Databases :: Get MYSQL Server Error?
Apr 6, 2010
<add key="DatabaseString" value="DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver};SERVER=PARAM;DATABASE=SiteForum;UID=root;PASSWORD=root;OPTION=3;" />
<add key="DatabaseType" value="MySQL" />System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException: ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified.
System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException: ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager
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Similar Messages:
Feb 7, 2010
I am working on an ASP.NET C# web application in Visual Web Developer Express 08', with MySql database.
Everything works just fine, except one problem that drives me crazy for few weeks...
My application randomaly (or not) stop responding, or just freezing for couple of minutes.
I am sure that the problem is connected somehow to my connection with MySql db.
In the debug window in VWD I get over and over the line:
"A first chance exception of type 'MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException' occurred in MySql.Data.dll"
Note that in each page load I call a function that kills all sleeping MySql connections, so I don't really think that my problem is 'too many connections'.
The error isn't constant, and not occures only in one page, it occures in many pages (that contains mysql access code), randomaly.
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now the iis server got the drivers connector from mysql website andinstalled even the datamanager from webinstaller
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Feb 15, 2010
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Nov 1, 2010
I have been trying to create a sql statement that uses a subquery to join 2 oracle tables to create a strongly typed table adapter. For example:
Select productName, (select categoryName from categories where categories.category_id = products.category_id) as Category from Products
The ASP .Net tutorial I am working through recommends using subqueries instead of joins for the insert, update and delete commands to be automatically generated by Visual Studio 2010. When I click Finish in the table adapter wizard I get the following error (I am using MySQL version 5.1 and the MySQL Data Connector 6.3.5)
Generated SELECT statement.
Error in SELECT clause: expression near 'SELECT'.
Error in SELECT clause: expression near 'FROM'.
Missing FROM clause.
Error in SELECT clause: expression near','.
Unable to parse query text.
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Dec 26, 2010
i was just using mysql i installed mysql and mysql net connector. its installed successfully but unable tp add to references.
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Apr 21, 2010
I'm developing an ASP.NET app with a MySQL backend, using the MySQL Connector Net 6.2.3. I have a DetailsView with an insert command that is throwing the error:MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)' at line 1My code is:
If I hardcode values into the insert statement, it works fine. But when I put the ? placeholder in, it throws the error. Can anyone help me pinpoint the problem or offer a workaround solution?
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Jan 7, 2010
I have few questions regarding MySql database.
First one will be: I've installed MySql, Query broswer, and ODBC connector (not sure what this one does. Can anyone explain?)
Now, when im dragging a new DataGridView into the form, and try to connect it to a MySql database, i can't seem to find MySql in the databases list... why is that?
Second question, assuming everything works fine, how can i upload the database to a server and use it there?
I can think of two problems trying to do this : (1) Im not sure where my Database files are stored at... (for some reason, they are not found in MySql/Data... this folder is completly absent)
(2) While working with ACCESS, all i had to do is to point the .aspx page that did the connecting to the location of the .mdb file, but now, each time i want to reach my database, i need to send the page to the server (localhost). How will i create a connection to my database, when its on another server, in the code page ? (small code example would be nice).
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Feb 17, 2010
System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException: ERROR [HY000] [MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10048)ERROR [HY000] [MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10048)
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Mar 9, 2010
I have Connector/NET working on my windows 2008 web server. We are moving the MySQL DB from localhost on that windows 2008 server to a new Linux server. The tables are copied over. I can connect to them in the cmd line using all the same credentials.
When I try to connect via my ASP.NET application I get the ambiguous Error:
"Unable to initialize provider. Missing or incorrect schema."
All I changed was the server name in:
<add name="LocalMySqlServer" providerName="MySQL.Data.MySqlClient" connectionString="server=MYSERVER; database=MYDATABASE; uid=MYUSERID; password=MYPASSWORD; pooling=false; character set=latin1" />
If I change it back to the old server name, it works again.
Why am I getting this error? Do I need to change something else?
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Oct 7, 2010
I am trying to insert html pages to MySQL with my Asp.NET project but i am getting error; You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'de Osman patlaması', '', '<div style="text-align: center"> <img src="/i' at line 1
How can i fix that problem my server side code is;
MySqlConnection myCon = new MySqlConnection();
myCon.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MySQLConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand();
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
string query = @"INSERT INTO `test`.`posts` (`id`, `author`, `title`, `description`, `content`, `ispublished`, `iscommentsenabled`, `pubDate`, `lastModified`, `raters`, `rating`, `slug`, `tags`, `categories`) VALUES (NULL, '{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}', '{7}', '{8}', '{9}', '{10}', '{11}', '{12}')";
query = String.Format(query,, p.title, p.description, p.content, p.ispublished, p.iscommentsenabled, p.pubDate, p.lastModified, p.raters, p.rating, p.slug, p.tags, p.categories);
cmd.CommandText = query;
cmd.Connection = myCon;
View 2 Replies
Jan 11, 2010
I have used ASD.NET code using SQL Database for Transaction operation successfully. By changing the Database Code to interface with MYSQL an Error occurs. If I remove the Transaction Code from within the the application, it works OK by displaying the MYSQL data (Read Only) in the layout of the application. I am using Mysql Essential-4.1.22-win32 and MYSQL Connector ODBC-3.51.2. My objective is to EDIT the MYSQL Data.
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Jun 1, 2010
I have installed MySQL and set up an ODBC driver to point to a database in MySQL. In ASP.NET I have defined a connection string to attach to this MySQL dtabase.
