TextBox it throw "Unable to recognize the string as a valid DateTime Value"I'm using Ajax Calendar exterder on the textbox to be more specific.Here, (My Country) the format i'm using es dd/mm/aaaaAnd when i select the datepicker it comes in this format, and then a get the DateTime error type.I can get the rows in the query builder just passing the date like "2010/01/15" and "2010/01/30" for example.Hay can i force the texbox to get this format aaaa/mm/dd?

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Select Count( Date ) From Attendancemaster
Error in SELECT clause: expression near ')'.
Unable to parse query text.

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