Databases :: Upload Xlsx (MS Excel) File To Oracle DB?

Jan 18, 2011

I would like to upload a xlsx file to Oracle DB (Oracle 11g). I'm using VS .NET 2008 (C#, web).

The file contains around 500 rows.

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Similar Messages:

Databases :: Upload Excel File Into Oracle - System Resource Exceeded

Jan 5, 2011

We have the data in excel file and want to upload the same into Oracle table.To achieve this we are using following query
insert into [ODBC:Driver={Microsoft ODBC for oracle};connectionstring].tablename (select * from sheet$ )
This is working fine for less records but when the record count increases following is the error faced. Error : System Resource Exceeded

We tried the following:
1. We tried to remove connection pooling for oracle.
2. We tried to remove connection pooling for excel.
3. We also verified that only one connection for each (oracle and excel) is open.

Our assumptions:
1. Either the server setting is the issue
2. Jet oledb Driver is the issue.

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Databases :: Upload And Import Excel File Without Saving First?

Apr 13, 2010

I need to be able to have a user upload an excel file, then immediately work with that file and save the contents in a database.

I know how to do this if I save the file first, then open it using OleDB, BUT I would rather not save it first.

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Databases :: Upload An Excel File And Read In Memory Without Saving?

Mar 15, 2011

I need to upload an excel file using a web application. Then I need t oread it in memory without saving it on the server.

Does the file need to have headers? Also the data is such that it may have or may not have values for some columns.

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Databases :: User Validation In Xlsx File?

Aug 20, 2010

I am validating user from Login.xlsx file. It was working fine by validating email and password from that file. For testing i got new file same contents of file but added some more user names.So after that when i validating the user i am getting the following error "Data type mismatch in criteria expression".But when i replaced the new to old one it is working fine. The contens of both files are the same. So why this kind of error happened.

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Databases :: Fetching The Data From Book1.xlsx File?

Sep 24, 2010

I am trying to fetching the data from Book1.xlsx file. The program is not working and throws an exception. check the code and tell me where I am doing the mistake?


The exception is:

An error: The Microsoft Office Access database engine cannot open or write to the file ''. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view and write its data.

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Web Forms :: Convert Excel File (XLS And XLSX) To PDF File Using C#

Dec 4, 2012

I need to convert a excel file to pdf file in How to achieve this in c#.

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Web Forms :: How To Upload File And Save It To Oracle Database And View The Upload File Using C#

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Determine Excel .XLSX Version From Uploaded File

Aug 10, 2010

In my application I've allowed users to upload Excel 2003 .xls files, and import them into a Gridview. This has been working fine using the following connection string:


Now my users are using Excel 2003, 2007 or 2010, I need to allow the newer file extensions (.XLSX) to be accessible too.

Therefore, within the connection string above I presume I could change the Excel version from 8.0 to 9.0 or 10.0 respectively, but is there much difference between Excel 2007 and Excel 2010 files?

If so, is it possible to 'detect' the Excel file version so that I can use the appropriate connection string to read the data from the files?

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Excel Cannot Open The File "Report.xlsx" Because The File Format Or Extension Is Not Valid?

May 17, 2010

Excel cannot open the file "Report.xlsx" because the file format or extension is not valid. Verify that the file has not been corrupted and that the file extension matches the format of the file

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Databases :: User Validation In Xlsx File Error "Data Type Mismatch In Criteria Expression".?

Dec 9, 2010

I am validating user from Login.xlsx file. It was working fine by validating email and password from that file. For testing i got new file same contents of file but added some more user names. So after that when i validating the user i am getting the following error "Data type mismatch in criteria expression".

But when i replaced the new to old one it is working fine. The contens of both files are the same. So why this kind of error happened.

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Databases :: Store Data In File System Rather Than SQL Or Oracle

Jul 23, 2010

As I am working on Employee Management system, I have two table (for example) in database as given below.

EmployeeMaster (DB table structure)
EmployeeID (PK) | EmployeeName | City
MonthMaster (DB table structure)
Month | Year | EmployeeID (FK) | PrenentDays | BasicSalary

Now my question is, I want to store data in file system rather than storing data in SQL or ORACLE.

