Disable Grdiview From Subform Shown In The Frame?

Apr 13, 2010

In my web application i need to show a page in the frame by using some options.

Successfully i have done it. But from the sub form which shown in the frame, from it on a button click I need to disable or enable the gridview in the main page. How can I do it?

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: Disable Grdiview From Subform Shown In The Frame?

Apr 13, 2010

In my web application i need to show a page in the frame by using some options.Successfully i have done it. But from the sub form which shown in the frame, from it on a button click I need to disable or enable the gridview in the main page. How can I do it?

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Web Forms :: Putting A Frame In Another Frame?

Mar 12, 2010

I have this situation where I have three pages:

The first page, default.htm, is a frameset page that uses the other two pages.

The second page, casemenu.aspx, is a form that contains an object we call "PopupManager": It has an element <xxx:PopupManager runat="server"/>. This object is dependent on the standard ScriptManager, which requires a form.

The third page, header.aspx, contains three links. Each link calls a JScript function that in turn calls a function on the Popup Manager. It makes the call to the popup manager with an expression like 'top.frames.casemenu._PopupManager'.

Now, the problem I have is that I have to change default.htm to be a normal page containing an iframe, which will refer to a new page, container.aspx, which has the original frameset. When I do that, I can no longer access the PopupManager the same way ('top.frames.casemenu._PopupManager' no longer works.)

I would like some way to refer to the PopupManager relative to header.aspx, something like "self.parent.frames.casemenu._PopupManager", but that doesn't work.

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Web Forms :: Setting Up A Mainform Subform Effect?

Mar 30, 2010

First let me say that I am new to ASP.net and I come from a Microsoft access background hence my post is in Access terminology i.e Main form / Sub Form. I am not sure what the correct terms to use for ASP.net are and this might hamper my explanation a bit but here goes.

In Microsoft Access (MC) you can create a main form and then drag and drop a subform onto it and the application automatically knows how to pass the primary key from the mainform to the foreign key on the subform when a record is created. So my question is how can I get the same effect in ASP.NET.

Let's say I am using the Surrogate Key approach (autonumber primary key) and I have a table called "Customers" and another table called "Address" where one customer can have many addresses.

1. How can I set it up so that when I am entering multiple addresses for a customer the application knows which primary key of which customer to use?

2. What are the best controls to use for this (Gridview, Formview, etc)

3. Building upon the above. Lets say i select ONE customer from a list of customers and I have many different subforms how does the application know what is the primary key to use as I update information on this customer in the various tables.

I know this is a lot I am asking, or it is simple and it is just a lot in my mind as I am new.

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How To Show Collection Of Data Inside One Row Of The GrdiView

Oct 24, 2010

I have a scenario where I will be showing a Customer data in a GridView. I have a Dictionary collection like this IDictionary<Customer, IList<CustomerOrder>>.

First Question Can I bind this dictionary to the ASP.Net GridView?

Now next question, I want to show following kind of UI i.e. Show multiple CustomerOrders in one row of Customer.

FName LastName OrderNumber MarkOrderCompleted(RadioButton)
ABC DEF 123 Radio Buttons Yes No
345 Radio Buttons Yes No
678 Radio Buttons Yes No
GHI JKL 213 Radio Buttons Yes No
546 Radio Buttons Yes No
768 Radio Buttons Yes No

FName and LastName would be populated from Customer object inside the Dictionary and OrderNumber and MarkOrderCompleted would be populated from CustomerOrders. Below all thre is a submit button, which saves the radion buton status values to the database against the Order.

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Grdiview Event Not Fired Inside Modelpopup Extender?

Oct 27, 2010

I have two grid for e.g Grid A ID Name link

1 A Show
2 B Show
ID , Name Template Field
Show LinkButton

Click on Show button model popup would open, that popup also contain one gridview like

Grid B
ID Value cal
1 10 Minus
2 20 Minus
id , value are Template Field
minus is linkbutton

i write down the code on GridB Row Command without using model popup i get all the event but inside the modelpoup i can't get the row command or any other event.

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Forms Data Controls :: Disabling Validation For Edit Button In Grdiview?

Mar 3, 2011

I want to disable validation for asp:command field Edit button for some rows.How do i that?

Here is the asppx code :

<asp:CommandField HeaderText="Actions" ButtonType="Link" DeleteText="Delete" ShowDeleteButton="True"
EditText="Edit" ShowEditButton="True" CausesValidation="true" />

Here is what am trying to do in greiview itemdatabound event:

if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
LinkButton btn = (LinkButton)e.Row.Cells[2].Controls[0];
btn.CausesValidation=false; //gives error

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Forms Data Controls :: Populate Grdiview / Check To See If Data In A Table Has Changed?

Nov 13, 2010

On a page load, how do I check to see if data in a table has changed? And if any data has changed, populate Gridview1?

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Forms Data Controls :: Reading Hidden Data In Grdiview?

Jul 28, 2010

I have a databound gridview with 3 columns. I enumerate through each row to get values and put into an array. I would like to make column1 NOT visible to the user. but when I set Visible="False", it no longer can retieve that columns value as it enumerates.

