Disable A Checkbox In Javascript And Recognize It As Checked On The Server Side?

Mar 17, 2010

I have a checkbox which in some cases may be disabled and checked using javascript, i.e:

var cbTest = document.getElementById("CheckBoxTest");
cbTest.disabled = true;
cbTest.checked = true;

However, when sending a postback, CheckBoxTest.Checked is false on the server side.

Is it possible to disable the checkbox and still have the server side recognize it as checked?

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: Uncheck Checkbox Using Client Side Code When Other Checkbox Is Checked?

Mar 7, 2011

I have two checkboxes on my form.

- How can I uncheck a checkbox using client side code when the other checkbox is checked?
- Is there a way to check server side on form submission that at least one check box is checked?

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Disable The Validation Of DropDownlist If Checkbox Is Checked?

May 27, 2010

I have DropDownlist with Reqired field Validator control for validating initial value of DDL

Now if Checkbox is Checked then i have to disable the Validation of DropDown Selection else must validate the DropDownlist initial value.

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Web Forms :: Disable A Dropdownlist When A Checkbox Is Checked?

Jul 6, 2010

Is there a way to have a dropdownlist disabled if the user checks a checkbox? Is there a tutorial that you can point me to?

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JavaScript - How To Disable Client Script Block Server Side

Aug 13, 2010

I have js script block (very long one that does editing capabilities to an invoice page).

I want to enable/disable this functionality on the server-side. First thing popped up on my mind was to say runat="server" to the tag, and set visible=true/false to asp.net, thinking asp.net does not render the HTML for non-visible items, so the block wouldn't load at all, which was what I wanted. But I quickly realized that saying runat="server" to client-side code was a real bad idea :)

What ar emy options, besides loading script from client side. Cuz I have other buttons that come from the server-that will enable dieable too.

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Data Controls :: Disable Other CheckBoxes If One CheckBox Is Checked In GridView

Mar 6, 2014

i want to disable other checkbox if one is selected inside gridview . i want to make that on clientside using javascript or jquery.below is the code

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" ><head runat="server">
<title>Untitled Page</title>
<script src="selectedradio.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript"> $().ready(function(){
$('input[type=checkbox]').each(function () {


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Data Controls :: Disable CheckBox Inside GridView Once Checked

Oct 26, 2013

I am using Checkbox in Gridview item template once it checked it cant be unchecked..once i click the button the checked box should automatically unchecked.

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Data Controls :: Enable Disable Button When At Least One CheckBox Is Checked In GridView

May 7, 2015

I want a solution for checkbox Check changed.in my gridview when i check on any row it hits check changed event and i have made a button visible if atleast one checkbox is checked.(But when i uncheck i want the button to get hidden if no row is selected).

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Javascript Disable Checkbox Not Working After Codebehind Disable?

Aug 25, 2010

I have a simple javascipt which enables/disables some checkboxes when another checkbox ticked/unticked. This works fine, however, in some instances when by page is loaded my code behind disables the same check boxes. When this happenes my original check box nolonger seems to have any influence in enableing or disabling - there is no error and all the elements seem to be found by the javascript - it just doesn't enable/disable the checkboxes.

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Forms Data Controls :: Checkbox.Checked = False, Even Though Checkbox In The Gridview Is Checked?

May 3, 2010

I have a GridView that I was previously populating via an ObjectDataSource, and this code was working perfectly (ie, when the checkbox was checked Checkbox.Checked = true):



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Forms Data Controls :: GridView : Checkbox : Checked Value Is Still False After Checked The Checkbox?

Mar 11, 2011

<asp:CheckBox ID="chkRDR1" runat="server"/>
Dim checkbox As CheckBox = CType(row.FindControl("chkRDR1"), CheckBox)

View 2 Replies

Disable TextBox On Client-side Click On CheckBox?

Apr 3, 2010

How to disable asp:TextBox on client-side click on HTML checkbox or server-side asp:CheckBox using JavaScript?

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function enableTextbox() {
// ?[code]....

View 3 Replies

C# - Enable Textbox With Checkbox Checked With Javascript?

Jan 20, 2011

I am trying to enable/disable textbox when checkbox is checked (enable) or unchecked (disable). WIth the piece of code i have nothing is happening once the checkbox is checked/unchecked.

Here is what I have:

<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="AssociationInfo.ascx.cs" Inherits="Administration.Modules.AssociationInfo" %>
<%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="asp" %>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function enableTextBox() {
window.onload = function () {
var check = document.getElementById("chkAssociation");
check.onchange = function () {
if (this.checked == true)
document.getElementById("txtAddress").disabled = false;
document.getElementById("txtAddress").disabled = true;
<h2>Association Info</h2>
<br />
<asp:CheckBox Checked="false" ID="chkAssociation" runat="server" />
<asp:TextBox ID="txtAddress" Text="Test" runat="server" />

The code is in web user control. Could that be reason why is not working correctly?

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Javascript - Validate DropDownList If Checkbox Checked?

Aug 31, 2010

ASP.NET3.5 Webforms. Am trying to put a validator on the drop down list, only if the checkbox is checked.

This doesn't work. If I put an alert in the onclick event, it does show.

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function setVal(sender) {
var myVal = document.getElementById('<%=(DropDownList)CreateUserWizard1.CreateUserStep.ContentTemplateContainer.FindControl("ddlSupplierCouncilArea")%>');


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Web Forms :: Checkbox Is Checked Even After Unchecking; Javascript + Repeater

Apr 14, 2010

I am using Repeater and i have checkbox in every row. I have to post all the rows to a DB Table.