I want my data in file system storage for Insert, Edit and Delete opration with keeping relation with objects too.

I am a C# developer, Could anybody have thoughts or idea on it. (To store data in file system with keeping relations between them)

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Databases :: Get Number Of Columns From Excel Or Csv Before Allowing Upload?

Mar 16, 2011

I have a page within our site that allows admin users the ability to upload configuration settings into the system instead of submitting 1 at a time.

While testing yesterday, i found that one of the upload pages allowed me to upload a excel file that had alot more columns than expected and when i checked the database, the first few columns that were expected took the values from the file, and everything else was ignored, but wanted to see if there is any way to check the number of columns in the file to make sure it matches the upload logic before accepting it.

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Databases :: Excel Upload Large Numbers Of Rows?

Sep 25, 2010

i am trying to upload an excel to an oracle data base (10g xe) the excel has arround 46000 rows.I am getting the following error when i do a insert

ORA-06550 string 1 line 1,

PLS-00123: program too large (Diana nodes

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Jan 28, 2011

I have a vs2008 web application. it built fine and it was runing fine use visual studio development server, but when i use IIS web server, it gave me the following error.

Server Error in '/Vendorapplication' Application.

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Nov 22, 2010

Can i save the contents of a word file (which contains some formatted text) in clob field and then retrieve them in their original state i.e can i save the formatted text in clob field like we can save it in blob field?

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Jan 12, 2011

i like to create a web application,in that i need to get the resumes from the user,then i need to publish that resume to the manager in date wise..

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May 18, 2010

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Accessing Excel 2010 (xlsx) Spreadsheet?

Feb 24, 2011

I would like to access an Excel 2010 spreadsheet via ASP.NET 4 - what is the best (i.e. straight forward) method to do this? I would like to update the spreadsheet via ASP then read the results of the data from Excel back to a web form.

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Databases :: Connect To An Excel File?

Mar 18, 2011

We have an MVC application where we have put an excell loader. It works fine in the VS studio environment but on the IIS (64 bit) we get an error message .->

Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 provider is not registrated on the local machine.The excell (2010) is 32 bit, but the IIS is 64 bit. Here the code


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Web Forms :: Exporting To Excel 2007 (XLSX Format)

Mar 13, 2012

in my web application page i have a option to export to excel . I am able to export the data to Excel but have 2 issues

 1)  i hav ethe option of exporting in .XLS or .XLSX format

i am able to export in .xls format from any system ie the system having office 2007 or 2003

but when i am trying to export in .XLSX format i get error

Microsoft Office Excel---------------------------The file you are trying to open, 'noup.xlsx', is in a different format than specified by the file extension. Verify that the file is not corrupted and that the file extension matches the file format---------------------------Ok---------------------------

2) when exporting i want the excel sheet to be saved with the name thats selected from a dropdown

suppose the dropdown has text selected as CITY

i want the excel sheet as CITY.XLS/.XLSX

i my developemnet system it works fine with below code

string filename = dropdown1.SelectedItem.Text
if (Extension.SelectedValue.ToString() == ".xls")


but on production server i get the name of .aspx page

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May 14, 2010

I tried many times to upload a file (using ASP.NET) to a database (which is implemented using MySQL)

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Databases :: Update Excel File With Sql Query

Mar 18, 2011

Not sure how to best accomplish this task. I do have several reports to make in Excel every day. The reports do have a shhet for every week and one column for each day in week. What is the best way to get the excel auto update and get data from the SQL table? As for now I run a query on a webpage and coying the data in to the excel sheet manually. Should I try making a database connection within the excel sheet? Should I try having a ADO connection working in .NET? I really don´t know where to begin.

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Databases :: Import Excel File In SQL Server?

Sep 27, 2010

I have to create one page where user will upload the excel file in SQl Server and system should check following things

1.Sheet Name should be always sheet1

2.System should check the column names

3.System should show the message that these many rows has been loaded

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