Is there a way I can make the first column invisible to the user but still retrieve the values of that column when enumerating?

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JQuery :: How To Open A Subform Model Form,Sub Window Form Using Jquery That Save The Data Ajex

Sep 15, 2010

how to open a subform model Form,Sub Window form using jquery that save the data ajex

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Get Page Url From Inside A Frame?

Nov 1, 2010

How can I get the top page URL from inside a frame?

(in javascript it's implemented using : window.top.location)

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C# And .NET Frame Work 1 Compatibility

Mar 2, 2010

I develop a project for a web site that be use framework 1 1. Number must be either non-negative or -1. Parameter name: millisecondsTimeout


2. Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

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How To Install The Exe In A System That Does Not Have .net Frame Work

Nov 13, 2010

I have a vb.net executable file created using visual studio expression edition...

How to install the exe in a system that does not have .net frame work or even the visual studio express edition installed in it...

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Login Control Open In A Frame?

Jan 24, 2011

My Login Control opens in a FRAME, which is where I'd like it to open, but the control's DestinationPageURL="xxxx.xxx" doesn't use a TRAGET attribute and I'd like the user to be directed to a new page.

Do I have to come up with some fancy code to achieve this?

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Place The Existing Frame Into The Jtabbedpane

Feb 11, 2010

I have raised with an error that i am unable to place the existing frame into the jtabbedpane.when i use to click the tab the class of serverInitiator frame is opening in a new window but how can i view it on the current frame of jtabbedpane.

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How To Set Value Of Parent Page's Frame From Popup

Jun 8, 2010

I want to set label's value from popup.But label is in frame and I dont know how to achieve it from popup. From parent page,i get this label by following javascript function.

But when I use this function in popup page, I cant find topframe.Do u have any solution about how to success it?

if (window.parent.document.getElementById('lbl'))
window.parent.document.getElementById('lbl').innerText = sender.getSelectedItem().get_text();
window.parent.frames['topFrame'].document.getElementById('lbl').innerText = sender.getSelectedItem().get_text();

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How To Find .net Frame Work Version

Apr 3, 2010

how can i find the version of my .net frame work

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How Do I Set The Target Frame For Form Submission

Feb 16, 2010

I have an asp.net page in an iframe where all links target _blank

<base target="_blank" />

But I want the form on it to submit to _self (i.e. the iframe where the page is located) when the one button is clicked. The form is an <asp:Panel> with an <asp:Button> control for submitting it.

Where can I set the target for this form? Since there isn't a <form> tag or an <input> tag in the file (ASP.NET makes them when it renders the page), I don't know how to change the target to override my <base> tag.

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Populate A User Control From A Containing Frame?

Jan 21, 2010

I have a troubling task. I have a page contained within an outer frame, on the outer frame is a user control which i need to populate with some data from within the containing page. The problem is the outer frame is rendered before i can get hold of the required data. How can i accomplish this?

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C# - How To Save First Frame Of A Video As Image

Aug 26, 2010

I want to extract first frame of uploaded video and save it as image file. Possible video formats are mpeg, avi and wmv.

One more thing to consider is that we are creating an ASP.NET website.

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Button To Open A Webpage In A Frame?

Jul 27, 2010

My problem is somewhat specific and I do not have enough javascript knowledge to get this rolling.

I have a textbox. Based on what I enter in this textbox I am passing that to a webpage as a parameter and I need that to webpage to open up in a frame.

Here is the code that I currently have. This code is executed on textbox text changed event and is an autopost back. As you will notice this has issues in cases when I click on the submit button but do not leave the textbox... Not sure but it seems that browsing away from the textbox fires the textchanged event.

Is there a java script I could use instead of this postback?


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Javascript - TinyMCE Losing Frame In IE8?

Nov 9, 2010

I have a web-site. We are using TinyMCE as our text editor. I just upgraded to the newest version and added the media plugin so our users can add videos to their enteries.The upgrade works great on Chrome, FireFox, IE7. However, it does not work with IE8. The frame around the editor disappears along with the toolbar.

Here is the init code I'm using:

// General options[code].....

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Web Forms :: Redirect To Frame Page?

Dec 29, 2010

My login page has frame set . After login right hand side contents and left side tree view loading .. I tried to redirect to home page (frame page) when user session is expired.. But it always loading login control in right hand side..home.aspx.....


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C# - Check For New Data After A Certain Time Frame?

Mar 31, 2011

Right now I'm using a 3rd party provider to get some data. Every time I call the service I need to pay a small fee for the data. I'm wondering if there is a method in sql or c# that can store the data in a personal database, then check (after a specified timeframe) whether or not there is new data at my 3rd party provider.

For example, instead of "calling the service"/"looking for the data" each time the page is loaded, I'd like to look for new data every week or so and store the data on a personal database to use for the next week. This helps me cut on the costs and also speeds up my system.

I'm not looking for any code here, just a simple way to execute/problem solve. My tools are VS, c#, SQL, asp.net/html.

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Web Forms :: Onmousemove Event Over A Frame?

Jan 19, 2010

I cant get the onmousemove event to fire when the mouse goes over a iframe (its empty for the time being).and making a div surround the frame doesnt solve the problem either..

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