The problem is:When i uncheck a row and then press the save button , all the rows are getting saved.

I checked with debugger that actually i see the checkboxes unchecked , but the debugger shows them checked.

Checkboxes have JAvascript onclick events associated with them.


My javascript function updates the labels on the page.My getvalues from repeater code is as follows. i am checking all the rows whether checked or unchecked.

why checkboxes are showing always true whereas they should have been false (as they are unchecked).

View 6 Replies

JavaScript - Check If A Checkbox Is Checked In A Group Of Checkboxes In Clientside?

Apr 3, 2011

note that the scenario is ASP.NET Webforms + Master - Content page which mess up the ids.

I have, say, three checkboxes

<asp:CheckBox ID="chkConsultantQuality" runat="server"
<asp:CheckBox ID="chkConsultantEnvironment" runat="server"
<asp:CheckBox ID="chkConsultantSafety" runat="server"

I would like to make a div id="CompanyPanel" on click event of each checkbox according to the following condition

visible if any of the checkboxes are checked.

hidden if all of the checkboxes are unchecked.

I am planning to use jQuery since I am selecting by class name. I could do it with jQuery.each on the class='company' by checking each for a checked flag.

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Data Controls :: Enable Disable TextBox Controls In GridView Row When CheckBox Checked Unchecked

May 21, 2013

i have a gridview with templatefield  in templatefield there is a checkbox and in there are textboxes. 

i want when i check the checkbox then only that row can active and the textboxes are enabled true when deselect the checkbox then that row should enable false.

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How Check At Lease One Checkbox Is Checked Inside .NET Repeater Control In Javascript

Sep 20, 2010

In my asp.net website; i have REPEATER control having child control checklistbox , dynamically generates in code behind.I would like to know how can i write javascript function where i have to check at least one checkbox should be checked.

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Forms Data Controls :: Detect The Checkbox Checked In Javascript From Gridview?

Mar 29, 2011

<asp:GridView ID="GridViewRDR1_Hidden" runat="server" >
<asp:CheckBox ID="chkRDR1Hidden" runat="server" AutoPostBack="true" onclick="javascript: calculateTotal();" />

how do i write a javascript fucntion to check whether the checkbox was checked or not?

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Web Forms :: How To Checkbox Postback In Javascript Disable

Feb 2, 2011

I need code to work in javascript disable for postback of checkbox. As i know with lots of google search that it is not possible..

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Data Controls :: Change Cell Values Of Checked CheckBox Rows In GridView On Button Click Using JavaScript

Oct 20, 2012

I am having gridview and i have check box for each row. There are 2 buttons ,accept and reject outside the gridview. If I click accept button, all the checked rows fields value should change to accept and if i click reject button all the checked rows column value should change to reject. There are 3 columns only one column will change.

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SQL Server :: Storing And Retrieving CheckBox.Checked Values

Aug 10, 2010

I've got a table where i'm storing a CheckBox.Checked value.

I'm using C# and the value of the field in the table im writing to is a bit.

myDS.InsertParameters["p1"].DefaultValue = CheckBox1.Checked.ToString();

The value placed in my table ends up being either "True" or "False".

So when I try to query the table based on that value with a stored procedure it doesn't work since its looking for a 1 or a 0.

I think the .ToString() is part of the problem but i don't know the syntax to have the value from the CheckBox.Checked to be written as 1s or 0s instead of true or false.

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Javascript - Disable Client Side Validation For Some Fields In MVC?

Mar 21, 2011

How can I conditionally disable client-side validation of some fields ?

Here is the example of what I need to do:

user writes name and address and submits. Both are validated both server and client side. If validation passes e-mail is send to given address and (name, address) pair is stored.as a response same page is displayed (I don't want redirect!) this time with confirmation. User can retype their name and submit. In such case e-mail will be resend to the address that corresponds to given name.

It does not work because: client side validation will not pass when user clicks resent button on the second (confirmation screen). It would say that e-mail is required even if there is no field for it. How can I disable javascript validating email before the confirm page gets send to user ?

Example ASP.NET MVC page

<%if (Model.Confirm == false){ %>
<% using (Html.BeginForm()) { %>
Your email: <%: Html.EditorFor(m => m.Email) %>
Your name: <%: Html.EditorFor(m => m.Name) %>
<input type="submit" value="Send Email" />


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Web Forms :: Are Validators Also Checked Server-side

Oct 25, 2010

Are RequiredFieldValidators and RegularExpressionValidator also checked automatically server side?

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C# - Disable / Enable An Ajaxifeid Button From Client Side (JavaScript)?

Jun 22, 2010

i have an AJAXIFIED button(btnsend) thas is disable by it's Property -> Enabled="False"

i have a TextBox Next To This Button And I Want Enable that Button When Users Type Something in That TextBox...

so i did this (JavaScript):

function onkeyupontextbox() {
var btnSend = document.getElementById("btnSend");
btnSend.disabled = false;

but that button does not work after becomes enable...

what can i do about that?

(i am using radajaxmanager for ajaxify that button) (when i remove that button from RadAjaxmanager Or UpdatePanel So EveryThing Is Ok , But I Want That Button In Ajaxify Mode)

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