I´m involved in a project that requires MySQL interaction, and I´m designing (or programming) the front end interface. SCENARIO: I´ve a MySQL database. (Now... Imagine a Webpage.aspx). I have a table inside the page with 2 rows: The first row has 3 columns... yes, cells!!, and the another one has no columns. In the first cell (1 row, 1 column) I have a treeview with a panoramic of my database (Treeview-Datasource: XML file that I build by myself with the hierarchy of my database). Then, in the 2nd cell (1 row, 2 column) I have a Radiobuttonlist; the aim of this cell is show only the name of every data placed in the selected entity (located in the treeview). And in the third cell (1 row, 3 column) I have 3 buttons: the first one is "NEW" (Should create a new item in the entity of the database - selected in the treeview) the second one is "EDIT" (Should edit the item of my database_entity selected in the radiobuttonlist)
And the third one is "SAVE"... (No words!!)
In the fourth cell (2 row, unique column)I have a FormView. To fill data, to arrange it in two columns, and to show textboxes allowing me introduce information to perform the button actions. I´m new in this, but I´ve seen that probably, I can make it using views (programming them in the database) or using XML files (declarating and querying my database as well as I want) but, in any case, the two ways requires build a view or xml file for every entity of my database that I want modify. I´m Sure that all of us know a short method or something.
I have used ASD.NET code using SQL Database for Transaction operation successfully. By changing the Database Code to interface with MYSQL an Error occurs. If I remove the Transaction Code from within the the application, it works OK by displaying the MYSQL data (Read Only) in the layout of the application. I am using Mysql Essential-4.1.22-win32 and MYSQL Connector ODBC-3.51.2. My objective is to EDIT the MYSQL Data.
i m working in asp.net and i want to implement partial views. i want to load .ascx page without refreshing the current page and not even url changed. can i implement it in asp.net.
I just moved to a new 2008 64 Bit Server. We are using MySQL, now also the 64 Bit version. Now I found out that there is a 64 Bit ODCB Driver, but not an 64 Bit Net/Connector.
Is that an issue or is the .NET Connector by default 32 and 64 Bit?
I want to use MVC 2 with MySQL database. Is it possible?because my shared hosting limits the size of SQL Server database, but there is no limit on Size of MySQL database.MySQL seems to take less disk space than SQL Server database which is costly on the Internet.
i have populated the gridview dynamically and set the ShowDeleteButton = true.. i have the delete command but i cant delete the specific row i wanted to delete..
protected void GridView1_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e) { string ann = (GridView1.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Values[3].ToString()); MySqlCommand update = new MySqlCommand("DELETE FROM announcement where ID = '"+ann+"'", conn);
how to get the values of the row that i want to delete.
How do I implement this session: (UserID is part of the login table)
Session["UserID"]="usrName"; Into this code? using System; using System.Data; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Data.Odbc; using System.Data.SqlClient; public partial class Default2 : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Login1.Authenticate += Login1_Authenticate; } protected void Login1_Authenticate(object sender, AuthenticateEventArgs e) { //database connection string OdbcConnection cn = new OdbcConnection("Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver}; Server=localhost; Database=gymwebsite; User=x; Password=x; OPTION=3;"); cn.Open(); OdbcCommand cmd = new OdbcCommand("Select * from User where username=? and password=?", cn); //Select the username and password from mysql database in login table cmd.Parameters.Add("@username", OdbcType.VarChar); cmd.Parameters["@username"].Value = this.Login1.UserName; cmd.Parameters.Add("@password", OdbcType.VarChar); cmd.Parameters["@password"].Value = this.Login1.Password; //use asp login control to check username and password cmd.Parameters.Add(new OdbcCommand("@UserID", 'id.int')); OdbcDataReader dr = default(OdbcDataReader); // Initialise a reader to read the rows from the login table. // If row exists, the login is successful dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); int id = cmd.Parameters["@UserID"].Value; Session["UserID"]="usrName"; if (dr.Read()) { e.Authenticated = true; Response.Redirect("UserProfileWall.aspx"); // Event Authenticate is true forward to user profile } } }
I need to be able to retrieve the correct UserID when some one inputs there username and password upon login and then some how retrieve it on a new page something like this to retireve it but unsure?
I just dont know how to add the first part, the session into my login code so I can some how store the UserID in my session but also retrieve the correct UserID from the submitted data that takes from my mysql login table.
I did all the instructions which are in the following link: [URL] in order to do a connection between MySQL database and ASP.NET but I did not successed. Sometimes, it told me that I have a mistake in the <asp: button> and sometimes it told me that I did a mistake in calling (addImage) method. And this is my whole code:-
<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="HW5._Default" %> <script> public class DataAccess { private string _strConn = @"Driver= {MySQLODBC 3.51 Driver};SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=test1;"; private OdbcConnection _objConn; public DataAccess() { this._objConn = new OdbcConnection(this._strConn); } // This function adds the Images to database public string addImage(timestamp id, byte [] data,string extension) { string strSql = "SELECT * FROM File"; DataSet ds = new DataSet("Image"); OdbcDataAdapter tempAP = new OdbcDataAdapter(strSql,this._objConn); OdbcCommandBuilder objCommand = new OdbcCommandBuilder(tempAP); tempAP.Fill(ds,"Table"); try { this._objConn.Open(); DataRow objNewRow = ds.Tables["Table"].NewRow(); objNewRow["Extension"] = extension; objNewRow["Data"] = buffer; objNewRow["ID"] = id; ds.Tables["Table"].Rows.Add(objNewRow); // trying to update the table to add the image tempAP.Update(ds,"Table"); }.....................................
I'm trying to apply this example to my website.They use SQLServer in this link[URL]string sql = "Select * from Country Where Country_Name like @prefixText";i have to change the last part( like @prefix ) so that it wont give any errors for MySQL
I am trying to connect asp.net with mysql on remote pc. When i am connecting asp.net with localhost mysql it is working properly but when i change "localhost" with IP address it show error.
I have the following piece of code in my web.config file.. I am trying to connect to a MySQL database. The code compiles fine and when I am ruuning the website I come across this error - 'Keyword not supported: 'server'.':
is there ny data type of date which can hold the date only.....coz i have a field of date in which i have write date manually... i have taken the datatype as DateTime.... and its showing "incorrect datetime value"..