ConnectionStrings:MySQLConnectionString %>"
* FROM [categories]"
ConnectionStrings:MySQLConnectionString.ProviderName %>">
However in ASP.NET connection wizard, although the tables are shown, no colums are shown and when I attempt to run the page which uses this datasource I get an error message about a syntax error near page 1 at 'Select * from [categories]'. how to use an ODBC (MySQL) datasource in ASP.NET?
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Jan 16, 2011
I m using visual studio 2010 and i downloaded mySQL connector /net 6.3 (latest one). But when i try to connect mySQL Server it says "there is no support prior to 5.0". I think our mySQL server is version 4.0. How can i connect it?
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Sep 30, 2010
I am trying to store a SQL Server datetime into MySQL datetime field, but MySQL stores the date value as all zeros. I use this function to trim the fractional part from the SQL Server datetime, but get the same result when trying to store it in MySQL.
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Oct 3, 2010
I have an dynamic data website .net 3.5 built on entity framework with mysql database.Currently I have just one table in my entity model.
Everything is working fine on my local machine but when i uploaded on my server i got this error message:
"More than one item in the metadata collection match the identity 'mtDBModelStoreContainer'"
Note that this error happen when i open the table "WebsiteAdmin/users/List.aspx"
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Jan 18, 2010
I am also having the same problem while establishing a connection in mysql and how do i solve it...
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May 3, 2010
I just moved to a new 2008 64 Bit Server. We are using MySQL, now also the 64 Bit version. Now I found out that there is a 64 Bit ODCB Driver, but not an 64 Bit Net/Connector.
Is that an issue or is the .NET Connector by default 32 and 64 Bit?
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Mar 1, 2011
Can anybody tell me what is the alternative of CTS(Common table expression in SQL Server 2005) in MySQL
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Jun 15, 2010
I want to use MVC 2 with MySQL database. Is it possible?because my shared hosting limits the size of SQL Server database, but there is no limit on Size of MySQL database.MySQL seems to take less disk space than SQL Server database which is costly on the Internet.
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Mar 25, 2011
i have populated the gridview dynamically and set the ShowDeleteButton = true.. i have the delete command but i cant delete the specific row i wanted to delete..
here is my gridview code:
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" ShowDeleteButton="true" Width="540px"
AutoGenerateDeleteButton="True" GridLines="None">
and here is the code behind:
protected void GridView1_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e)
string ann = (GridView1.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Values[3].ToString());
MySqlCommand update = new MySqlCommand("DELETE FROM announcement where ID = '"+ann+"'", conn);
how to get the values of the row that i want to delete.
View 2 Replies
Dec 21, 2010
My code is to update a record if it already exists in database else insert as a new record. My code is as follows:
protected void Button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
OdbcConnection MyConnection = new OdbcConnection("Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};Server=localhost;Database=testcase;User=root;Password=root;Option=3;");
String MyString = "select fil_no,orderdate from temp_save where fil_no=? and orderdate=?";
OdbcCommand MyCmd = new OdbcCommand(MyString, MyConnection);
MyCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("", HiddenField4.Value);
MyCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("", TextBox3.Text);
using (OdbcDataReader MyReader4 = MyCmd.ExecuteReader())
if (MyReader4.Read())
String MyString1 = "UPDATE temp_save SET order=? where fil_no=? AND orderdate=?";
OdbcCommand MyCmd1 = new OdbcCommand(MyString1, MyConnection);
MyCmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("", Editor1.Content.ToString());
MyCmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("", HiddenField1.Value);
MyCmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("", TextBox3.Text);
// set the SQL string
String strSQL = "INSERT INTO temp_save (fil_no,order,orderdate) " +
"VALUES (?,?,?)";
// Create the Command and set its properties
OdbcCommand objCmd = new OdbcCommand(strSQL, MyConnection);
objCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("", HiddenField4.Value);
objCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("", Editor1.Content.ToString());
objCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("", TextBox3.Text);
// execute the command
I am getting the error as: ERROR [42000] [MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver][mysqld-5.1.51-community]You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'order,orderdate) VALUES ('04050040272009',' &' at line 1
The datatype for fields in table temp_save are:
fil_no-->INT(15)( to store a 15 digit number)
order-->LONGTEXT(to store contents from HTMLEditor(ajax control))
orderdate-->DATE(to store date)
View 2 Replies
May 15, 2010
I did all the instructions which are in the following link: [URL] in order to do a connection between MySQL database and ASP.NET but I did not successed. Sometimes, it told me that I have a mistake in the <asp: button> and sometimes it told me that I did a mistake in calling (addImage) method. And this is my whole code:-
<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="HW5._Default" %>
public class DataAccess
private string _strConn =
@"Driver= {MySQLODBC 3.51 Driver};SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=test1;";
private OdbcConnection _objConn;
public DataAccess()
this._objConn = new OdbcConnection(this._strConn);
// This function adds the Images to database
public string addImage(timestamp id, byte [] data,string extension)
string strSql = "SELECT * FROM File";
DataSet ds = new DataSet("Image");
OdbcDataAdapter tempAP = new OdbcDataAdapter(strSql,this._objConn);
OdbcCommandBuilder objCommand = new OdbcCommandBuilder(tempAP);
DataRow objNewRow = ds.Tables["Table"].NewRow();
objNewRow["Extension"] = extension;
objNewRow["Data"] = buffer;
objNewRow["ID"] = id;
// trying to update the table to add the image
View 4 Replies
Jun 11, 2010
how to connect mysql database in
I am install mysql 5.0 then i install sqlyog.
After that i create the database sample in mysql with the help of sqlyog.
I want to connect the database in & display it on gridview.
How we set the connection string in mysql for use on aspx page?
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