Displaying A Gallery Of Images?
Dec 22, 2010
my website generates a bunch of images on the server side which I like to display dynamically as a table. For this I have created a function called "CreateDynamicTable". The code can be found here [URL]
Basically I have a bunch of threads that generate Bitmaps which are all saved inside the Application State. All images are very small and the number of images is also pretty small. My question is what would be the easiest way to display the images on the Client side.
I have tried to save all Bitmaps as JPEGs which are then linked with a System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image inside a table cell. Unfortunately no images are displayed inside the browser.
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Mar 10, 2011
I have to create a webpage that shows gallery of images in a folder. The folder contains different images and also versions of them (like a basic image of xxx1_v1 and then a modification of it as xxx1_v2 and so on...Also, there are xxx2, xxx3 ....). While displaying these images on the gallery, each thumbnail should show the higher version of the image. For example, if there are xxx1_v1, xxx1_v2 then xxx1_v2 must be on the gallery page. Further, when we click on the higher/later version of an image, it must be redirected to another page which shows the other versions of that image. Should i use AJAX / Jquery .
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The documentation says I can use a JSON array too:
But I don't know how to make this "dynamic". I have the filenames and folder location in C# in my code behind - no idea how to pass this to the jQuery plugin. I can collect the file names and pass to a new ASP page (ie no need to load from the current page).
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Mar 16, 2011
I am pulling small thumbnails into my page from the flickr API, and using Colorbox to display larger thumbnails and captions from the title attribute. Using the API with C#.
However, on the first instance of opening colorbox it does not display the caption from the anchors title attribute.
If you click next or previous then it appears. The actual caption is physically there in the source code, just not getting put into the colorbox window.
Demo here, if you click on a thumbnail you will see there is no caption, click next then prev and it will appear.
Here's the code:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
$("a[rel='group']").colorbox({ opacity: 0.75 });
<a href='http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5015/5511378425_e63d4a62f7.jpg' title='Little Hermit (Peter Dunn)' rel='group' class='tooltip'>
<img src='http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5015/5511378425_e63d4a62f7_s.jpg' alt='Little Hermit (Peter Dunn)' />
If i view source, the title attribute is populated with the caption, but if i ook in firebug it is not in the colorbox code.
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Jan 26, 2010
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When the user click on image, the image display on.
I want to add a button under the "changing" image when the user click the button (onclick) will fire a protected void event (in aspx.cs page) and the next event will done: 1) a new window will open in some size (height + width) without all the explorer tools (only url address) 2) to put in the url address the querystring + the image name for example: Newpage.aspx clubId=1&galleryFolder=1180120100905&image=imagename.jpg, i know how to get the clubId and the galleryFolder but How can i get the name of the image?
the full code is: aspx.cs
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but i getting images statistically,
i wana get it dynamically,
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Apr 3, 2010
i placed an image control in my aspx page and asssigned an url to it,but the thing gets worse,that image is not displaying in browser.
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Apr 11, 2010
I have a datalist where i am displaying an image using the following:
<asp:Image ID="prodimage"
Width="200" Height="150"
ImageUrl='<%# (DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "vcimagelocation")) %>'
but i want to do the following as i am implementing the zoom functionality. How have another field in my database which is vcimagelocationsmall which will go in img src. But how can i do the following in .net using my image locations?
<a href="demoimg/kawasakigreen.jpg" class="jqzoom" style="" title="Kawasaki Green" name="demo1"><img src="demoimg/kawasakigreen_small.jpg" title="Kawasaki Green" style="border: 1px solid #666;"></a>cheerstj
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Dec 9, 2010
I had bad problem I had table in database which display images for products the data type of model image VarBinary(Max) when I published new web site and tested the pages on sararie,firefox,IE8 the image in some of images appeared with small size from the original on image size
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Jan 4, 2011
write this post in the wrong section, if I do please don't hessitate to tell me.Now to my problem. I've been searching the internet for a way to display my images from my server to my asp.net website.The way I have it in my server (local) is that I have stored all the links to the images in the server (The images are on some other websites).Now my question is:How can i display the images on my website in asp.net? Is it even possible to display the images through a link or do i have to store the whole image in my database?If someone has some tips or links to other websites that go through I am using C# if someone is wondering.
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Jul 7, 2010
I have created a simple ASP.NET Website in Visual Studio 2010. I have got a Default.aspx page that contains an image. When the image is located in the Images folder it displays perfectly. When I move the image to another folder, or a sub-folder of the Images folder, it still displays in the Designer, but not in Internet Explorer. In IE, it shows nothing. When I view the source in IE the image tag is there, but nothing is displayed. I navigate to the root folder of the site (which I can do on the dev Web server), go into the Images folder, then go to the image - it displays perfectly. But when I navigate to another folder, or a sub-folder in Images, and try to go to the image, it does not display. I opened the page in google chrome, opened the dev tools, and saw that the image was there, but it was 1x1 pixel and 43 bytes, which doesn't make sense because the image is 38KB.
Code of Default.aspx:
<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %>
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Mar 30, 2010
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Jan 10, 2011
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Apr 27, 2010
I'am developing a commercial website with asp.net 2.0 and sql server 2005, in which i want to display 5 images as a scroll according to the numbers below in which number 1 consists of first image 2 consists of second image and so on it automatically scrolls and changes
similar to the example as in website [URL]
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Jan 28, 2011
I am trying to change the Impage at certain time interval(5 images),its working fine in my system when i launched in windows server2008-IIS7.5 it is showing only one image other 4 are not displaying, i have navigated the images in root site folder but it is showing only one image other images are not.
Protected Sub gettickvalue(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim RandomNumber As New Random()
Dim n As Integer = RandomNumber.[Next](1, 5)
imgBanner.ImageUrl = System.[String].Concat("/images/pcb", n.ToString(), ".jpg")
End Sub
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Aug 30, 2010
I have a theme set on my site, in the
this will display the image in development, however when I deploy my site the images arent displayed
I have tried
this doesnt seem to work in either development or deployment
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