I have a txtbox that is used to input a date. I would like to have to addiional textboxes that auto populates with 45 days + the date and 90 days + the date.
I'm using the calendar extendar to populate the "StartDay" textbox. However when i choose that "StartDay", i do not want that date to be valid when i choose another date to populate the "EndDay" textbox. Can it be done? i've tried any methods but it didn't seem to work.All i've manage to do was to check if the date was in the past.
I have a calender control tht you can click on. When you click on a date you see all the events that happens that date. But i want the calender to show what dates have events. I want these dates to have a seperate styling. In the code behind i catch the DayRender event. I have a list will all important dates called "eventDates".
i have ending date comming from sqldatabase and other is current ,now i want to show in a column of gridview days left i.e.(ending date - current date)
I need some pointers to start on this.We are building a time off application where three instances of a calendar control will be displayed ( prev - current and next month) now users can click on various dates accross all three instances and then a count of number of days should be diaplyed in the parent textbox.
To begin with this, i started with adding the dates clicked by the user in Calendar2_SelectionChanged method into a list<> so that i can get the all dates user clicked and then add it to calander's selected dates collection. But this throws an e" object reference not set" error.
Is there anyother way to get all the dates that user click onthe calendar( note the dates doesn't get highlighed so seleteddates doesnt work)does anyone has a good example for this.
i want to use a ajax calender extender in which when user clixcks on button caleder show only dates of current month not previous dates.i dont want to disable dates. i should not apper on current month calender. means it should start from 1 and end to 30 or 31
once a user select an item from dropdownlist > Dates from DB are shown on calendar in pink color.
The problem now is when i want to select new dates the selected dates(in pink) become deselected .. I want them to stay selected so i can know which dates are already used .
i have to date say in MM/DD/YYYY format "1/1/2010" and 1/30/2010". now i want to find dates which comes on monday. so out out will be 01/04/2010, 1/11/2010, 01/18/2010, 01/25/2010
I am generating multi-series graphs with the date along the X-Axis. The problem is that not all of the series in the graph have the same dates in the date range. Meaning that if I choose 1 Feb through 30 Apr that one series may have data that starts at 1 Feb but only goes through the end of March but another series may have data for the entire date range. This skews the charts I need to create. Go, given the date range taken at the begining of the query I'd like to generate a list of dates and populate the data to be graphed, padding those series with 0's for those dates that have no data.
I have a repeater which is binded using a Collection of Entity Data Framework.
Once the repeater is binded using the datasource, the user can control the no of rows present in the repeater using a Dropdown list on the page. For ex: if datasource has 2 rows, user want to add 3 more rows, user selects 5 from dropdown, which adds 3 additional rows to the Repeater. I am able to do this.
The repeater has textbox controls in each row. Now once the user enter the values in this textbox of the newly generated rows, the user can save the values entered with the no of rows specified.
I have a button which is outside the repeater and on click of this i need to validate all the textbox values and save them into dB accordingly.
Here is my code
Right now the problem is im not able to fetch the values of the textboxes present in the newly generated rows.
How to display dynamic header for datalist control(Dates are dynamic).Also i want header in each row.I want something like this.Words in bold are headers.Header also in each
row.8/1/2010,8/8/2010,8/15/2010,8/22/2010 are dynamic dates whic change every month based on user selecting date from datecontrol.
I am saving to dates (fromdate) and (todate) into DB .. And then I want to view all the days (from to) and the dates in between , highlited in a calendar control ,, how can i do that ? I know how to highlight dates saved into calendar but how can i do the same to the dates inbetween ?
I've done this using bound controls like Repeaters etc but now I need to display information about a single file for example. SO i will pass the fileid in the querystring, then I need to populate some textboxes, autocomplete textboxes etc. and then save changes. what's the most efficient way of doing this?
I have issues when developing under Visual Studio 2010 and getting the favicon.ico to display. I have used favicons in production sites (sites running on Windows Server 2008, for example) and have no issues. But when I try to get it to display when testing new code under Visual Studio 2010, then I have difficulties getting it to display. Then sometimes it will display just fine with no assistance (see next paragraph). Before anyone says it...Yes, I have a file in the root directory called "favicon.ico". No, it will not display (in certain projects) when the site is run under VS2010...UNLESS I TREAT THE URL IN THE BROWSER THE SAME AS WHEN RUNNING UNDER FIDDLER2. That is to say, it will only work if I add a period character (.) in the url after the "localhost" entry [URL]. This url will cause the favicon to display every time. If I leave out the period (.), then the favion will not display -- and Fiddler2 will also not display the activity when the page is displayed/refreshed. As I said, this is a sporadic issue. I have some projects where the favicon displays fine. Then I have others where it does not...unless I put the period in the url after the locahost word. Can someone explain to me why:
(a) The period is required in the url to get Fiddler2 to "catch" the activity;
(b) Why does this same phenomenon affect the favicon as well; and,
(C) Why do some projects display the favicon fine when run under VS2010 WITHOUT the period being added?
I just do not understand what the period character in the url string is actually causing to happen and why it doesn't happen when it's missing.
How to keep displaying report filters while displaying the report in CrystalReportViewer.I have a web part that which uses CrystalReportViewer to display the report data. I want to keep displaying the Report parameters (filters) as I rendered the report content.
ASP.Net Page layout is not displaying properly in QA machine but is displaying correctly in Dev Machine. What could be the issue? We are using ASP.Net 2.0
I want to be able to get dates saved in DB, between two dates (fromdate - todate)?
i.e. will have to calendars, and the user selects (fromdate - todate) ,, and then all dates used in DB inbetween appears in a list or repeater or something ??
I am simply trying to determine age from a selection of Month, Day and Year representing birthdate, which I have captured from three drop down list boxes, by subtracting the studnetBirthDate from Today. How can I get Age? Using a calendar to select birth date seemed too clumsy because of the year navigation, age ranges from 3 to 26 yrs old. If anyone has a better idea I would be open to that as well. Instead I am using three dropdown boxes, one each for day, month and year.
Dim studentBirthDate As Date Dim stMonth As String.........